Do you actually play allied races?

I like Void Elf and Dark Iron racials, so I do play those. I’m planning on playing a Zandalari when they come.

I’m planning on leveling a LF for the armor and achievement but not really a fan of their racials, namely the dying one. Getting a minuscule reward for dying isn’t really my idea of fun.

I have them all unlocked, and I’ve leveled three to 110 for the armor, but I already have a main on both horde and alliance that I play most of the time.

Plus, I’ve leveled so many characters to max, it’s hard to want to do it again and again, and again and again.

jiminy jillikers.

Yes my maghar is lvl 100, I’m just a slow leveler.

And once Zandalar are out I’m levelling a warrior and a monk/pally ,(haven’t decided which yet).

I race-changed my mage to a void elf (he was human). I think I’d like to race-change my hunter to a dark iron (he’s regular dwarf now), but I have to get off my lazy bum and finish the quest for that first.

Other than that, neh. Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei don’t do much for me (although I did just start a Lightforged Shadow Priest for the lulz), and I have really no interest in Zandalari or Kul-Tirans.

I played the heck out of my race changed velf rogue, I keep a second velf warlock around to play around with since this is my raid toon. But beyond that… I’ve leveled a few for heritage armors but definitely not a main. For historical reasons this toon will remain human, my priest a nelf etc.

I do play them. I have one of each allied race/class combination, so 5 lightforged draenei, 7 void elves, 7 nightborne, 5 highmountain tauren, 9 dark iron dwarves and 7 mag’har orcs. I plan to make one of each race/class combo of zandalari trolls and kul tiran humans too.

Yes, this is terminal-stage alt-itis. And it’s expensive to have four accounts. If you think you want to be like me, think long and hard and count your dollars to make sure you don’t starve or something.


Are you okay? Should I call someone?

I am receiving mental health meds regularly, I am okay.


I mean, wow.

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I have all horde races unlocked, and void elves on alliance. I’ve made some horde allied characters but they always end up being deleted, and I end up with another one of the previous races.

I don’t like playing female characters and there’s something off about male nightborne. I like horns more than antlers for tauren. I like green orcs more than brown ones. I don’t know why I bother unlocking allied races…:thinking:

My Horde side main is my Highmountain Tauren druid. She’s the one who unlocked Mag’har Orcs. I’m currently leveling a Nightborne warlock.

So, yes, I do actually play allied races.

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Couldn’t very well rock these Tusks without a Mag’har. I did Nightborne and ready for KT and Zandalari. No thanks to booberry brand blood elves, golden goats and moose cows. Dark Iron are ok I guess.

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I race changed my hunter and warlock to void elf on top of leveling up a mage from scratch for the heritage armor. I would race change my paladin to void elf in a heartbeat if I could. My Draeni shaman can’t be light forged so she is stuck. I plan to level a void elf rogue and priest… soon…

Only toons I haven’t or would not race change are my night elf demon hunter and Druid. Oh and a human death knight.

If High Elves ever come out I would race change every toon I could except maybe my void elf warlock to that.

So yea I would say I ply a fair bit of allied races.


This is what I do. Two accounts worth of alts who all have jobs they do for me.


I play my Allied Races, although I haven’t unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves yet, because I haven’t been playing Alliance side much.

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…says the blood elf.

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I have a HM, a NB, and a MH. Still debating if I want a Zan.

Well, I DO want one, but I’m not sure I’m willing to change any more of my toons around and I don’t keep more than one of each class per faction, so I’m still working it out.

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I have a Dark Iron Hunter and I was maining a Velf Disc Priest until the start of this raid tier. I still run her on alt runs so I’d say I run them fairly often.

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I love my moosecow druid and monk. My alliance druid will be getting an immediate race change to Kul Tiran once available.


I have 2 level 120 Nightborne and one level 120 Void Elf. I am enjoying all of them.

says the human. well that was fun. wait gotta add my ellipsis…

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