Do we have numbers on Evoker migration?

Do we have a sense of which class saw the most migration over to Evoker? Just curious.

Here you go:

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making an assumption based on the above data, looks like mages and warlocks.

which makes sense, the 2 dedicated caster classes would lose the most pop to the new caster class.

take that with a huge grain of salt though, because there’s some other pretty big reasons mages/locks aren’t incredibly popular right now.

While Mages and Locks are declining (based on that data) Evoker is fairly steady. If anything it looks like Locks and Mages are moving to Hunters.

that’s probably a more accurate interpretation of the numbers, I was more looking at the first week and not the week by week population.

Those initial evoker players had to come from somewhere.

Was primarily a Hunter/Rsham here.

So if I understand your numbers correctly mages/warlocks are the ones transferring the most, but it seems to hunter.

Sort of. The number of mages and warlocks is going up every week, they’re just not keeping pace with the number of other classes in terms of population growth.

Think of it like this, just fuzzy numbers: For every 1 new mage, there’s 3 new hunters.

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but it looks like mages and warlocks are decreasing. Mage is light blue and on the very bottom on 1/17 and warlock is on top but under the 7.5% (if that makes sense) correct?

Yep, it’s because there’s only so much of the ‘pie’ (100% representation.) If another class gains 5000 but another class only gains 1000, the class that gained 5000 takes up more of the pie - and the % for them rises, while the other’s lowers.

I quit evoker. Casting spells when Im having a swirl under me every 5-10seconds or having to forcibly move ALL THE TIME isn’t for me. DH for life. Al hunter4life(BM).

Light bulb… right because you’re doing percentage representation and not a physical count…