I started noticing a strange pattern in my matches after consistently winning 5-6 games in a row. My next few matches would feel like an uphill struggle; like I have been paired with players that are significantly lower skill as compared to the opponent team but they have the same MMR (worse skill players than the lower MMR games I just won).
I began to realize that after a long winning streak, some sort of win rate balancing system kicks in that punishes you for winning games and it’s a very frustrating experience. I would end up with teammates who struggled with class playing skills or made terrible decisions, which felt like a direct contrast to my previous win. This seems to happen significantly less after 3000 MMR.
This has happened to me countless times, I went up 500-600 mmr then I dropped a similar amount while playing with a similar strategy in most matches. (happened many times)
My main character of the same class is above 3300 MMR at 3100cr, while my alt has been up to 3k+ mmr but is currently struggling around 2200-2700mmr. This does not make any sense.
Does anyone else have this experience?
More importantly, Do wow BLITZ MMR system punishes you for winning games?
YES there are shenanigans going on with the Match making system, Activision patent calls it “skill based match making” SBMM. It says it aims players at a 50% win loss ratio balanced. So if your team is over performing it tries to place you against others more favorable lobbies to win. Good for them, bad for you.
SBMM is causing a big stink in Activisions call of duty community, content makers on fire about it. Its connected because the Overlord corpo suits in charge of wow moved over from CoD.
OP w long ques and the most of the player base leaving the game, anyone queueing right now is lucky to get what they get if that lol. Mythic+ side is just as bad.
You gots two options, stop caring and just have fun. Or open up steam and see whats new in the gaming market.
Time will tell if Blizzard gets their act together, the OHH its going to be awesome next patch or expansion I dont think is working anymore.
That is unfair, why not blizzard make a system that represents player skill, rather than an unfair punishment system, many games have successfully done that, I don’t see a reason why blizzard is unable to do so, especially wow being a 20 year old game
Just an idea but maybe Blizzard think players are jumping in, getting their moggies and bouncing out of pvp. Maybe they are trying to make it to where the players take much longer to grind out their ratings goals. Keep them playing and paying longer…
AAA companies use an algorithm in their match making, their trade secrets. They say its designed to aim for equal game play. It does not seem to be working properly, because gamers figure out ways around it. Look at the 20th Treasure hunts, no matter how insane hard a puzzle is, players out there will solve it.
Not exactly, but activision has actual patents for their Skill based matchmaking algorithm systems, those are industry secrets that every AAA company guards well.
TRUE from a players perspective, not true for companies, they dont see you as a human, you are a resource. So by rationing fun, adding in some pay walls, they can make more.
Youtube video ““SBMM Whitepaper Explained!”” - by Drift0r He goes over it in great detail explaining SBMM, so yes, they track goals, your skill level, and all kinds of other stuff… They are not out there theories, its crazy n legit.
After getting stuck in 1500-ish SS with how botched Rdruid is there, I’m having a much better time (and more fun) in BGBS. The climb seems to be really slow, but I’m almost at 1800. I’m just primarily interested in the armor set, but I’ll see how it goes after that.
Now, I’m trying to wrap my head around this: When I’m winning matches I get around 20 rating, but when I’m losing, it’s ‘unchanged’. Shouldn’t I be losing some rating? Because it does in SS. Not that I’m complaining - it’s nice not to lose anything for a lost match - but I just didn’t read this anywhere in that PVP rating guide.
Blizzard does not care about the average players, that much is very clear. They don’t play their own game or games at all. They make things hard to get because they think it will keep people playing. They are out of touch.