I’m just wondering if people are still interested in doing a Cata-style revamp or EK & Kalimdor like people have been asking for, for years now.
Considering how leveling is just kinda an afterthought right now I’m not sure how much sense it makes… or maybe they find a way to make all the new revamped zones have stuff to do at max level.
Leveling has been replaced by world quests. So instead of going through a large area once, to level, then never ever having to go back again, we level quickly then have a reason to go back to all parts of the zone to do world quests.
We’ve actually had the post-Cataclysm world, longer than we’ve had the Vanilla one.
I’d love to play through the old world again, especially if they updated the quests to reflect the timeline.
It was fun playing through Cataclysm for the first time- there was a lot of catching up to do with all the zones, had to level multiple alts to see it all.
I want a major revamp. I’m talking huge. One where you take a time portal to get back to how things are now. The other one takes you to a broken world after Azeroth frees herself. And that’s our new content after Last Titan.
Not on the scale that they did with Cataclysm. I would prefer a more measured approach; only doing a couple zones at a time. And maybe not even completely revamping them either. Just some small changes to show some progression in the narrative.
So long as we have a Bronze Dragon to revert the zone(s) back to their prior state ya.
While they are at it we they should have utilize Chromie in SW/Org to revert Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms back to its Vanilla state (no flying allowed of course).
I think they just need to spend a minor amount of time on updating old content every xpack. Cata was going all-in on a re-vamp and unfortunately it was a huge effort that wasn’t appreciated by most of the player base who were looking for new content.
I would love to see it, at least for Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. I don’t like the idea of doing one or two zones at a time like some suggest because it will just leave the world in the same mess its in now. Zones will be stuck in time depending on what expansion they were updated in. We need a revamp that has self contained stories in each zone.
Also it’d be fun if world quests and delves were sprinkled all around the classic areas.
No one has every wanted a “Cata” style revamp… it’s one of the reasons why we hate the current “world” of Warcraft. because we’ve gotten micro-Cataclysms with most expansions, plots that ruin entire established zones just to progress the plot but are never reverted or given even better current layouts after the fact.
Folks are asking for a reverse Cataclysm. We want IMPROVED zones, not destroyed ones.
I think people use the word “revamp” in different ways. Some people just mean a graphic overhaul. Some people want better lvling experience.
Personally I would like to see lvling become a thing again both in terms of time investment and challenge, and rebalance it to fit the new power we gained from class changes over time.
I would support another World revamp under the following conditions:
It doesn’t completely remove the current world, like what happened back in Cata. Losing all those storylines, quest rewards, and little lore pieces is just not good for the game IMO. Phasing would be the key here, and honestly at this point, the game is so fragmented that I don’t think “the world would look empty due to different phases” even matters anymore to most people.
If the changes are focused on areas that will actually become playable. There are so many maps in the old world that are basically empty with nothing ever happening that can be considered wasted space, safe for the one-time you got there to do one thing. Looking at you Desolace. So not only visual changes, but also I’d like to see triple, quadruple, or more quest density in most areas. I know, I might be in the minority, but I like maps that have tons of quests. On that note, having world quests on the old maps, maybe towards original factions, would be an awesome change.
If they revamp the ENTIRE world. One thing I don’t like about current world is how some places never got touched, and have basically remained classic-ish all these years. So I mean the WHOLE thing. Bring Silvermoon, and the Ghostlands into the fold, bring a post-plague Eastern and Western Kingdoms, update Winterspring, update Un’Goro, do a MASSIVE update to the entire Blackrock Mountain region now that the Dark Iron are part of the Alliance. etc. etc.
Also, the entire world should include Northrend. Northrend needs a MASSIVE update form a graphics point, but also lore-wise.