Do something about 100-200k hp players in BGs

No, I’m sure some hope to get into a game that isn’t a complete mismatch and have fun.

I wanna know where ya’ll are getting these matches with “a guy” with 100-200k hp. Almost every match i do i can count on one hand my teammates with 400k+ after buffs and usually one of them is running a tank spec.

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Most of my matches have had no one under 300k hp on either side.


Considering there are players running around random bgs with 475+ ilevel (plus more gems and corruptions), it should at least be 445 ilevel. Even that is still too low to be called competitive. Scaling up to 460 ilevel would be preferable.


Honestly, if people in low gear pull their weight, and yes I’ve seen a few pull their weight. I’ve even used a 457 Hunter and a 430 Pally in random BGs and I did fine despite I was low geared.

It’s people who sit under 100k HP that I have to wonder why they even join randoms. If over half your team consists of low HP players, then you should worry, if its only 1 or 2 in your team, let them play. Just make a note of them if they the first ones to complain when losing or they the first to die then leave.


Look harder … every other game has 100 to 200 k players in there


I inspect everyone.

What game is it, Guild Wars I think? They have or had (I haven’t played in ages) a mode where when you wanted to do pvp at high level they just gave you the gear, and in some instances if you were low level allowed you to boost up to max level with max gear. That meant everyone was on the same playing field gear wise and you just pvped and skill was the determining factor to wins or losses. Kinda wish wow pvp was this way. Let the dragon slayers slay dragons for gear to progress, but let the pvp players pvp.


The big issue to me is, who really is coming in a random as an alt, or who is coming as a new player. I was in a battle ground a few months ago and noticed a player in low gear. I did tell them to do the WQ’s to help get their gear up.

One thing I have noticed is players who just want to PvP don’t want to get gear through PvE means, yet these people complain they want gear yet they don’t use every avenue for gearing. PvP gearing is just not as practical anymore except in the leveling brackets when you at least get gear. At end level, you only get a chance of getting gear, so why do people insist on using PvP to gear up, when PvE at least is a more reasonable way to do so.

Back then it was reversed when many raiders or players starting to raid required to get PvP gear to enter raiding. I feel like both PvP and PvE are both the same, yet one side wont use the other and then complain they are PvPing to gear up because they don’t want to PvE.

Some people just like to Q random bgs and nothing else.
Literally nothing else.
They may also like to play a variety of characters which stunts gearing on everyone they choose to swap between.

Not sure who you think you are to determine who is a casual and who is not.

Even a richter scale excels the IQ of that statement.


Yep, rendering a movie now with multiple sub 300K players on the same team across several matches. Sometimes I think Jugaa is just full of it or, at best, incredibly unaware.


Guild Wars 2, yes. It has a template system for it’s lobbied PvP but it’s a system with a ton of choice and customizations.

And yeah, you could take a freshly created character and jump right into PvP with it and be on equal footing (with respect to gear).

I haven’t played it in a few years, but if you are looking to be able to just jump right into “bgs” without having to do pve, it would be recommended.

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We need pvp templates back

in saying that there already is. Lower geared players dont get clapped for as much damage as you deal to them. Its their lack of secondary stats which makes them squishy. Primarily Vers.


thats nothing. i often get players with 75k hp in my group.

and yeah we usually lose because they waste a real player slot.


I’m in full 480 gear but the lowbies have just as much right to be there as anyone else.

I’m not necessarily opposed to them having some sort of ilevel brackets, but let’s not pretend the fresh 120s are doing somehing wrong by queueing up for pvp. They aren’t, as much as we may not like it.


I must admit that I hit 120 on my Monk a few days ago, and have played a few BGs. I was 100-200k HP in those games, and yes I was healer spec.
Here’s why:

  • I had the weekly quest to win 4 BGs (believe the reward was a bunch of conquest points)
  • After doing some of this and perhaps some other PVP, I was 100 CP away from my first conquest reward (i440 weapon), so I wanted that and did one of each type of random BG for the increased CP reward

To the best of my knowledge though, I believe I won ~50% of the BGs I participated in. Not saying it was because of, or in spite of me or anything, but something was equalized (i.e. the other team possibly had players with undergeared characters too).

I understand your frustration though, and am on my path to get the cloak quest done, so you probably won’t see me around until I do that. Hoping that bumps me above 300k? We’ll see.

Still, consider that players in BGs have motivations other than what may be obvious to you to be there, even if it is a tough time for them and for you.


Not even solo. I think you should be able to que as a group.


We need PvP stats and a pvp progression path. And ranked que.


Yeah, that’s GW2. You can get through the starter scenario on a fresh character which takes about 10 minutes and jump straight to max level (for purposes of instanced PvP only) and contend with the big boys in terms of raw stats.

No pre-selected template system, no power creep. You can build for passive mitigation and healing power at the expense of a large health pool and crit chance, for example. There’s a rune system which mimics set bonuses- you can get half of one and half of another or go all into one rune type to get the final bonus.

It’s a really well-developed system. The game has numerous points of failure which make WoW a better game to me overall but they do certain things really well.

I just enjoy how GW2 spits in the face of “it’s an MMORPG, therefore mountainous power gaps have to exist” argument so elegantly.


I tried GW2 some years ago and felt the same way. I like the “equal” system of PvP but the game overall was off-putting for me. Quit after maybe a week.
I don’t think WoW should copy that exact type of PvP format but lessons and ideas can be taken from it.