Do ticket devs really work 24/7?

Just wondering. Split with ex. We shared a bank account. I go to log in and I’m locked out. She did a bunch of back charges…right under 400 dollars worth and just wondering if they actually are 24/7 as it says.

Can’t even add the blizzard balance because can’t have more than $350 and live chat isn’t open. ETA is 24 hours but I’ve seen that bounce from all over from 3 days to 5 hours back to 24 hours lol.

They do work 24/7, yes. But with the condition the world is in and many game masters working from home, response times are slightly higher than they usually are.

It’s best not to get hung up on the estimate because that can fluctuate wildly. Your ticket will certainly come up in time.


Yep, GMs work 24/7 but with recent events and moving people to work from home, there’s been a bit of a back log at Blizz. They’re currently around the 48 hour mark.

Unfortunately, if your ex was funding your account and decided to do a bunch of charge-backs, you migh be on the hook for that unless you work it out outside of the game.


She wasn’t funding it, we shared a bank account. I’m just paying it off to avoid hassle

You might want to take it up with either the bank or a lawyer. I wasn’t trying to imply anything, just that if she’s able to do a charge-back then you might want to discuss it with your lawyer/bank/etc.


For live contact channels, you may have better luck trying first thing in the morning.


Yeah, just going to pay it off and avoid the hassle. It is what it is. If they wanted to do messed up things like that and I didn’t think we were leaving with bad blood its best I left lol.

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I’ll just add that the time shown is not a countdown timer for your ticket.
It’s a running estimate for a new ticket based upon the number of tickets in the queue and the current average response time per ticket.

It has no bearing on your position in the queue.


Thanks I’ll give that a try