Do threads just get deleted?

It’s especially sad when they nuke a whole thread that was very interesting and was going well for quite some time, but went down the drain only because of two people insulting each other. I saw this happen so often in the last couple of days.

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Their opinions are based in social issues.

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Yeah that thread needed gone.

The OP was terrible.

Now making a new thread to bring up the mohawk grenades would be cool.

I am honestly kinda surprised that current one is still running with 3k plus replies.

And those same folk still post and do it on other threads.

Makes more sense to mute the people / delete the posts than the thread.

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It’s true, I didn’t know want to repeat what I said for fear of starting a flame war or at worst getting suspended again but it blew my mind when I happened. I think it may of been in dragonflight? Maybe shadowlands. But I was pointing out the lack of good ol sword and sandal fantasy. I can’t remember specifically what I said but I’m sure it was along the lines of loving 80s action flicks and not seeing that kind of stuff being represented anymore

Poor trolls, they were seduced by the ways of the dark side.

Well… to be fair it is more fun. And easy. And I both am very lazy and love to have a good time. So…

The WoW forums treat each charactername-server as a separate forum account. So when you switched you started over. To see your post history and such for your other character, switch back to it.

Entirely possible that the Mods did remove the thread if it was a violation of the code of conduct, and not being constructive. Off the rails is usually grounds for removal.

There are MANY threads that have different points of view and offer lots of criticism of the game, or praise of the game. The folks participating need to keep it WoW related (except lounge threads), be polite to eachother, not sling personal insults, not use profanity/slurs/masked profanity/ etc. If they can follow the forum rules they can discuss the game all they want. They will sometimes remove or combine duplicate threads as well just for spam reduction purposes.



Frankly, I do not believe you.

You have already shown to be a little deceptive by pretending you had no clue why a thread was deleted, then specifically giving the reason later in a reply.

Nearly always when a person “does not know what they said” for a in game or forum violation, whenever it is shown what they stated…its 100% worth the suspension.

Even now in your reply.

“I dont want to repeat what I said so I dont get suspended. But I also totally dont even remember what I even said”.


No, there are dolts that will purposely derail threads and start the childish insult nonsense. No need for that garbage here, heated debates and drowning sarcasm are always a good read though.

This is Gen Z Blizzard we are talking about, of course anything interesting gets deleted. Someone’s feefees probably got hurt and the Blizzard Gestapo got word and made it all disappear. It never existed.

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“Childish insult nonsense” like calling people “dolts”?

Pretty sure that’s against the oh holy ToS

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Didn’t call anyone anything.