Do we just see Baine go warchief now? He’s super mad

Cairne was GOAT tauren. Chill, but dangerous. The epitome of “walk tall and carry a big stick” literally and figuratively.

Baine is worthless. In every single way, there is no redeeming features. He is pathetic.


The last true great and worthy Warchief was Garrosh.

Ji Firepaw finally snaps after years of being disrespected and ignored. “Slow down. We’re doing things my way now.”

Baine Bloodhoof has clearly demonstrated that HE is willing to do what it takes for the Horde. He sees both sides of the aisle when it comes to democracy.

Jaina likes him, and Anduin…… I know he’s young and inexperienced…… But Blizzard? He has my vote as Warchief….

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A Gary Stu is someone that’s naturally good at everything and is a walking plot device. Baine sucks at everything except kissing Alliance butt.

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As an RP player……

We shall not forget what Baine has done for mankind and all of Azeroth. If you take a second to see both sides of this beautiful lore…… maybe he can get your vote as well. For the earthmother

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Baine is a horrible contradictory character that puts the Alliance ahead of the Horde AND his fellow Tauren.

He has no redeeming value to the Horde or Tauren. Tauren deaths mean nothing to him. But even threaten the Alliance and he will out his foot down.


Very much like why Cairne considered Garrosh a threat to the peace and challenged the warchief to the death. :dracthyr_nod:

…but then later Cairne told Baine to defend Garrosh. Although I think there is a timeline with the avenging Baine if he abandoned Garrosh so Cairne might’ve saved us. :thinking:

His statement with Camp Taurajo was very damaging to his character. :headstone:

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You guys do know we’re getting hippie Lillie Voss as "friend"chief instead, right?

Dude, we all know you’re not an RP player and that you’re jumping on the latest contrary trend, but that cinematic would have been great if it wasn’t for the fact he admitted he picked Derek Proudmoore over his own people. Jaina even pointed that out.

Pretty sure the tauren didn’t agree to that.

Did Garrosh not get challenged by Thrall? Did Saurfang high warlord son of Varuk not challenge Sylvanas?

The hypocrisy of having Baine act the way he’s acting in order to establish peace is ridiculous. All characters have tried for peace Baine is the only one left that can come to democracy

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Well… sorta. Recently Baine wasn’t fully cooperative with the night elves, redeeming Sylvanas, or trusting centaurs. I think it’s been easy to get under his skin but the night elves would’ve considered the destruction of life on Thunder Bluff to almost be a fair trade for the fall of Teldrassil, Sylvanas deserves her torment, and Baine was almost eaten by Centaurs when they declined peace. :thinking:

Completely understand that…. Centaurs are a neutral faction though. His beef isn’t for alliance as the lore is so far. There’s no fighting nothing going on with Baine he has a personal vendetta.

So for the hypocrites here saying Thrall was okay, Saurfang was cool fighting against Sylvanas. Baine is just gonna kick some butt against centaurs what’s the issue it’s no skin off anyone’s back because they are neutral

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Oh Mimiron, they still tear into Thrall and Saurfang in this community too. :robot::sweat_drops:

The real trouble is Baine’s statement on Camp Taurajo painted him worse as he excused the alliance pillaging their settlement and forcing the Tauren to close their gates from the barrens. I’m not sure if that comment can be fixed as the story in the barrens has been concluded as the horde does get their revenge by the end of the questline. :memo::robot:

If you remember your cut scenes…. Baine would not have any part of burning down teldy…. Only one was there was Saurfang and he said there was no honor in it. Just fyi

Wow this is typical blizz writing. After he got ragdolled and tossed off a cliff by the nipplking , he sulks in orbis like a baby while jaina and Anduin save everyone from SL.(alliance)

Now Baine is like “rawr” and gets all
Stompy. Then they convieniantly skip any blood elf involvement, especially after sylvie bbq’d the nelfs. Now malf who was back at the frat house in Azeroth while his eluneroid raging wife was chasing sylvie only to deflat in the last moment and then blizz trolls us with the most heinous crime ever…collecting souls in the maw instead of killing off sylvie and making her a tragic awesome character.

So here we are. Andy is recovering and Baine is stompy. The blood elves are riled up and the forsaken totally forgotten about …I guess they just left ogrimar. And then malf is shaking off his hangover…and then dragons. Not sure how that all tied in I feel like they are just a shiny object we all stop and say “aww…this story sucks but dragons!”

Her begging forgiveness from the space crystal kinda undermines her tough image.

This just makes me miss bfa and how it actually coulda gone somewhere with the faction conflict if it had a patch or two more instead of: oh lmao sylvanas go bye bye, we friendos now.

No. He has clearly demonstrated that HE is willing to do what it takes for the Alliance.

He will gladly sit by when the Horde and Tauren are massacred.

Of course they like him. Its common for the Alliance leadership to like their underlings. The ones that will do whatever it takes for the Alliance.

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That’s rude, TWO FOOT.

erm… hoof.