i used to go for meta race for the specs i play but i don’t necessarily play at a high enough level for the racials to matter all that much. I am however wondering at high levels do they even matter at all or is it pretty much so miniscule to the point that it’s not worth considering?
im talking in every aspect of the game. PvP and PvE content.
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People cry that they do but if that was the case you’d see more alliance or hell even more Pandaren. Last I checked Pandaren were third for just about every spec in the game.
Edit: It will always come down to skill. I’d rather take a Void Elf warrior who knows his spec and class like the back of his hand over someone who chose a meta race because some youtuber said so and have them pump out mediocre numbers.
For the most part, unless its some super specific thing that your class otherwise cannot do, or cannot do without neutering their output otherwise race doesn’t matter much. To say racials will never make a difference in anything is wrong but, its also not something you should be actively worrying about to the point that you’d make all of your characters for x raid or y dungeon that race.
Goblin Jump definitely matters in PvE
Troll Berserking definitely matters on a lot of specs, especially resto druid
Obvious pvp racials matter
Human diplomacy is the best racial in the game
Night Elf, Dwarf, Blood Elf, Pandaren and both breeds of Tauren all have good M+ racials
Yeah they matter lol
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If you are trying to grind a new rep you definitely want to be a human though with that 10 percent boost.
Certain ones are nice and all but not exactly necessary unless you are doing cutting edge content, then some strats use things like shadow meld. For the most part no they don’t matter. Will say though I like my movespeed just wish it was like a 1 minute or 1.5 minute CD instead of 2minute.
Yes, but also no.
Basically play what you like until you reach a point where you know what the advantage of being the “meta” race is, then revisit the question as to whether or not you want to play the “good” race.
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If they allowed every race to be every class you would see a lot more of the “BIS Race” crap though.
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To be honest if they allowed any race to be whatever I would be playing a worgen pally and demonhunter right now.
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every horde pvp team would be all Orc lol
Orc druid would be broken
well yea i mean that does matter but i mean say like could a CE player play the worst race for that specific spec and still down the content without any issues making it pretty much not really mattering.
long ago i did see a world first race and the hunter was a worgen. i don’t remember if worgen were good on that fight or if they had anything else to offer i think +crit? this was a long time ago though maybe in legion or WoD though.
right now im making a new druid. i have one from way long ago but it’s a troll and it’s on the same server but idk if i want to keep it or what as i haven’t played it since maybe MoP. right now im just gonna focus on the basic stuff like +15 keys but eventually i want to get into harder content as well where maybe the racials will matter more but nothing too insane like world first and all that.
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Yes, every race can clear any content. The only reason people choose things like Troll Fire Mage is to help with first mythic clears. But in the end you could go with a whole group of Nightborne if you wanted. Gear and skill matters, not race.
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In PvP, yes.
For example, Shadowmeld is a free cleanse for maledict. It makes actually using that trinket against double night elf very difficult. Not to mention how beneficial Shadowmeld is to rogues and druids alike.
Blood elf, while more situational, can be extremely beneficial if the planets align. IE: Dispelling combustion with blood elf racial, or getting innervate with it.
Hardiness on orcs is extremely amazing due to the current amount of damage being done in stuns, which is why getting out of one a second earlier is amazing.
These are just 3 exampes, but they’re all very good. Meanwhile, Nightborne racial means literally nothing in almost every forms of content, and may as well be a throw button.
Let me ask you something.
How many times have you been the last person in the group to survive and everyone said “Will of the Forsaken was the only reason we didn’t completely wipe.” or “Warstomp really carried us through that, and had you been a druid of another race we would certainly have met odious defeat!”
My guess would be rarely to never.
Now there are some tiny mathematical differences in optimal output in optimal rotations in optimal gear that you can find mathed out for you on WoWhead, but that’s for all intents and purposes not going to really mean all that much in probably all of the content you ever do. The “If one member of our party’s DPS was between 1 and 2% higher we would have had it!” scenario is so very extremely rare.
Now there are certainly outliers, like Night Elf Shadowmeld M+ skips, but realistically how often have you done that and how much of a terrible inconvenience would it be to just kill that wandering 3 pack of mobs instead of stealthing and invising and shadowmelding?
Berserking is pretty great, but looking at WoWhead for a few classes and specs troll ISN’T the ultra competitive option. That tiny bit of runic power you can eke out of Belf is enough to offset it for Frost DK. That tiny bit of Extra crit damage for tauren is enough to offset it for Tauren. In the moment it can feel really impactful, but largely it’s just not.
And yeah, about once per expansion Goblin lets you cheese a mechanic… but that’s an extreme outlier.
Not nearly as much as they used too. If they did we wouldn’t have so many Alliance on here asking Blizzard to do something about a faction imbalance which isn’t nearly as bad as one may believe.
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If you’re talking purely PvE, no, it’s fine. Play what you like.
If you’re talking PvP, Shadowmeld and Warstomp are both infinitely better than berserking will ever be.
only once that i can recall and it had nothing to do with racials. everyone just died and boss was at like 2% so i had to try and kill it before i died or we wiped. this was in a dungeon i think though. in raid settings im usually dead by then too much dmg i can’t negate without a healer spot healing me.
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While all races are generally a hundred dps within each other all of them are situational.
Example being hordes best pve hunter race is Tauren.
Orc is like 35 dps behind it in second.
You will have more fun playing a race you can connect with than a min max POV.
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Racials actually favor alliance right now. The main pve race for horde is goblin and troll.
Yep, that’s my point. If racials mattered as much as they did in say, TBC, the top players would all faction change to Alliance, as has been evidenced in the past.
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