Do racials really matter?

Well, you got War Stomp as BiS and all the other crap is meaningless, so only yes if you’re a Tauren :^)

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I say play what you like but before the holidays the guild I was guest raiding with had a sub 30K wipe on Fatescribe progression. There were lots of “what if” questions asked not raiding during the holidays.

For a guild that tries to push CE they would have had an extra 2-3 weeks on Sylvanas. Not blaming racials for the wipe but just wanted to illustrate how big getting that Fatescribe kill earlier would have helped.

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last time I remember racials where humans in pvp durning wod. their racial allowed them to equip 2 dps trinkets when everyone else had to use the cc one.


Well the racials are still stronger. However the top guilds aren’t going to transfer and lose the recruitment pool.

Recruitment pool > racials.

They don’t matter as much as many people think they do, but the issue is largely one about the mindset of the players. Many players seem to see playing a “sub-obtimal” race/class combo as an indicator that a person either does not know the optimal choice or does not care enough about performance to make the optimal choice. Players that want to be accepted into groups for harder content know that people think like that and conform, and the cycle feeds itself. The end result is that even though racials don’t matter that much to performance, they in many cases matter significantly to perception.

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They matter if you care about parsing/ranks. A racial can be 80-100 dps for some specs and the difference between parses/rankings can be 5 dps. So having that extra 80 dps can help you get a ranking 10-15 levels higher than it otherwise would have been. They don’t matter at all for getting CE or getting to a high level in mythic+. At the bleeding edge scene yes, but anywhere below that 0.001% they dont matter.

Generally that dps is more than changed by rng or rotational mistakes.

Usually the damage racials are like 1% differencials. Not much variation. If you sim each race its minor dps buffs IF PLAYED OPTIMALLY.

Some races are used as a cd, that may effect burst windows and be powerful there. Some are passive and will buff sustained damage.

The utility racials vary on relevance based on each mechanic so those are often situational.

The crafting ones are nice.

Some of the the racials are huge for progression when reps lock you out of power. For example humans get exalted/revered faster and thus get power upgrades first. Its only good until the rest catch up though. Like they may get access to double legendaries first.

Usually its nice sometimes but would only really matter in like 1% wipes. Stuff like high end content since lower end stuff isn’t balanced to be that tight.

In pvp the defensive and utility racials can be good as well as the cd racials in burst cd windows.

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I feel like utility, quality of life, and survivability racials are underated. I love having darkflight for when my rogue sprint is on cooldown. Really good for a backup to close the gap or zoom away. Nature and shadow damage resistance on worgen is nice too. Running wild is cosmetic (just works like a mount) but its still fun to run on all fours.

Vulpera have the best quality of life perk with make a camp though, hands down.

Just play whatever you want really most racials are useful in some way or another.


to me, the only racial that really is shadowmeld. The rest…blah…


They matter for cutting edge. For the average player, no, the effects they have are miniscule enough they don’t really matter too much. But people will tend to follow the cutting edge.

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Yes, it matters if you’re in the main roster of Limit. But everyone else? Naaaaah.


I think in pve and pvp, except at the highest levels, they really do not matter.

That said, and while I know you didn’t talk about this, the rp side of things racial flavor is immensely important for many people and can go into the race and class they choose.


Well I am really enjoying being a dwarf. So many debuffs I can drop since I went dwarf its amazing. Certainly helps the healer out a lot thats why all the MDI and TGP people go alliance on TR.

It doesnt really matter though

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i don’t RP but yea in that sense it helps too because sometimes i don’t like classes/specs if they don’t make sense to me. lore wise i mean it can but my personal opinion. like how forsaken can be priests when the light actually hurts them.


Viable case but at some point it tops off. Unless one is a paragon cache chaser.

For me if no other desires there and I know the char will be more solo pve…Night elf gets a few points. Shadowmeld is why.

Nice aggro breaker for classes that lack them. Like now, leveling a DK. NE DK. I can rush in vice kill em all on the way, pop meld break aggro…and now its kill the “boss” of the quest and if it needs it 10 mobs as well kill by that “boss”. It can be better than kill em all on the inbound route and wind up killing 20+ to get to that “boss”.

So I get some efficiency to quest runs.

also since all my chars do pvp of me for late at 60 she will gear up in pvp. Can be pita but korthia rng hates me and I hate it (its mutual hate). I top off at 216 minimal but I pick all my stats so it has that.

I have found a melded up non stealthy can be a surprise. people expect a rogue/druid/hunter. they don’t expect a NE melded plate melee (or DH) lol.

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And yeah, about once per expansion Goblin lets you cheese a mechanic… but that’s an extreme outlier.

Be that as it may, nothing feels as fun to me like a goblin warrior using the goblin rocket belt MID heroic leap, then popping a quick nitro into a charge, very satisfying. Albeit I haven’t played my little goblin warrior much since the level squish.

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If you’re into min-maxing yes. Otherwise not dramatically. Personally i love the Goblin racials the best for the functionality.


For the average player no. There have been cases where specific racials have been used to combat certain mechanics in the world first race. Goblin rocket boots and trolls voodoo shuffle come to mind.

If the high end scene was more balanced we might see more guild on alliance because dark iron and mechagnomes have really strong racials. There’s just less recruitment potential on alliance right now so is it worth the little extra boost?

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You can still function at most levels in pvp without optimal racials, but it’s one of those “you could have 20% reduced stun effect at all times which benefits you in every possible scenario, so why wouldn’t you”

So you can do fine not being an orc
But if you can be an orc, why wouldn’t you be to make your life 1 second easier every kidney or hoj?

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This forum loves to cope with “you don’t play at a high enough level for it to matter”.

Thats like saying your piece of mythic gear won’t help in a normal because you don’t play at the mythic level.

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