Do threads just get deleted?

Not that I like or agree to females having beards.

But then again who am I to tell that one part of the community should not express themselves in the way they feel like ?

Troll threads are only there to create drama.

Hence only reason you were enjoying.

To have a meaningful discussion. You already knew what GD is for.

And it is not for trolling. I cannot post a single meaningful thread without some one saying I am trolling. Most I add to my ignore like. Couple are already in this very thread.

So once we start having meaning full conversation. It becomes obvious what GD should be for.

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If that happened, I might actually cry. If I were capable of feeling emotions. Which Iā€™m not. But if I were.

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Yeah those pretty inevitably veer into culture war territory.

When that happens they can and should be nuked. Thatā€™s not ā€œcensoringā€ itā€™s just keeping this board from becoming a non-stop political crapfest. Or trying to, at least.

Iā€™d be sad, but ultimately agree it was for the best.

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False information.

Blizzard monitors forums and any discussion that we have.

The other day I was pretty upset that remix room who spent significant amount of time to gear to 556 are being rewarded 467 gear.

Now they expect us to do the pre patch event, which we are burnt doing that. No fun.

They looked and patched raid gear and upgrades were lowered.

I happily geared myself in the raids and entered. TWW.

So yes meaningful discussions should be had.

Youā€™re not wrong.


I would think the people who are on the forums enjoy the game, or at the very least enjoy to hate on the game (not me). But the game is in the persons consciousness enough to be on a forum in 2024. Half the time before I resub I check out the forums then get the wow itch again. I donā€™t think the regular player is on the forums, weā€™re all ogā€™s here. Let us talk, for every bad point someone makes thereā€™s at good counter point every now and again.

Unfortunately it seems that the only time Iā€™ve seen them get deleted is when, and I canā€™t exaggerate this enough, is when politics in the most loosely way defined as possible makes its way into the conversation. Gender roles and stereotypes to be specific. But whatever side of the fence your on both should have an equal say. Itā€™s balance, when you silence one side the other just gets louder and more disgruntled.

Iā€™m not on social media in any kind of way so this is my only social outlet outside of work, I enjoy seeing peoples opinions. Inside the game universe and out.

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Oh FFS itā€™s a video game forum, not a conspiracy theory. Blizzard has always been heavy-handed with bans and locking or deleting threads.


Where the moderators draw it which is done with their understanding of the terms of use for the forums.

But that isnā€™t happening

Oh the Jedis would feel that oneā€¦

ā€œIt was as if millions of trolls suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.ā€

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If you want to say whatever you want, rent your own hall. This one belongs to Blizz.

ā€œMonitorā€ is a very strong word for what they do here.

Besides Vrak occasionally glancing at it, they basically just respond to tickets.

Find another one if you want to talk about random social issues :dracthyr_shrug:

This one is for discussing World of Warcraft, and not whatever flimsy political connection someone can make for what happens in it.

Every time Iā€™m happy that my post count goes up, itā€™s starting to go down again only because once again a thread in which I posted started to go down the drain and was deleted.
And itā€™s not even that the OP was trolling right away. Often the OPā€™s post is completely fine but after a while people start bringing in politics or start to insult each other.

You just told on yourself.

You knew before you started this thread that threads get deleted and you knew why.

Thus, what this thread actually is a blatant violation of terms of use not an unintentional one.


Yeah, that tends to happen unfortunately.

Sometimes theyā€™ll clean up the offending posts and leave the thread, but if they canā€™t be bothered theyā€™ll just nuke it. Seems like more and more often lately they just donā€™t want to take the time.

Iā€™m not saying that I do, I agree this ainā€™t the place for it. What I meant was if people talk about the lack of male heroā€™s, or too many women, etc then thatā€™s when it gets deleted. I think people make it into a social issue but itā€™s just people giving their opinion on the game that they are paying to play. Right or wrong doesnā€™t matter.

As far as the disgruntled part not happening. I donā€™t lurk on the forums but if people werenā€™t upset then there wouldnā€™t be trolls or things getting deleted or accounts suspended.

Your not gonna get suspended for saying thereā€™s not enough women.

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No it isnā€™t.

Over 3000 replied. Still active

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Most topics arenā€™t really meant for good faith discussions.

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Iā€™ve been suspended for just that alone. Not even me being angry about it, although through text thatā€™s subjective. Itā€™s just crazy, I say that in jest. Truly not trying to troll or start anything. Just that Iā€™ve seen it happen.

Going back to my original point of where does the line get drawn. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m trying to say. Not to get debased for trolling

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No you havenā€™t.

I do not believe you were suspended for merely talking about the topic ā€œa lot of female leadsā€. When there are active threads about that right now.