Do we just see Baine go warchief now? He’s super mad

Grand Magister Rommath says: My Lord. YOU would make a fine Warchief.
Lor’themar Theron says: It may come to that. Bring me my blades. The next move is mine.

(From MoP Horde storyline.)

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Horde don’t have a Warchief (which I think was Baines idea) and given the fates of the previous Warchiefs, I doubt that’s going to change anytime soon!

It won’t change until Microsoft creates a Horde writing team.

(There’s already an Alliance writing team.)

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If they break the council and make baine warchief I’m faction changing to alliance as yeah no to the maw with that man child. ANYONE else would be better or just no more warchief at all…let the alliance be the bad guys for once but I’ll never follow that traitor


Can I interest you in a legendary Houjin monk as your new Warchief?

long as he doesn’t go mad with power and start another war by all means.

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Least she does something.

Baine spent all of SL on his butt, and in DF he had to get a life lesson from Centaur he never met before. I always love he was pushing the peace, love, and puppy dogs approach of putting the past behind, but as soon as he sees a Centaur he went full on racist. (And yes I know the past between Centaur and Tauren)

I’d say Blood Knight Matriarch Liadrin would probably make a better Warchief than Lor’themar…

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Or he’ll write an indignant letter!

I agree, single leader feels more powerful.

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:joy: Funny, I had thought the same thing when I did that quest line.

Well you guys don’t really have any leaders that are useful so…

Trying to have world peace instead of endless bloodshed that literally has not benefitted anyone ever is not being a “shill” lmao

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Hell no.
Liadrin is the Horde equivalent of post Tides of War and pre BFA Jaina.

Hell, in some sense she is a lot like Garrosh.

The smallest slight and you will be on her bad list, and if you give her the power, she WILL bring hell down on you… aka, she would bring war.

She is a great field commander, a decent leader of the Blood Knights, although they technically take orders from Grand Magister Rommath at the end of the day, but that is about it.

Lor’themar have proven himself a capable warrior, a capable leader and a capable politician. He holds strengths that are valued by the Horde overall, while also not being a dumb or emotionally unstable meathead, like certain previous warchiefs.

Or killed by questionable writing.


In Warcraft?!


Why dont we make a goblin warchief? then he could sell TB for rooftop condo property.

Why? What’s he going to do to me? Sit in a corner until I learned my lesson?

I tell ya, I never felt more pride for a faction leader as when he did this:

Baine: “Camp Taurajo was attacked? Well, thems the breaks. Your mom/dad/brother/sister/child were valid military targets.”
Tauren Brave: “… right well what do you want to do about it?”
Baine: “Build a wall.”
Tauren Brave: “… sir they destroyed Taurajo with gryphons riders.”
Baine: “So? A wall will keep them out.”
Tauren Brave: “But sir that makes no sen—“
Baine: “BUILD IT! Oh and if anyone gets uppity about the whole Taurajo thing, exile them. I won’t have humans attacked.”
Tauren Brave: “…”
Tauren Brave: “…”
Tauren Brave: “I miss Cairne.”


Baine when people who are actively pillaging his lands, murdering his people and making war on his allies:

Baine when people with absolutely no connection to his ancestral enemies except for their race mind their own business:


If baine is warcheif I’m done with this game

Like, you can’t save the nonsense at that point, he has been a spineless, worthless worm for multiple expansions. Absolutely useless in every single way. If that’s supposed to be the embodiment of the horde moving forward then they can keep their nonsense.