Do you believe in the soul?

Dude please stop with all of this


I’ll report you.

You’re disrespecting the ToS now


Faith is praying and following the truth path God has planned for you. He will never let you down and always keeps his promises

lol i don’t think that would be possible on the forums

Can you cast mountains into the sea? No? Then your own faith is much smaller than a mustard seed. Take the plank out of your own eye before removing the spec from your brother’s.

Well, if there is a path, it is not leading me to church. I can tell you that.

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hey man, wouldn’t be the first time ive been suspended on here

No, it’s just called ‘Common Sense’.

of course it’s possible

you just need a little bit of imagination

sing me a song my brother, gimme the key

My path led me away from church more than three decades ago.

Then stop. Learn your lesson and move on

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well then a lot of common sense people tout around seems to be just made up with no references

Same…minus the 3 decades part. Probably around 2 for me. :sweat_smile:

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I keep saying what i believe. No amount of hate or suspensions is gonna stop that

this…isn’t surprising

but you do you man. you do you. this is a safe space

we all came together here.

really gelled, coagulated

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Then suffer the wrath of another suspension or even ban

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As God himself intended.

oh sweet

does it come with a side dish of fiery vengeance?

“you do you” is a big problem. What gives us humans the authority to say what is moral and virtuous?

whatever we decide it does


ill be BACK!!! *shakes fist in the air