The Vanilla purists
- Hate the idea of class balancing
- Hate the idea of xp buffs
- Just want to play Vanilla the “way it was”
The TBC Lovers
- Seem relatively happy with the new realms
- Are happy with most of the changes, would like more
- See Vanilla as an overplayed but somewhat necessary step toward TBC
I think Bliz would have done right by the Vanilla Purists to give them fresh Era, and would have made the TBC lovers happier with more changes. Make it a full divorce between these groups. It would have fragmented the player base, but would that be worse than all the half-happy people playing anniversary for different purposes? The Vanilla Purists seem upset by changes like dual-spec and seem panicked by the number of people asking for more changes, but they’re here. The TBC Lovers seem upset by the 1-year wait time till TBC, playing a version of the game they’ve probably played in some fashion since 2019 (SoM, hardcore, Deviate Delight, SoD), but they’re here too.
Are there any cross-over players that LOVE the Vanilla grind AND are equally excited about these servers going into TBC in 1 year?
I don’t know about all of that, but all versions of the game are full of crutches, too many addons and macros, too many shortcuts to level cap. Real vanilla was the greatest and we will never see it again…this watered down classic is a joke.
I consider myself part of the TBC Lovers group, I’ll make no attempt to hide that. However, you are spot on in that addons seem to have ruined the “discovery” of the game in a lot of ways. I am also a part of the “ban all combat addons” group, but we’re in hiding right now. I’d enjoy any version of the game more if there were less addons to guide you through the content
TBC enjoyers just need to be purged.
The only hope I have is Blizzard selling a license to host your own sanctioned pserver. How all that works out in a business sense, I can’t really say. It’s a lot different than hosting a Counter Strike or Battlefield server.
However looking at some games like Arma 3, player led content isn’t a net loss and can even increase a game’s longevity.
I’m a no-changes vanilla purist, but I’ve also done this rat race many times now and would just like a comfy Arena Tournament style PvP server to settle down on.
Purged, from the severs that are racing toward TBC? I’m very confused good sir.
TBC enjoyers need to leave and come back in 1 year if they don’t like Classic.
You won’t be missed.
Purist here. Don’t care about “fresh” vanilla with dual specs and more changes. Go do you. Just keep that noise out of Era. Only thing Im asking for.
If there’s enough demand for 30 mostly-dead Era servers, there’s likely enough demand to support (1) PVE and (1) PVP TBC Classic server.
As a TBC Lover myself, I am genuinely bummed for you, pal. You folks have it rough right now, a single year to enjoy your favorite version of the game that already has changes doesn’t seem right, and an Era sever would have probably made you happier, wouldn’t you say?
No you need to leave and come back later and stop asking for changes on the forum while you wait for TBC.
Don’t worry, we’ll quit when TBC launches.
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TBC Era should be a thing. Wrath too maybe. Cloning all the way around. Give Classic players the option to play all three whenever they want on the same characters.
But, the community asked for several changes to these servers, and Bliz gave them to us. I think you might not be understanding that these servers are being run by folks who inherently don’t share your view. Yet here you are, playing on a #someChanges sever and complaining, quite a lot. For your sake, a Vanilla Era realm would obviously suit you better, no?
I’m ok with the changes we got.
I won, you can leave now lil bro.
You’re a strange one, but I still love you, buddy
Seems like you are the one crying about Vanilla not being what you like.
Have fun waiting a year bro.
I’ll be playing and enjoying these severs the whole time the world isn’t over if they don’t add any more changes, and it won’t be over for you if they do. Though, if and when they do add more changes, I’ll be sure to find you here
I’m sure you are enjoying it that’s why you made a crying thread.
A year is a long time bro.
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Even Era is a hollow shell of vanilla WoW. Every Tuesday more changes from other versions of the game leak over because the clients share a lot of backend.
It’s really frustrating because of how much work the 2019 devs put into recreating a 1.12 experience on modern Blizzard infrastructure with 1.13, but that concept of a legacy client emulating a previous expansion has been thrown out the window to cater for players coming from retail that just want an alternative WoW gamemode to play.
It was never hard, people were just bad and many people are definitely seeing that again