Do you believe in the soul?

this is interesting though, if you explore it deeper.

could it be a survival mechanism? in the sense that you offer empathy knowing you are likely to be in a position where you will require it?
or is it something innate? would a human being develop empathy for oneself, if he was not exposed to society?



I agree, and I also believe that faith is something best discussed within our own circle of influence.

This forum isnā€™t suited for theological discussions such as this, in my opinion.

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Thatā€™s an incredibly simplistic view of the nature of animals that most zoologists will disagree with.

I mean weā€™ve seen altruism among chimps in the wild.

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Even elephants grieve their dead and perform a funeral rite of sorts.


Those are animals, humans are different than animals. We have created and inhabited societies, have multiple languages, have the ability to make and appreciate art, have the ability to appreciate tastes and scenery. Very very small list. We also have a soul to stay on topic

Itā€™s behaving itself quite well do far.


genuinely curious, why do you think this?

iā€™m asking cause all communication is an attempt to influence, acknowledged or not. it is easier to do within our own circle.

why not discuss it in the most random of places, where you can be somewhat free of social constructs? you can say whatever you think here and now, and it will have no bearing on your life tomorrow. you donā€™t have to be careful with what you say, nor do you have to agree, tacitly or not, with whatever is said, just to appease the people you care about.

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ya they do, they also eat food too

We are animals too. We just happen to be smarter than most other species, though that is up for debate on an almost daily basis.


i still believe we would be better off with some music

i just wanna hear a Hallelujah go off as Vennz is pressing Reply, somewhere else than just in my head.

you know, just to be able to tell myself I havenā€™t lost all my marbles


Iā€™m not sure the apes that stayed in the trees werenā€™t smarter than our forebears.

So animals do not have souls. Is that what you are saying?

oh how convenient, just so happen to be the only living being like us. All the planets aligned and where the only ones in known space. Everything came from nothing alsoā€¦makes sense lol

Everything did come from nothing. Surely an experienced Christian like yourself knows this having read the bible and all.

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I wouldnā€™t know what happened to animals after death. I just know we got two places to go

Iā€™ve been everywhere. Iā€™ve had premonitions in dreams since I was 5. I told my mom some of them which one day horrified her when I told her a dream sheā€™d have of a phone conversation with my aunt about divorce. She told me I wasnā€™t allowed to talk about my dreams any more. I confessed this to my priest because I was really upset I hurt my mom. He, being 85 at the time declared me a witch and sent the whole school staff after me for re-institution/rehabilitation. Which was just more catechism and bible study for years.

Needless to say that actually drove me into witchcraft and paganism which actually had answers for my dreams. From there the skies were open. I studied everything. I came to love mythology, history and religion. Love, love it.

I always practiced Catholicism. But I know so much about Judiasm and the origins. The symbolism, the mysticism, because I went off into the wilderness. I hope doors keep opening between religion and science. Itā€™s there.

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Lol at least you are honest about your opinion, and no, everything came from God

Why not try before writing it off? Get baptized by full immersion, ask for the holy spirit, (the evidence of which will be an ability to speak in a language you never learned, tongues if you will) then debate it. Youve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, even the salvation of your very soul. Try it and see. You might just find aomething. :slight_smile:

ā€¦Who, allegedly, created everything from nothing.