Do we need a divorce?

I’m excited for TBC but not if they start putting in their “beneficial” changes


What do you define as “beneficial?”

I don’t think that’s what they have in mind for classic plus if SoD is any indication. I know they went ham with trying things, but it seems the general consensus is every class will have at a minimum far more changes than TBC.

I think it would be enjoyable to play, but I don’t know if classic “but with a paladin taunt and normalized rage” is something most people are going to grind to 60 again, even if there’s new instanced content.

I’m sure what people want for plus (and apparently vanilla, tbc, wrath, etc.) is all over the map, but at some point it’s just the devs job to decide how and where to divide based on what they think is going to be the most enjoyable and sustainable. The most common thing I’ve seen requested is classic, TBC, and Wrath era servers, with a fresh release every 3 years that you can transfer off or copy into respective eras. And then do something very different for plus.


SoD was a failure though so they’re gonna be stepping back from that design :expressionless:


people are currently grinding to 60 with even fewer changes than that… :expressionless: this notion that vanilla isn’t popular has been debunked over and over and over


Okay Eyr. :+1:

Yes. Provide zero change servers on rotation and I can effectively pretend that none of these “muh QoL” players exist.

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Judging by the sheer player pop of SoD phase 1, I’m not sure it was a total failure. I think that they probably hit that sweet spot a little too early with new abilities, and decided the continue jacking player power out of control in the later phases. Plus the open world zones recycled into instanced content didn’t leave a lot of people feeling confident that Bliz would deliver net-new content to Vanilla.

What are you talking about? Of course it’s popular. THAT’S THE POINT.

If there is era and classic anniversary sitting right there, and people have played them because WE LIKE PLAYING THEM, then there isn’t going to be much of an appetite for “classic plus” if the only thing new is a paladin taunt and a few instances.

yeah, they should be finishing ALL the zones and making a LOT more instances and quests :expressionless: there’s tons to work on in azeroth.

also you, as most people here do for whatever reason, are discounting the appeal of fresh. there’s tons of people who love vanilla but aren’t gonna play on 5+ year old era servers, for what should be obvious reasons.


Why do you need more content Eyr?


Sod was a bait and switch. It was a very Classic feeling game, complete with sweaty streamer servers, and chill RP servers. The journey mattered, leveling took time (lol at P3 40-50 taking 25% of the time for 1-20), etc.
After P1 they made change after change that undermined that Classic feeling to console insatisfiable online fake QoL whiners, and the game dropped off dramatically. P1 was for the most part a winning formula, but they legit just don’t know lightning in a bottle when they have it.


yes, i like vanilla, and i want them to finish the world of azeroth, which is currently unfinished. there is nothing hypocritical about this desire, if that’s what you are implying :expressionless:

muh runes was a fail idea from the start :expressionless:

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I don’t know about future examples but one thing that was disastrous was changing the Arena to retail’s garbage system, it doesn’t work with the rating requirements on Gladiator gear for most players.

They need to revert it back to having to make teams that partially reset MMR when making a new one and starting at 1500 like before. As a skilled player I have no problem getting the rating with the new system but for newer players trying to get into PvP its a real turnoff. This goes for WotLK as well.

The initial rune implementation played well enough that it didn’t completely push away Classic players, while being a huge draw for others. They absolutely took it too far, since they decided new runes each phase was going to be the twist for that season, and it got out of hand extremely fast.

As a means of adding new abilities on top of a game that they can’t outright modify at its core, runes were an elegant, while imperfect, implementation.

For any sort of Classic+, if they really insist on changing classes (they shouldn’t) I’d prefer they just bake in only the most “necessary” changes and call it a day.

Edit: Of course even in P1 some runes were just unbelievably broken and reduced entire classes to a single solution to every problem. (Looking at you Druids).


This ain’t a Burger King brah.

Your “request” to have plus just the way you like it is no more valid than any of the other dozens of opinions one what version of the game they think is the most enjoyable. In fact, given your clearly unhealthy posting history and reputation on the forums, it’s probably less valid.

Either way though, SoD was immensely popular despite being released around cata launch, and numerous people have expressed (myself included) how much early phases were the absolute goat of our entire historical wow experience. There’s zero chance you’re getting “vanilla with a SM raid” after the feedback that they’ve already received.

Sorry I had to be the one to tell you.

yeah, cuz it was fresh
then people slowly quit because of all the fail changes they did
then anniversary came out (a fresh version with far fewer changes) and now SoD is a corpse
the end :expressionless:


This forum takes well intentioned people and polishes them into toxic spears. No matter what perspective you’re speaking from, some group will disagree with you and dogpile, disparage, and ridicule you.

Eyr is typically speaking from the perspective of “Classic should be Classic, warts and all”, which a lot of people get really pissy about on the Classic forum.


Post on your SoD character, Eyr – the one you totally have.

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