Do people still use Recount?

I’m talking about the specific window that Rarescanner does with an animated version of the thing it is tagging. It’s very annoying.

Silver Dragon just does a window like the original mob window from Vanilla. I can live with this sort of thing.

Dude, do yourself a favor, just right click in the window. Don’t use the Sword icon. LMAO. Or right click the title bar.

Right click brings up bookmarks, of which the following a pre-configured :

Right click title bar gives you the following menu :

You don’t need to with Details! since it properly displays DPS.

If a guy did 13k dps to everyone else doing 16k DPS, you’ll know fast because it’ll say 13k DPS, not 16k DPS with a much shorter bar because it stopped counting after his death like Recount does.

Yes, because you didn’t drop combat.

If you want to test trinkets, use simulations anyway. Dummy testing is the absolute worse way to measure performance.

Yeah, to pump your epeen even though you died and did 13k dps on the boss, not 22k dps.


yeah you can completely turn that window off on rarescanner, resize it, make it appear and disappear after 2 seconds, ect.

I use Details, at least until either Blizzards adds their own meter or they break them so they can no longer track that information.

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I still use skada because details has the most obnoxiously annoying UI.

People still use out dated add ons….

Yep that’s my beef with details, the ui needs a total refresh… it reminds me trying to install arch by tty and following the arch wiki…

And honestly the numbers from details and skada at the end of a boss fight seems to be off by 200 to 400 or so when me and my friend compare numbers …not enough to go to details for me

i use Recount, yes.

also RSA. if it works, it stays.

When I use a dps meter it’s recount. I am familiar with it, and it gives me what I want. I’m not usually worried about the specific numbers, but the overall performance. So I look for the peaks and valleys, and try to figure out what to do from there.

Option to turn off for that after that it’s all fine.

I have moved on to Details!, but Skada used to have a chat integration addon that I absolutely loved. It would make one of your chat windows a Skada window. I’m not sure if its a dead addon now, but I use the base UI and it was really good to clear up that space on my monitor.

Skada is bugged

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Details and Skada use the same default method of measuring throughput.

I suspect your Details got set to the option that makes it function like Recount’s default. I don’t know the setting name but Details offers both methods.

Edit: Oops, old thread.

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I’ve used them all and found Details to be by far the best out of the bunch.

I use recount in classic

I’ve always found details to be far too bloated and confusing to use. So I use skada instead. It might be buggy, but it’s still better than details for me.


I use recount, but I’m old and details has 175373929625 different options that i literally don’t and won’t care about.


Same, I use Recount and see no need to change.


Recount is updated a lot more slowly though, which is sad.

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