Do you believe in the soul?

I’m not an atheist. If anything I’m agnostic but that doesn’t really describe accurately my faith. I believe in something I just don’t feel a need to put a name to it.

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That was a bit rude saying that she didn’t? Did I misunderstand what you meant?

on a universal scale, you may think as matter/energy as finite, in the sense that they are neither created nor destroyed, but rather constant. stretching, expanding, transforming, but constant.
iron is the most stable element because left alone, it has the tendency to neither absorb energy, nor give off energy, but it has it’s own mass, and thus it’s own energy. same goes for other atoms or particles or objects.

take the sun for instance, an example of nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms, under immense pressure. taken together, all those atoms have a “potential” energy, some of which is “lost” or given off as photons. it is not truly lost on an universal scale, as those photons end up somewhere else.

so with your system scaling off sufficiently, energy is not lost, no.

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ya maybe it was but i just don’t believe them

Oh, well that’s a horse of a different color.

if you chase your feelings, youll be influenced down the wrong path. You need to read more, pray more, and in way…brainwash yourself.

uh say what?

Yeah, off to mute land you go.

Who in turn were interpreted by those wanting power, those pushing their own interpretations and the all around ignorant.

While I do believe that the Christ is everything He said He was, I’m not very inclined to accept what self-serving and ignorant men twisted it from the religion of Christ to the religion about Christ.

Look at what happened to “sin.” The word used most commonly in the New Testament is the Greek word, “hamartia” which means to be off the mark, to not be on target. What was being taught wasn’t about evil but about us leading ourselves astray and missing the point. Christ and the disciples taught about a path to lead us back to the “mark” not about Hellfire. All that horribly dark stuff came centuries later.

Whether you believe me or not is immaterial to my having read the book. I’m sorry if it offends you that I didn’t come away with some great awakening of faith after reading it.


first casualty of the evening :)))))))))

have a good day

I am completely in pieces

i believe in dr pepper :+1:

I am not certain that there is more to the world than meets the eye. On the other hand, I’m even less certain that this is all there is.

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your dentist must be proud

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I apologize for being rude.

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According to those men who wrote it.

Actually you can drink soda and be perfectly okay, teeth wise. Just as long as you rinse with water or drink water right after

Who were led and instructed by the spirit and God