Do people not like r Druids?

oh well that is disappointing, I though you had a build that could make me do amazing dps in a more general sense not just spike hard on the few giant 20+ enemy pulls.

I am relieved. I was about to go delete my Druid for being terrible.

I think the covenant bonus is a horrible idea and the devs should have known better. People already won’t start a group without lust, brez, and meta classes and to add another restriction of bringing a certain covenant just limits compositions even more.

I know it doesn’t matter in low keys but even many groups at a low level won’t start a dungeon without a member of the dungeon covenant so it’s a limitation that affects everyone.

Maybe if the covenant bonus didn’t affect difficulty nearly as much or ideally, not at all. Maybe make the covenant bonus give an extra piece of gear, more anima, or transmog/mount chance or something. The higher the key level the more this problem is felt. I’m someone who doesn’t mind taking non meta but blizzard didn’t make it easy. If I’m doing an SD key I have a lock cause they are stupidly overtuned, my hunter for lust, and now I need a vent so I’m waiting for vDH or a sub rogue. Sorry all you other non meta dps specs, I would take you but blizzard is pretty much forcing my hand if I want to give myself the highest chance of success.

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that’s why we play in guilds, everyone in my guild accept my druid rest, druids are excellent healers

about the covenant instance bonuses I think mists has it right, all you get is a tiny skip and a short boost to dps for the first boss and a couple trash packs. meaningful but not necessary and if you don’t have it there isn’t a huge adjustment to trash pulling for %

DoS is just a stun. Useful, but players can stun too.

i can’t wait for covenant bonuses in dungeons to go away next season…i’ll miss my Ruby/Changeling, but it literally turned this game into a LFG simulator at a certain io level :yawning_face:

True, but those are some serious pulls you can stun. Half of ardenwaald, a mask rage, a big platform pack, and a hakkar pull is nothing to sneeze at. Mask rages are the hardest hitting unavoidable aoe mob ability to heal in the game.

Oh I know, I usually tranq them. Just pointing out that you could get through without too much loss of efficiency compared to something like a full stack of the latern buff in SD.

Yeah I agree it’s for sure less impactful than other bonuses. I feel that tranq isn’t nearly enough on a fort week. They do something like 120k dmg in 6 seconds on a 24.

the dos stun works on things that can’t be stunned by players though, but yeah its not nearly as important as things like the golems in NW or the lanterns in SD

Yeah it hurts. I use barkskin and pray others are using a personal. Sometimes lose a person, but what can ya do.

I’m sure people will still use previous tier trinkets next season. Some might be too powerful to pass up even with lower ilvl. I could be wrong though, well have to wait and see.

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I’m so glad I don’t do Mythic+. By the time you get your gear maxed out a new patch comes out. When max gear again a new expansion comes out. Your gear may or may not be very good in the next expansion. Nothing good to transmog either.

yeah it’s hard to say. The effect on things like the ruby are pretty powerful on their own.

Having to use tazavesh healing trinkets is gonna be rough lol

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That’s actually a good thing (to me) I would get bored with stagnancy.

I can’t believe they took it literally, but like it or not it’s disappointing 20k ago (I don’t understand why it would be) but at the end of the day it serves to increase your dps overall as a druid, we could even see it in the MDI or live where there are other healers doing 40-50k (from dps to burst to big pull) and I don’t think that’s disappointing (at least not to me).

That’s true, Blizzard did a terrible design with the covenants, I’m so glad this is finally going to end… I just hope that when we’re in DragonFlight all the covenant interactions can be done by any type of person/player (I mean because I understand that we will play at least 1 SL dungeon in DragonFlight) the covenant had great potential (well at least for me) but when they made us dependent on them for the success of a key, the terrible imbalance of these same (causing many classes to choose 1 or 2 covenants) and also adding the previously mentioned imbalance or dependence on the target classes (not all) to achieve X dps or X stamina through the covenant (take the example of paladin’s Ashen Hallow in the S1-S2 and Vesper Totem from the Rshammy S2-S3) these very things made these classes shine just because of a borrowed power instead of addressing the problem itself…

Being honest… I have no idea what blizzard was thinking about the vast majority of druid and priest buffs, I mean the priest buff was good since it improved some talents and spells that were bad before (some are not used anyway) but the druid one was the worst of all since the vast majority of the changes are not used (Like Nourish, Inner Peace, etc.) it’s more… because instead of making Inner Peace a talent that is almost never used uses (in Raid and M+) has the new ability to reduce damage by 20%… but from the druid and not from those affected… that makes it useless… (I would have even preferred the mobility issue a thousand times to the cast it than that 20% damage reduction and knockback immunity)

Whenever I’m not healing and playing my tank I’m often disgusted at pug healers dps and ability to heal. Rest assured there’s a lot of healers who lack basic fundamental skills

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I don’t doubt it. I used to take a break from healing a pug a few dungeons as a DPS. Never a good time. Ever.

maybe the group needs a lust or a specific convenant which your druid does not bring, I swear people always think its all about them. :roll_eyes: