Do you actually play allied races?

How many of you play with the allied races on a regular basis? Ive had all the horde ones unlocked for months and I honestly have no motivation to play any of them. Ive partially been holding out for zandalari which im definitey going to play as a druid but its weird. Nightborne I just dont like the looks, not a big tauren fan, and maghar racials makeme cry unless its a hunter but i already boosted a blood elf hunter. How bout yall?


i’d probably be playing the hell out of nightborne but they were executed so horridly, such a massive downgrade from the NPCs we worked with in Suramar

None of the allied races that are released right now are really interesting to me, except maybe dark iron but I don’t play alliance enough to unlock them. I don’t use allied races at all right now, even been considering changing my nightborne priest to undead next time there’s a sale

Horde’s allied races so far have had pretty garbage tier racials so that’s no motivation to play one either, aside from Zandalari whose racials will most likely be nerfed into oblivion sooner or later


I don’t have a high enough level Alliance character to try any of their allied races, but I’m not interested in any of the Alliance ones.

For Horde, I only have mag’har because I’ve never played Legion content. I don’t care about the Highmountain Tauren, but I would love a female Nightborne caster in a skimpmog. I have a mag’har shaman that I love to play. I’m really excited for my Zandalari paladin.

nightborne are butt ugly old men with anime hair and i’m waiting til the 8.1.5 heirloom price drop to level anything past 60


i’ve switched mains from an orc warlock to this DID warlock. so for me it’s been working good. i have different ones i’m leveling etc too on both horde and alliance. like right now i’m logging into my DID hunter to quest for a bit. i need an ally hunter.

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I don’t have a single Allied race unlocked. The motivation for doing all that work just to pick a different race just isn’t there. I mean, we got Worgen, Goblins, Draenei, Blood Elf, and Pandarean without jumping through all these hoops. All this work for these recolours just seems silly.


My main and my second most played toon are both Nightborne, currently in the process of leveling a Warrior. They’re not the NPCs we know back in Suramar but i still love them.


I want to level a shaman will prob be regular dwarf tho

Love my mag’har orc priest alt so yes op i am.

I’m planning on switching my main to a Kul’Tiran Druid since I love those druid forms. Otherwise I decided this expansion to level a series of “exp off” alts at the level caps for the various scaling brackets in each faction, so most of those alts are allied races since I can bypass the 1-15 grind (my least favorite part of leveling, right there).

I also had a few classes (rogue & warlock) that I didn’t have a max level toon of, so I’ve made some allied races there too.

And finally there are a few classes (warrior & paladin) that I just didn’t like the toons that I had at max level, so I made a mag’har warrior and I’ll be making a zandy pally.

TL;DR yeah, I play the allied races - love that small, free boost past the “here’s how you play your class” intro crap.


I have one. She was race changed from BE to NB. But I really don’t play her that often-- Maybe once a month or so right now.

I do not. I have two orcs and one human.

I played a Void elf rogue for awhile before I realized I really don’t like playing rogues. I initially planned to make a Kul’tiran druid but then learned their knockback doesnt work in pvp so I’m having second thoughts (I wanted to Haymaker into Typhoon)

Maybe I’ll roll a Dark Iron paladin or Highmountain druid soon… or maybe I’ll just roll another gnome or panda.



Yep. I worked really hard during Legion to open up the Nightborne because I thought they were so cool in Suramar.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the character creation screen an saw they were just quickly reskinned Night Elves. The updated android Night Elf models are the main reason I went Horde. Their run is horrid and they move like robots, absolutely no “life” in them at all.

As soon as I saw the run on the lvl 20 toon I had thought about for so long and worked for so many months to get I noped out and went back to my Forsaken DK.

And no, the irony is not lost on me that the Forsaken have more “life” in their models than either the Night Elfs or the Nightborne.

What a huge let down.


Gothic blue berry elf reporting in. :grinning: And I love her. But then again, i like the dark side. It has better cookies. Devils cake > than angels food cake.


I’ve got a NB rogue that I enjoy (except for the fact that they removed the flip-jump) but I mostly just play this character.

Yes and no while I race changed my main (this guy) the lower level Allied race alts I have don’t see much game play. I have as yet role a Horde side allied race despite doing all the unlock scenarios for them, being as I can’t stand any of the Horde main cities aside from Silvermoon since I can’t ever find anything I am looking for in any of them.


I play them to max level and then they farm dungeons and raids like the rest of my alts.

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I’ve mained horde for most of my wow career. This is the only allied race I’m going to unlock. I still play horde a lot too.