Do you actually play allied races?

I sort of tried to, but couldn’t bring myself to actually commit.

See, the only reason I can see to play one is the looks, which are further boosted by the heritage armor. To get that, you need to… actually level the dang toon. And leveling is just so boring any more. I used to be a rabid alt-aholic, but the last time I genuinely tried leveling from scratch I had to give up once I realized I’d be using the same four or five abilities for the next 100 levels. There was nothing to look forward to in terms of gameplay growth.

And that was just Hordeside, where I unlocked everything pretty much just by playing my mains the way I always do. The very thought of trying to unlock stuff for the Alliance is too discouraging to consider. Which is a shame, Dark Irons look pretty cool. But I am not grinding out the main rep for the Alliance in BfA just to slog through 120 levels of a simplified rotation.

I do, filthy Blood Elf.

Yep i do! i main a frost mage as a Nightborne. But once the trolls are released, im gonna be going pally 100%

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I leveled a few different allied to 110 for the heritage armor/achievement and never logged in them to level anymore. Working on my dark iron next.

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I would play Nightborne more save 2 problems: The primary cast animation which I’ve named “I have a headache” (same as nelf men and just as annoying). And 2: All of their face options are aged and unattractive compared to the lower rez ones the NPCs have.
That said, I’ll be playing the f out of zandas when they come out, even with the sheety dishonest anti-warlock move the devs pulled.

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I only have two unlocked, Nightborne and Dark Iron. The highest I’ve leveled one was a Dark Iron to lvl 63 and I gave up. I’d race change to one but then I lose out on the heritage armor and the unique hunter starter pet. I’ve already ground out 5 characters to level 120 this expansion (none of them allied races).

I’m so burnt out and the unlock requirements, it’s just, no. I’m done. A quick cost/benefit analysis said cost way to high for so little benefit. They’re just variations of existing races. Sad really, considering I wanted a dark iron dwarf all the way back in BC when I started. Now, meh.

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I’d make all my characters Nightborne if I could pay for the race changes to do so, but so few class options are available.

Would like the Paladin mount for Lightforged Draenei to follow suit for the other allied races that have paladins. We have the same one as the regular Draenei where you see Dark Irons with a different color on theirs T-T

But yea, been playing this LF for a while now :smiley:


I had to think about it and the answer is no. I have them all unlocked. I have a DI and Nightborne in the 20s and a 120 velf that was race changed and I use as a bank alt.

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The allied races we have are far too heavily stylized - the most longstanding requested races (high elves, wildhammer/dark irons, mag’har orcs) are popular because they exist in the lore. They’re fleshed out and versatile.

Most of the allied races are niche/novelties that feel out of place in most of the world and on most classes. The only one I’d consider would be changing my shaman to a mag’har.

What point is a nightborne? They’re ugly and only make sense as mages. And even then, undead magi have cooler animations and more history…so there that’s one race obsolete right out of the gate. Highmountain look neat if you want antlers but Mulgore > Highmountain anyday.


I’m glad I spent the time to go back to Legion (much of which I was unsubbed for) to unlock Void elves. I have a hunter and a warlock. They are the perfect race for my tastes, night elves being a close second.


Yes, a Void mage and lock, and three Dark Irons. Will be rolling a Kul Titan and Zandalari druid sometime next year when they are released.

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I play Nightborne a fair bit. I don’t know why. I cry every time I see a real Nightborne in Suramar.


Got this one to where she is then abandoned her. I have no desire to play any to max, although I like unlocking them.

For me the new races are boring and a waste of time. They aren’t even new. I wasn’t sold on the idea when they announced and still not.


I have a Void Elf Warrior who I will be race changing into a Kul Tiran soon as I unlock it. The Kul Tiran’s have been the only race I was honestly excited for. Them and the Zandalari are the only ones I feel like Blizzard put any sort of real effort into.

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I play my LF pally and velf lock constantly.

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I leveled a nightborne mage to 110 and then abandoned her
I have a dark iron warrior and a void elf priest waiting to get leveled soon ™
It’s probably going to be a long time until soon

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I have all of the current ones unlocked, will have Kul Tiran’s on day one, and I’m about 4k rep off from unlocking the Zandalari.

I don’t really play Horde side much though. I only have one 120 there to see the story, and for meta purposes like the Horde Horse/Alliance Wolf coming in 8.1.5. I am leveling a Nightborne priest on another server to unlock the heritage armor but I doubt I will play her too much beyond that.

My main here is obviously a Void Elf, as are several alts that I play regularly. I also have a Lightforged on another server at 111 who I leveled to unlock the heritage armor and for extra shots at transmog farming. I am currently leveling a Dark Iron Dwarf shaman on another server for the heritage armor and to unlock mail transmogs.

I don’t plan on ever leveling a Mag’har Orc, Zandalari, or Highmountain. Nor will I ever level a Junker Gnome should they become an allied race. I might level a Vulpera if/when they become playable but that’s very very iffy. I don’t plan to level a Kul Tiran unless they add an option to use the standard “steroid junkie” body type. Otherwise, I just have no interest in “beer guts and binge eaters”.

The future of Alliance allied races seems grim (junker gnomes, light infused undead, and fish people are not appealing to me), so I may not be touching allied races for a while.


Void elf main and one of my 120 alts is a nightborne mage.


Sad thing is I’ve unlocked them but have no desire to play them. Why? Heck I wore myself out unlocking them. Lol