Do people still use Recount?

still is :wink:


Recount is very inaccurate, and you really shouldnā€™t use it lol.

Details is very accurate but can take a toll on lower end PCs.

Skada is what I used until I got this computer, cause itā€™s accurate enough without the computer toll. Lol.

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Itā€™s not inaccurate, it uses DPS without downtime. If you die, it stops counting the Time portion of the DPS calculation.

All preference really.
I donā€™t do M0, M+, Raid or do Rated Pvp, do I need Details? No, I use it though simply because it has more appearance customization than either Skada or Recount but if Skada and Recount both had the customization of details without having the supposed accuracy then Iā€™d likely use one of them instead of Details

Iā€™ve found skada to be mostly broken these days. It hasnā€™t been updated in a long time and it doesnā€™t work correctly a lot of the time. Recount is a similar position. However I find Details to be far to obtuse and unnecessarily complex to use. If an add-on takes me more than 5min to figure out, I move on. So now I donā€™t use any dps meter. If someone claims my dps is too low, I no longer care. They can carry me.

I mostly enjoy how all three damage meters donā€™t agree.


Literally install it and never touch anything and it works just fine. Itā€™s super easy.

Iā€˜ll keep using Skada as long as it works. I like that itā€™s less resource intensive and pretty basic. I donā€™t want a resource intensive damage meter, itā€™s why I switched from Recount to Skada back in the day, so I have little interest in Details.

Either Skada needs to be updated regularly (at least for 10.0) or we need a replacement with a similar feature set and low resource consumption.

I use whatever addon makes me feel really good at the game hahahahahhahahahaha

No really I just use Details cause it averages out your dps for the entire fight.

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Recount lagged my computer, especially on pulls where we used Lust first thing. Details and Skada donā€™t. Your results may of course vary.

I use Recount, 'cause Details is some overbloated shizz. Haters gonna hate.

details has the lowest memory usage and does the most things, and is updated way more and better becasue of its popularity.

PS- dont use rarescanner. SImply download rarescanner and silverdragon that does the same thing and better , and look at the memory usage. Silverdragon is literally 1/4 the memory or rarescanner

I use Recount. Tried Details a couple times but seems to take too much to configure.

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You literally have no options to change at all though. It just works.


I remember back in Cataclysm when this was the polar opposite and people memed Skada for only calculating DPS while you were actively pressing buttons. So it led people to believe they were doing more dps than they actually did because it didnā€™t drop when they were moving for mechanics and not maximizing uptime.

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Recountā€™s dad can beat up Detailsā€™ dad.

Oh is that so? My pc is from 2016 so i might swap to skada and give that a go

Yeah, and doesnā€™t give you that annoying little popup window every time it sees something either.

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Let me put it this way then, it is more cumbersome and unintuitive to use.

I want overall damage done in real time and who has done what percentage of the damage.

Recount: Cycle through the graphs Until I get to Damage Done. Done.

Details: Hover over the sword icon, move to Damage, then to Damage Done in the submenu. Wait, there is a message that tells me it wonā€™t be in real time unless I right-click the bar and select a script for Dynamic Overall Data. Canā€™t figure out how to see percentages by player.

After a lot of experimentation, figured out that Dynamic Overall makes the segments useless, so now I canā€™t see data for one fight at a time.

Also, after experimentation, figured out that you canā€™t get a nice ability breakdown page with dynamic turned on. Clicking a player graph bar in that mode opens the sharing window for some reason.

I want to do some dps tests on a target dummy to compare talents or trinkets.

Recount: Walk up, dps for awhile, step back and analyze.

Details: Walk up, dps for awhile, step backā€¦ and watch my dps fall because itā€™s still counting. Well now the numbers are off, great.

In group with two Fury warriors, curious about which one is doing better damage.

Recount: Can see both of their names and servers, easy.

Details: There are namesā€¦ but they arenā€™t character names. Impossible to tell who is who. Found out much later that I have to go into options and check Ignore Nicknames and Avatars to actually see character names for some people. /facepalm

Finished a dungeon, going back to questing, want to close the graph window for now.

Recount: Click the red X button at the corner of the window.

Details: Is it in this menuā€¦? This oneā€¦? Right-click somethingā€¦? Nope, nothing on the window at all, have to Ctrl-Click the mini map button. Why?

See why I stay with Recount? It ā€œjust worksā€ way better than Details.

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i think both do, and you can disable both. my point is that the coding for silver dragon is far more elegant and using almost no memory for your cpu