Do wow BLITZ MMR system punishes you for winning games?

Thats one way to look at it, I think Blizzard will follow the money, they will see the things today that are unpopular and make changes.

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Damn right they will. Notice how much has changed since shadowlands? How much better the game is?

Bad game = no money.


Agree, if I did not care I would not complain, we all agree we want wow to grow, do better, and gain more players.

Looks like Blizzard is listening, streamers saying big changes coming and all… They are in the know about things, good and bad taken for what it is.


Can somebody explain why when I lose a BGB, where my team MMR difference is 1 point more than the other, I lose -12 Rating…

But when I win one in the same situation I only get +7?

I get that they don’t want you to climb fast and stop playing as soon as you hit your Rating objective, but at the very least a win should weight the same as a loss in a similar MMR setting, because how it is right now I basically need a win streak to see any consistent progress.

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Manipulation of the MMR system is something the high end players know well, their full time income playing wow depends on it.

Blitz seems like its designed to be a hamster wheel that never really takes you anywhere other than back to square 1.

You win game after game and get such little rating in return and then you lose a game and you have 3 wins worth of points wiped out like that.

If you happen to have a losing streak god forbid you will have an entire day worth of progress wiped or maybe even day(s).

The mmr is fried.

And the best part about it is these most recent pvp tunings are very clearly built around blitz aka the game mode they have not bothered to try and hotfix any of its glaring issues since its addition into the game.


Lots of variables, can’t blame getting bad teammates on any one issue.


Guy on youtube “Blame Truth - The CODfather” Breaks down what is going on in Blizzards new Call of Duty, about shadow banning players. Blizzard shadow bans or puts you on a list for multiple reasons. Example, if you are spam reported in game, you get thrown into the lobbies where Blizzard puts all of their BOTs n Boosters. There is a whole lot more to SBMM skill based match making than players know.

WoW’s Leadership moved over from CoD… More you look into it, the more similarities you notice.

I know exactly this, whenever I win 8 games in a row, sometimes 6 games, the game puts me to play with people who don’t make the slightest effort to win, no matter what I do, I always do my best and even So I lose, after losing about 8 games in a row I go back to having teams with ‘‘normal’’ people, this is ridiculous and that’s why the pvp in this game is broken

now we have poe2 destroying diablo, we have marvel rivals destroying overwatch, continues like this with wow and soon we will have a game doing the same with wow

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Your MMR is what matters most.

Yeah, I got this after a while… I don’t even know if you can find out this information ingame.

It’s “hidden” because you can only see it on the board after each game.

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there are players with upto 3k mmr and play like 2k mmr xD