Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Indeed it is,

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I play games to disassociate from everything around me. Healthy? Maybe not but it is what it is.

I don’t actually play games to be challenged. If something gets challenging, I skip it and try again later. I don’t really care about ilvl, top dps, climbing ladders, or seasonal content. I do the same thing in the Diablo games. Just play on the basic level and never create seasonal characters.


Oooh someone is on Cruise Control for Kewl :rofl:

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And the game respects your wishes by not making the open world insanely difficult, as some people seem to desire due to their own lack of initiative or joining content that suits them.

I am more annoyed that blizzard keeps auto editing posts when i hit reply to someone >.<.

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Yeah they just dont want full quotes on the post if it was just above

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Just leave the . off at the end. the system doesn’t let you full quote a message if it’s the last one sent.

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Huh i never knew the reason thanks for that. To both of you :smiley:


That sort doesnt think the rules apply equally to all.
Hes derailing the thread because hes bent that I called out his error and ignored him. That is trolling and a violation

Now, Im getting back to the topic.

probably the best reason to play games. Just getting away from the stress in life for a while.

I do love challenging games. Usually turn solo games up to max difficulty to make them last longer.
But the way Ion and crew abuse the hokey circus crap in this game just seriously ruin the atmosphere of the game.

I mean, its not just him…Ive crosses a few old world bosses that have some pretty lame mechanix, but they dont seem to go as nuts with them as later content does…which feels like it got worse about Legion.

You set your own difficulty in WoW. The entry level experience is entry level. Your new player can figure out. But you can participate in anything from mundane mob grinding to boss fights and certain scenarios that WILL take you and a group of knowledgable players a very long time to beat.

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I find shirtless tanking hard.

Those abs and pecs must be useful for something

I’m still not really sure what circus show mechanics means. Dungeons are just various mixes of move out of bad, heal damage being taken, drop debuff out of the way, kill thing before it explodes.

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One of the biggest ones reminds me of that mentally deranged ride we used to go on when we were kids…the Octopus or something like that.
The mechanic grabs you and slings the whole party all over the room…just about EXACTLY how that ride did.
Why not just put a Ferris Wheel in there too? lol.
give me poisons or something that at least isnt so hokey.
And its not just the mechanix themselves, its the overuse of them.

Mythic Raids are a step too far. Not even sure when to start.

Just the Mythic…not M+…isnt really that much more than heroic. The stuff I ran just another mechanic or whatever to watch out for.
In the one run I did for the first time I literally just asked at the gate what was different from the heroic run…they were really nice and told me what to keep an eye on and it went perfectly.

I think the more complex the content is, the more you run into nice and better players who are willing to take a second and let you know.
Id google it, but honestly, Im too lazy. lol.

Its ALL just memory and repetition…just like golf.
Tiger Woods and that level of player are good for ONE reason…they practice constantly. Golf ISNT a hard game. Ive never had a lesson in my life and could score low 80s all day long, and did just that.
But i practiced all the time and on many days golfed two rounds a day…8+ hours total.
If I had taken lessons with a professional, if i had been that invested, yeah, I could have likely gotten my score down a lot lower.

this game is NO different.
its not about ‘hard’, its about practice…about knowing when to do what, what to watch out for, what ability to use, etc.
its not rocket science.

i think SOME get offended because they cant cope with being told the game AINT hard. lol. They take that statement as a personal attack which tells me they have WAY too much of their own personal value in life tied up into a video game lol.

Its not hard. Just learn what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and practice that.

Sure, I mean, the same principle can be applied to almost every game out there. That doesn’t mean everything is the same.

And, in the context of this particular comparison, I think classic WoW was actually easier than modern WoW, contrary to what OP implies.

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Getting gladiator is still hard but I find pvp to be easier as It’s all I do. my guess is practice makes perfect. If the game feels easier to you ill just counter this question with “well how long have you been playing?” I remember first starting this was an overwhelming game. The games not easier, you’re just better.

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