I like the Steamwheedle Goblins. Way back when I got exalted with the Bloodsail when the only way was to kill a single NPC named Jazzrik over and over on an 8 minute timer, and then to repair my Steamwheedle rep I went to kill thousands upon thousands of Southsea pirates, as killing them raised Steamwheedle rep without lowering Bloodsail rep, and I got exalted with the Bloodsail and all four of the Steamwheedle Goblin groups. When the Cataclysm happened and introduced new quests for the Steamwheedle groups I did all those quests, then had to rebuild my Bloodsail rep to fully exalted, and then had to kill more Southsea pirates again to once again restore my Steamwheedle rep to fully exalted.
The Steamwheedle always came off as hard working, willing to do jobs that needed to be done if there was money to be made, and ultimately saw that there was more profit to be made from offering help to all potential customers.
My favorite of all the Goblins is the reoccurring character Ricket, who we meet in K3 in The Storm Peaks, then again in Deepholm, and then again at Mount Hyjal to help the Guardians of Hyjal against Ragnaros at the Molten Front, and latest of all at Mechagon. My Goblin Warrior is a ode to her.
Though, Ricket’s original outfit is actually made of poor quality gear pieces, so cannot be transmogged, however a gold version is transmogable, which if anything is probably even more fitting to a Goblin:
I enjoyed the initial Bilgewater questing experience, as well as the Bilgewater Heritage Armor quests, but unfortunately the Bilgewater were not actually allowed to follow through the player Goblin’s group of friends and instead got saddled with working for Gallywix, Garrosh, and Sylvanas with no consideration to their own well being, so the Bilgewater ended up being a lot of wasted potential with no real differentiation from the Venture Company.