Do something with survival!

Gonna have to disagree on this one cheif. Survival is very strong in arena. Hunter in general just has low population in rated pvp in general plus the best comp for hunter includes another low populated spec (feral). The kit for survival however is excellent.


Itā€™s also not a bad m+ class contrary to popular belief. I think I can speak from experience playing survival to 3400. BM is simply extremely broken due to corruption and honestly just pulls miles ahead of most classes aside from fire mage.

It does need some improvements. But overall the real issue is just the divide blizzard caused in this community. Players wouldnā€™t have an issue with this spec existing; they just made the mistake of erasing another spec to do it.

It should have been added as a 4th spec if they wanted the niche idea. The cancerous threads and replies from some hunter community members here really is a disappointment.


I canā€™t see why you would use arcane shot over cobra. Regardless of cobra costs to much focus or whatever the reason may be. Cobra shot reduces the cd of kill command. And on beta, your pet is actually your top 3 dps. Not like on live where most of your top dmg is you followed by pet abilities.


It really isnā€™t a bad M+ spec, it just isnā€™t BM. I actually did everything as survival all the way up to this tier (Iā€™m not a serious raider so take that with a grain of salt).

This is 100% true, it really should of just been added instead of replacing. I do like to troll the cancerous threads/posts though.


Simulations account for this and they have a BM Hunter using Arcane Shot over Cobra Shot to be higher, if only slightly.

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At the end of the day, survival is a pure DPS spec, and should be treated as such. It needs to be right there with rogue as far value to a group, just as MM/BM are to mage/lock to a group with what it brings to the table.

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Just part of the point. People use other specs to do anything melee can do.

Disagree or not. Grab a demon hunter or a rogue, and have more viability with more classes.

Were it a more complete spec with unique options that worked with multiple classes, itā€™s representation would increase and be more viable. So again, not a star in any aspect


Not really true with Demon Hunter. Rogue is just overturned so they do better then most melee in just about every meta comp.

Survival definitely has a complete kit, it is also a spec that takes a decent understanding of the class to be decent in.


I donā€™t think it really has itā€™s own identity. It just feels like a mish mash of a random abilities from different specs and just put together sloppily.


Eh I like what it is, a ranged/melee hybrid hunter with gadgets.


Dash, deathgrip, roll, stun and run, double dash crap dh do. Leap, charge. Again, any melee can do it better (except maybe ret lol)

I missed a couple, shadow dance. Flying kick, ghost wolf(not great but it can be if specced right)

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Demon hunter has better tools to stay on a target and survive while doing max dmg.

And again, survival rolls best with feral(by your words) and not enough people play survival or feral.

So if the class plays well with one other class and not others, itā€™s synergy is lacking with other specs/classes. Meaning itā€™s kit is missing some things or not performing up to par. So then the demon hunter, rogue, feral, warrior, dk, ret(since they work better with multiple classes) are built better and perform better in rbg and arenas.

Where as marksmen, giving them their higher mobility back (being able to use their shots on the move again) would then synergize with any spec they had slows or peels. Sooooo, rogues, dks, retā€™s, ferals.

Again, survival, in its current form. Eh. Can do about anything a rogue can do, but less survivability than itā€™s other, better built, melee counterparts.


Just because it plays best with feral doesnā€™t mean its the only thing. I have played, at glad ratings, with arms wars/ ret pallies/ destro lock/ ele sham/ shadow priest/ enhance sham/ and feral druid. Also survival has just as many tools to stay on target if not more. Masterā€™s Call, Harpoon, Disengage snare/root dispel, Aspect of the Eagle.

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Not arguing what you have done. May well be a magical exception.

Still, most would rather have their rogue buddy come(at least numerically)

Support melee hunter all you want. It just isnā€™t optimal. And is only in theā€¦PvP niche that it is, because blizz broke others specs to force people into it. And again(numerically) that experiment has failed


Oh I get it, these are msv hate replies. Not anything with any factual backing. Iā€™m literally telling you how things are actually happening, you are just whining cause ā€œI donā€™t want to play meleeā€ well there are plenty of hunters who have succeeded in pvp as BM as well. Maybe this is a ā€œget goodā€ situation.


Ah. Call me a troll lol. Gotcha. No, Im over ranged survival returning. The problem is, the spec is under performing in pve, and is a painful amalgamation of stolen talents from 3 other specs.

Now, you can duel well, 2s you again, can do well. But in 3s, rbgs, raids, and mythic plus. It is represented poorly, and largely skipped by a lot of people.

How long do you build, rebuild, tune, add abilities, waste resources. On a spec that the hunter community, isnā€™t responding to. I can give you the numbers if youā€™d like.

Iā€™m just tired of this mess of a spec, negatively affecting, the other two specs in the class

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False, again Iā€™m doing just fine in 3s (I am not some galaxy brain pvpr that is doing it despite the spec) and good rbg groups love the spec for its great cleave dmg and ability to guard bases.

It really doesnā€™t speak well of a sepc when one of its greatest strengths is you can pick a different one in the same class instead.


Survival in Beta is all but dead. not only havenā€™t we gotten any updates but we actually got a stealth Nerf on our focus generation that cripples us quite badly.

Only thing I can say is keep screaming and yelling and maybe Blizz will hear us


I created this post in general to try and get some attention from Blizzard. it has over 2k views and the feedback of many great Hunters with more knowledge and experience than me. Even a comment in there to keep it alive helps