Do Warriors just suck at PvP?

The only time you don’t take Tac mastery is if you’re Fury Prot or some weird 2H PVE spec(Like Slam spec) where you don’t need to stance dance.

Basically every other viable spec(Arms Tank, Prot Tank, MS Spec for PVP) uses tactical mastery.

If you’re in the arms tree past the first tier and you don’t take tactical mastery you’re an idiot.

Always that one guy “I can beat anyone on my Warrior…you must just suck at the class.”

I’d pay money to see you in a tournament. Just for a good laugh.

Of course i can’t beat anyone on my warrior, lots of players are better than i am, but there isn’t any class that i’m afraid to engage in combat, though for shadow priests i’ll be using reck :slight_smile:

if you’re talking about people in random bg’s in general?
most of them have no idea how to play pvp anyway and they play like a mindless bots.


This is why people whined incessantly in TBC about rogues being broken. It’s a great class for picking off nubcakes.

Warrior is the only vanilla class that requires you to use more than 1 or 2 buttons on your keyboard, so that would mean roughly 90% or more warriors are just bad at the game and/or clueless. Probably the only vanilla class that requiree any bit of skill tbh.

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I get you’re exaggerating, but in all seriousness, at the very least mage needs 4-5.

As a warrior in PvP I stick with the group, my task is to be as disruptive as possible. I’ll slow, interrupt, and stun to allow the group to do what they excel at doing.

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I run imp demo shout to ease pressure on healers when trying to peel off them. Big stam/armor meat man just slowing, fearing, and kicking those critical casts.

Warriors are s tier in group pvp.

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Every class is S Tier in group pvp. Which class does worse in a group? I would go as far as to say in group pvp ranged classes can do even more damage because they aren’t being targetted. In group PvP a Rogue can stealth to the backlines and pick off the cloth wearers while everyone else is distracted. Who doesn’t benefit in group pvp?

Oh wait I know who does worse in group pvp…the Warrior! The guy who charges in and gets stun locked to death by every class and can’t move. That guy does worse in group pvp.

I know what you’re missing, it’s so obvious and common we all neglected to mention it above, but we all have sulfuras.

Not sure why it’s taking so long for you to get yours but hang in there mate

I see you ignored my first detailed post which pretty much sums up your thread but I will sum up your thread again.
Across a solo to group perspective, a warrior is sort of an incomplete class. Now a healer healing a mage is a 1+1=2 situation. There is a synergy in the class design where when that same healer supports a warrior, it becomes a 1+1+x=3, where x is the synergy. Healer+warrior is STRONGER than 2 other classes together.
So in summation, its not that other classes are BAD when being supported, but its that warriors perform better than anyone else when supported.

The other factor you missed is 1.12 endgame itemization makes casters meta for big burst damage.
I have one more bit of input. I inspect a TON of people in game. I look at their honor tab and see their lifetime HKs. Warriors easily, EASILY, have had the highest HK numbers I’ve seen. They are unmatched where they excel and its not close. Not ONLY that but in classic era, warriors have it EVEN BETTER than they would normally in 1.12 vanilla because they have the heroic strike hit bug, they get the diamond flask scaling bug, easy access to naxx gear, epic frost resist sets, etc. etc.

They behaved like NPCs. If you see another warrior fighting a mage just wait for the frost nova before you charge in lmao

Pretty sure many of the fights were staged. And IIRC it was before DR and weapon normalization.


its not controversial. Warriors typically need to compensate with engi/consumes to be able to duel a lot of classes. That’s just the way it is. Put warriors at the front of BS push in AB with heals and you might think theyre pretty awesome.

Mages are hard counter to warrior, any class that can kite will be challenging.

It’s almost like the pvp balance was an afterthought in this primarily pve-based mmo

And what PVP balance there is certainly isn’t aimed at 1v1.


idk in all your pvp examples you just stand there and let stuff happen to you

‘the mage just sheeps my fap’

skull of impending doom?
mace stun?

a mage pressing polymorph is hardly a death sentence, you just need to learn the game a bit more and use more of your kit, you need more than charge+mortal strike bound.

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