Do Some Skyriding Mounts Feel.... Off?

Mostly speaking in the way they control, when I use mounts with say the Phoenix frame it loves to stick to the X axis while flying if you’re not dropping some 45 degrees almost.

It’s not a Skyriding problem beacause my Dragonflight mounts as well as other rigs are totally fine but it feels like some are just… off?


Feels slugish to me. At first I thought it was just using an older type mount with sky riding, but after trying a SR mount, the feeling remains. I don’t know if it’s a change to how it works or another bug from the patch/server issues.

The (wingless) horses feel horrid to me.
They bounce around from left to right and it makes it so i cant tell exactly where my character is.
I actually crashed against a wall because of this.
Plus it makes me feel sick.

So horse mounts are a no go


No matter how off others might feel, the mount that feels the best to me is the dk clsss mount, and the bone frost dragon mounts… they are best in the game at least for me…

They feel great…

However I do not like the stamina point system, now that feels horrid.

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It looks and feels uncanny now, I like it. I use that demon mount from Legion, it used to be ground only. It looks so uncanny flying around.

But some just feel so right! The tangled dreamweaver should have always been a dragonriding mount, so it’s nice to finally soar on that bad boy.

The flying disc from Mop and the Sky Golem mount don’t have any weird movments and the disc is small so you can see where you’re going. If you have one, try it. Hope it helps.


Grove Warden is hilarious

Some do. But a majority of my flying mounts feel like they’re designed to take on sky riding.

My pandaren kite and archmage flying disc feel like I’m surfing in the air. Feels great.

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They even look odd just on the ground. The rider animations changed from other non-flying horses with this pre-patch adding sky riding to other mounts.

There are a lot of horse that needs wings added to them in some way. Spectral wings or something to have an indignation of which way one is moving.

They did not fine tune the animation for every mount type that’s for sure. They all have animations but some look derpy, while others look really good.

Also the ashes of al’ar loses its trail and that’s depressing.

Sky Golem does a T Pose once I lift off. Lasts for 2 seconds though.

Which one, Acid Belcher?

Just realized I can use that supercool purple dragon from nyalotha aotc now. Wooooo

I still feel that Headless Horseman’s looks a little wonky when going into speed rush spiral.

Ngl… this makes me wanna try it. I will update on status after work.

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In old content Dragonriding caps at 1200% opposed 1800% like in Dragon Isles so if it feels sluggish outside of DF that would be why; because it IS.

The mage flying disc feels a little off to me, but I think that is just because it is different from before. I would use it if it would not randomly bug out on me.

My mage gets stuck in a crouch after dismounting, and she is stuck moving slower due to it. Getting on the mount and dismounting does not fix it. Getting on another mount does not fix it. Doing a /reload does not fix it. I end up having to camp out and log back in.

Another oddity is sometimes my mage stands on top of her pink fox mount as they soar through the air. I doubt the fox likes her surfing on its back.

My engineering alt tried the ’ Turbo-Charged Flying Machine’. The main helicopter blades never popped out and the side pods was pointing up as if it was idling. Sound of the mount never changed to active flying mode.