Weekly Heroic Representation by Class

Once a week I go through parses on Warcraft logs to see what classes people are switching to, and what classes are falling off. Here are the results for the week preceding 1/17

Heroic 12/27 1/3/23 1/10 1/17
Rogue 6.71% 6.68% 6.68% 6.58%
Hunter 9.39% 9.84% 10.29% 10.59%
Mage 6.27% 5.88% 5.67% 5.51%
Shaman 6.86% 6.88% 7.04% 7.07%
Monk 6.36% 6.27% 6.17% 6.07%
Warrior 9.64% 9.78% 9.74% 9.62%
Death Knight 5.93% 6.05% 6.13% 6.15%
Demon Hunter 8.06% 8.22% 8.11% 8.09%
Paladin 6.17% 6.21% 6.30% 6.42%
Warlock 7.91% 7.59% 7.35% 7.23%
Evoker 8.17% 8.33% 8.29% 8.36%
Druid 11.42% 11.48% 11.56% 11.66%
Priest 7.10% 6.78% 6.69% 6.64%
Total Parses 845929 1299234 1897370 2294987
Inceases/Decreases % Change
Rogue -0.03% -0.01% -0.10%
Hunter 0.45% 0.45% 0.31%
Mage -0.39% -0.21% -0.16%
Shaman 0.02% 0.16% 0.03%
Monk -0.09% -0.10% -0.10%
Warrior 0.13% -0.03% -0.12%
Death Knight 0.11% 0.08% 0.03%
Demon Hunter 0.16% -0.12% -0.01%
Paladin 0.04% 0.08% 0.12%
Warlock -0.32% -0.24% -0.12%
Evoker 0.16% -0.04% 0.07%
Druid 0.06% 0.08% 0.10%
Priest -0.31% -0.10% -0.05%
Raid Participation Increase 53.59% 46.04% 20.96%

Notable takeaways:
Mage is currently the most rare class to have in your heroic raid and continue to decrease in popularity week to week, though the trend appears to be slowing.

Druids remain the most popular, but steady.

Hunters have become more popular at a staggering rate, and show little signs of slowing at this point.


Interesting - thanks for posting, Mumrit. I’m guessing you don’t have access to spec data? It looks like Dev. Evoker took out Mage, I’d love to know what Pevoker ate.

Good job. I love seeing data presented like this.

This is interesting.

Are mage’s really bad enough that they aren’t being taken with for Arcane Intellect if nothing else?

According to warcraft logs, yes. They are that bad. In heroic, which is where the OP’s data is from, Fire and Frost are the lowest 2 overall DPS specs. Luckily they are getting flat DPS buffs on Tuesday, but I’m not sure how much of a difference it will make.

I guess they still have arcane…but it doesn’t seem like enough people play that spec to make a huge difference.


I do sort of. IE, I’m just grabbing the value next to each spec as warcraft logs presents it, but I’m not breaking it down by spec and thus not labeling it. Those values just get summed together.

For example, if rogues have 10 for sub, 20 for outlaw, and 30 for assassination, I list those values on my sheet as just:
Rogue = 60

It’d be hard to present the data over all if I did break it down by spec unfortunately. The line graph is busy enough with the amount of classes, haha.

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Yeah. And you would run out of colors. Druid, Warrior, and Rogue are already pretty close to each other…but that could just be me.

im surprised to see rogues being that popular (albeit steady).

im the only one in my raid and i always get invited to pugs m+ easily. felt like there wasnt many of us.

maybe theyre all doing pvp :stuck_out_tongue: