Do y'all enjoy world scaling?

At first it bothered me since I didn’t really understand everything that was going on and how it would apply to my character. Now that I have had some time to see it in action. I like it and hope that it stays around.

No. It turns levelling from a journey where it was easy to see how your character progressed, got stronger, and grew into a meaningless activity that was just designed to eat hours of your life.

There’s nothing to look forwards to when leveling until the end now. And then the game feels awful until you get caught up on gear, too.

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Eh. I don’t mind it. I particularly liked it in vanilla. It let me spend my entire time leveling in 2 zones.

I don’t mind level scaling but the ilevel scaling needs to go.

No reason to level alts. Feels like you are progressing through mud. :100: :pray:

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While there are aspects of it I don’t like. Overall I approve of it. The benefits outweigh the negatives for me.

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I’m leveling a warlock right now. Honestly I don’t like that all regions that used to be lower than me now are my level. Sometimes I just like to kill lower level things not always fighting my way up. Also I noticed how fast I leveled up to 60 and now it seems like such a slow process to level up. A bit discouraging.
So that’s a “No” to world scaling.

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Because the assumption is that RPG should only matter with end game systems that are temporary which runs counter to how the foundation of this game was built upon.

WoW stopped supporting RPG elements since WoD was the last update of the talent tier. MoP was the last time that new class abilities were added baseline.

Scaling is very anti MMORPG because it makes leveling through zones pointless, your own levels pointless and the mobs you fight having the same power, over and over again for the most part. Very stale and static.

If BlizZard wants people to experience the story better for each expansion they need to clean it all up.

Ironically chromie time on PTR does not let people even finish the stories of their given expansion once you reach a wall. :man_facepalming: :woman_shrugging:


Its fine in old zones. But I wish they would keep it out of current zones
until the next expansion pre patch. While I do like it in old zones
that I am not going to spend a lot of time in. When it comes to
current expansion zones. I like to feel like my character is getting
stronger against mobs in a zone if I get a few levels ahead.

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But if there is one thing I’d adjust even more…

is how strong you are compared to the rest of the world, like when I’m capped I’d like for things in most areas (besides current content) to die quite easily. I know they did that sort of in BFA, but IMO it should be a tweaked a bit more.

Idk maybe it already is with SLands and the level squish. :man_shrugging:

Scaling while leveling is nice because I can pick the zones I like and avoid the ones I don’t. Scaling after level cap is a non issue once you hit a certain gear threshold, the mobs melt just as easily as if it wasn’t there.

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I don’t mind world scaling. I despise iLvL scaling.


In SL they are going to ilvl scale without cap. No matter what ilvl you reach the mobs will scale 3 lvls above. This keeps world content engaging, fun, and challenging.

It will be a great change of pace. Cant just steamroll world quests even if your done full mythic. The players have spoken and this truly delivers!

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Unequivocally yes, making more of the world relevant is a great thing. I think they need a better reward structure and reason to draw players back out into the world though.

Paragon levelling (put rewards in loot bags from reputation grinds, and let zones reset so you can play through them again again and a gain).

For example especially pre-SL it would be nice to be able to reset Ice Crown and play through the zones story (and maybe even ICC) for some cosmetic rewards that were avalable during the time (maybe even let the quests reward argent tourny tokens or something).

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I hate it, if they erred on the side of caution and let mobs be easier it would be fine but there are way too many situations where mobs have unnecessary HP bloating that only serves to waste your time as you whittle their health down. Same for running into situations where you’re essentially punished for being a certain level or item level and the game just gets harder for you.

Same goes for squishes, it would be fine if it were done perfectly but we always end up getting screwed in some way shape of form.

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I has made my gameplay irrelevant.

As a Open World Quest Hero, outside of a few scaling screw ups, I am fighting pretty much the same fight over and over and over again. I never grow, I am never challenged, I don’t have to be careful or think strategical. It ranges from calmative to mind-numbing.

I am from Cata and, in that era, each zones started out challenging, moved to merely demanding and finally became easy. You felt your character grow in experience and power. And getting thru it was it’s own reward. And due to that growth, your character could go back and farm previous completed zones with ease. And dungeons could be soloed only a few levels higher.

I miss it.


I like world scaling mostly. I think it would be nice if there was some variation in mobs though, so rather than every mob being the same level, there was a variation of like -2/+1 levels, just to give you some variety.

But I really like the idea that A) I can go 1-60 in perhaps 2 or 3 zones max; I don’t need to explore the world just to leave it later, and B) if I ever want to rofl-stomp on things, I can always go back later.

Scaling makes leveling go a lot faster, because everything gives max exp, and so you don’t have to spend so much time getting from A to B just because you ran out of quests that will still get you exp.

In a game where everyone is rushing to max level, it makes perfect sense to do it this way.

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while I agree, it’s definitely weird. I think if more of those traditional RPG elements were in the game, a lot of these min/max folks would have better things to do. I mean, at its hard, the game should be about progressions and growth. We have moved so far away from that sadly.

One of the coolest things in BC when I first went to hellfire peninsula was the fel reaver. Massive boss mob just roaming around, lookin to stomp some new players. The zone was huge, had lots to do, and there was a real sense of progression once you left that zone. I miss that. While I enjoy the end game of wow, I do miss the leveling experience being a fun one. I’d much rather have tough leveling and fun end game then dailies and borrowed power. Hell, I’d be fine if it took you a good month to hit max level if the story and game play were good.

oi… that sounds terrible. =/

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Tbh I don’t mind the mobs scaling to my level, because it gives you options to where(zones) you choose to level. Item level scaling on the other hand can burn in the fires of hades. Plus the way it was implemented(snuck in) was a bunch of bs. They would of never fessed up to it, if players hadn’t noticed, and called them out on it. They left the item level scaling change out of any of the patch notes, which was very shady on the devs part. Also got to admit I do kinda miss looking at the map, and seeing the levels of each questing zones. Once you hit level 30 lets say, you could open up the map, and see what zone you should be questing in. Nostalgia I guess on that.


That does not explain it. If you are doing the foothold quests the area should be scaled to your level. It’s a bug and should be reported.