Trolls are my favorite WoW race but I’ve always thought the setting’s goblins were pretty interesting.
My first encounter was in Mulgore, with the Venture Co. Based on that, I figured they were going with Goblins along with Gnolls and other such classic D&D cannon fodder races in the same role.
Imagine my surprise when I get to the Barrens, get sent to Ratchet, and see they’ve got a whole city down there. A bank, an auction house, ship that comes in and out that’ll take you across the ocean. And they serve EVERYONE! I was not expecting goblins to be the ‘neutral tradesmen race’ and the venue by which a lot the steampunk stuff existed in the setting. I was super into steampunk and any kind of mixture of magic/technology. I was also running a D&D campaign in Iron Kingdoms at the time, and they reminded me a lot of the setting’s Gobbers.
I also realized that the Venture Company was distinct from the Steamwheedle Cartel. Steamwheedle Cartels had the cozy settlements, rigorously enforced neutrality, fought against piracy/banditry and came up with cool inventions. Venture Company were basically robber barons: pressganging people into service so they could extract as many natural resources/labor out of any given area as they could and nobody seemed to like them. I liked the juxtopisition. The rivalry/cooperation with Gnomes was pretty entertaining too.
I was really excited when Catacysm introduced them as a playable race, but a little disappointed when we got Bilgewater, which were in many ways, more Venture Co-lite than Steamwheedle. I did end up liking how they actually seemed to explore the ideas of consumerism, celebrity/pop culture, and class/status divides a bit among the Bilgewater, though. And it’s also the point I think where I could identify WoW Goblins as really starting to become a send up of Americans.
And the idea of taking a nominally fantasy setting like Azeroth and just plopping down this sort of expy of 20th century America into it is just too fun a concept for me.
Like so much stuff we take for granted or don’t think too much about in our day to day lives are used by Goblins in WoW for comedy or even occasionally, mockery or conflict. Goblins live in a society that’s an unregulated economic powerhouse, the leading polluters on the planet, generate an unprecedented amount of mass media, chug cola and gorge on take out, obsess over guns/explosions, drive around in gas powered vehicles, engage in war profiteering and their many religious/medical/educational/political institutions are often motivated by profit?! And it took them that long to oust that buffoonish leader of theirs?
What cartoonishly vile creatures!
I’m surprised there’s not more sympathy/empathy/pity for them tough; especially for the majority of goblins who seem to be just trying to make it though blue collar or service industry work.