Do racials really matter?

Really depends on the content level, and I’d bet that it’s in the 1% crowd before it matters. They are nice at times, but that meta racial isn’t going to get you ksm. Hell, I died 4 or 5 times in a 16 earlier this week on my warrior and we still timed with a lot of cushion, and that thing is only like 225 ilvl.

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Mine does,

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Meld is pretty big imo. But it’s not the end all be all. At the same time, I’m starting to wish I had Stoneform lol.

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It’s more that you don’t need to worry about it unless you’re doing higher end things seriously.

That mythic gear is really nice and sure you can benefit from a well parsing racial, but if you’re not really concerned with that high end stuff… You most likely don’t notice the benefit.

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They matter a tiny bit in PvP, basically 0 in PvE. People in this community are just exceptionally bad about looking at a chart of options and jumping straight to the conclusion that if it’s not in the top 3 it’s hot garbage (regardless of the gap from top to bottom being, you know, like 8 DPS).

AoE Interrupt Arcane Torrent was insane – but that’s gone now (thank god).

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Kind of. It’ll often be an advantage, but not really make or break anything.

I queued into a Worgen Outlaw rogue around 2500ish a week or two ago. Would he have been better off as Nelf, Human, Dwarf, Orc, etc? Yes. By how much? Hard to say.

He got his dragon, though.

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It sort of matters to a point but it largely depends on how you play and what kind of content you do regularly.

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If you fart and startle yourself during a pull you’ve lost more dps than being the best race would give you lol


I recall a fellow posting about how he hated troll but race changed because it simmed higher

Checked his logs and he didn’t use berserking, like, at all.

At the end of the day I think that it’s mostly psychological for a lot of people.


This is funny lol

Its best to put berzerking on a macro imo. Since I too often forget to use it. You have to use it on cd to get any sort of value. If not you are basically worse off then a race with a passive stat increase. Its best to macro it onto a cd that benefits from haste or a spell you are always casting if you just want it up all the time.

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I really notice not having Shadowmeld on my Horde Rogue and Druid. That’s twice the vanishing in combat.

Unless you’re one of the those who are pushing the bleeding edge of content, no, racials do not matter.

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They matter. Alliance needs far longer to do the seasonal instance content (Brew, Summer, …) compared to the Horde. We have better racials damage-wise which is the master race here.

For my casters, Void Elf has one racial that’s very nice… no casting pushback.

Out in the world, before VE, it was quite important to make sure you could get a cast off, before the target mob got to melee range… If it was multible mobs, you could literally watch your cast bar go backwards.
Now, my mage can get off another frostbolt, before he starts kiting.

Obviously I make use of the human rep bonus… it’s why my main is my main… but that’s only useful until you get to the target… revered or exalted, more doesn’t help.

Shadowmeld, and Prowl… the reason my first toon in early BC was a NE Hunter. I love parking a toon out of sight, when Bio calls. Not my Bio breaks, those are planned… my 3, now 2 big dogs, are unplanned…

There is also some racials, that I once thought important, that have faded away…
Gnome, extra engineering skill, faded with the engineering craft…
Draenei, extra JC skill, faded with jewelcrafting
extra resources racials, faded as mana starved hardly is a real thing anymore.

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I love using Spatial rift to skip traps and such… with soulshape I have “two” teleports, it’s fun…

Idea: Mage Void Elf Ven’thyr/Night Fae… all the teleports!

I really enjoy racials especially draenei and dwarfs.

If you aren’t a world first raider / gladiator arena / 2500 io player, then racials don’t really matter. Play whatever race you want to.

I play with void elf … (holy priest)…
In raids the racial ability- adds 2% healing…
The Rift saved my life really often.
I play casually.

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The best dps racials usually equate to about a 1% to 1.5% dps increase. There are racials that can literally save your life (rocket jump). YMMV…but not likely to matter in any way shape or form anyway…unless your racial saves your life…then it’s huge.

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