Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Really I just found classic to be annoying; when it came out I was able to muscle my way to 37 with a prot warrior, but I was terminally broke, I couldn’t run the dungeons I wanted, every fight felt awful with the sheer number of misses, blocks, parrys, dodges and resists that rando enemies pulled leading to like a third of my attacks actually landing… whole thing just felt miserable.

I think I’m resilient to the game design of the era. Big fan of classic CRPGs, Morrowind, etc. so parries, blocks, misses… they’re all kinda fine for me.

I hit a snag in Thousand Needles and the Raceway, and then after Stranglethorn it all feels like a slog. Horde side and Shaman, if it matters to anyone who has an opinion on my take.

Idk. Retail is much smoother, I don’t disagree at all on that much.

YEs, something is too hard. The Dev team.

TLDR: The Devs are the hardest part since they sit high on their white horse

Let’s go into it shall we? we shall!

  1. For twenty years they have not once stopped to make a program that can run EVERY combo of talents and moves. You run it thru a program that takes and group of 5 thru a set route players take in a dungeon like CoS, A raid that is going to be current and some real life grind spots where players will be solo in PvE.

Now this will take a week for a computer to do it but when it’s done, they would see where things need to be balanced. They could see what moves to buff and what to bring down so that all classes can be closer to each other in terms of power and allow players to play with different talent builds for fun. (There will still be a meta for each class but the difference between meta and non-meta would be +/- 2 to 3%)

Heaven forbid they balance the classes. They might have happy players then!

  1. Yes this game is 20 years old. The coding is a mess. Look at the last 48 hours as of posting… Item upgrades broke for no reason and now we can’t log in. Why? (FYI If a blue sees this - last year or so you had tech try to tell people what was wrong, I loved that transparency. I work on UE5 so I understood some.) Now I’m not calling for a WOW 2 but it’s high time something happens. There is little reason for them not to hire a small team to start ripping things apart. Would love to see WOW 2 or a move to bring WOW to UE5 (SHOUT TO TO AXCEL and his project!) but that’s another story. The main point here is that the coding is a mess and if they want to do such major rebuilds for “Midnight” and “The Last Titan”, what is that going to do to the coding as they are rewriting code that was put into the game YEARS ago…

This is a major undertaking and I’m glade I don’t have that monster on my plate but wth, Blizzard and MS have the money so they could do it. It would be one of the biggest PR campaigns they could do to bring in new and older players.

  1. Stop blowing players off when we call out. A good way to show how devs “Listen” while blowing us off is the new Ascendant:

This is a lie. They did he whole “We Listened” line but they never did… People, and I still think this is too many. 3-5 orbs is the range we are calling for.

The Great Vault is another GREAT example for this too. There is way too much RNG in this game to the point it’s starting to feel like a ARPG. Getting the gear we want should not be as hard as they are making it. If it’s that hard to get, we should be able to level the gear up all the way. NOW, if we get the gear by luck or what not, we will have to get it again at some point if we got it at a lower level since it can only be leveled up so much.

So they put in a balance of neededing to do higher content to get higher level crest AND make you have to get your gear up to two to three times? I remember watching Bellular and Matt said it took him 20 runs to get an Unbond Changeling. With the old system, he could have just pushed and pushed and gotten higher creast without the worry of having to get another changling. BUT NOW, you have to push AND hope some how he gets another Changeling in a Dungeon that is just god awful.

Litch king and Cata had token to just buy some set gear. That system could be reworked. I know it’s all for the retention metric but is that really a good way to retain people? They way this is moving, it’s moving into a MMOARPG, just let us get the gear we want, push, leave HAPPY so that we come back next season since you want to run gear like an ARPG.

  1. Good segway into this one… Raids / Dungeons VS Addons: FIGHT!

Let’s get real, mist of tirna scithe was mostly ok until you came to the maze. Now blizzards says they dont want an arms race with addons, then don’t do crap like this that takes MORE time. Now I haven’t done Mist on Beta or looked into it, But if they don’t have the maze open like they did Waycrest Manor, Then they … I just looked into it and ya, the maze is still in. This shows some people in the Dev team need to be fired. What ever management member signed this off, fire them now. This Maze was such a crap thing to start with and out of all the place from SL you could have picked, you picked one of the worse ones (IMO).

But since it was picked, Arms race it is. They clearly need to sit the whole 700 or whatever devs they have down and get on the same page. If they don’t want an arms race, don’t do things like this that will make Most normal Players grab an Addon so that they can time Mythics.

Another thing is how they build raids. They said red on red or blue on blue is staying. They also said they are not going to mark the edges of spells effects with hard lines… We’ve been calling for it. They said no. THEY LIKE IT. Who pays their bills? This shows they don’t listen also. But they do things like this so that we have to find addons or find cheap ways of dealing with their BS. I ended up getting the Ink. Now i do boss fights with a mostly dark screen so I can see where things are. How is this fair? I am trying not to get an addon but since I don’t, I don’t get to enjoy SEEING everything?

This is just some of the things I find hard because it’s out of my control. I can figure out how to do a lot in this game, I’ll find tricks, watch a video or two, something to get over whatever I’m doing. But this stuff the Devs do, that’s what makes the game hard and in some ways, less enjoyable.

Another Mahouneko thread complaining about lack of difficulty in the game despite the reality that this player does not engage in any difficult content.

In other words, degenerate garbage.




And while it can be argued that current WoW isn’t really a “hard” game (though it’s more like a game in which you can choose to do different kind of content, some harder than the other, and with different levels of difficulty), it’s not like there was a golden age in which this wasn’t the case. All the opposite.

I don’t know why people entertained your post considering you’ve done zero “hard” content in the game.

Tell me what you are really asking, OP.

Less ‘hard’ than just pointlessly annoying/juvenile.
Some of those mythic mechanics are just kiddie carnival ride hokey stupid, if you ask me.
Its a fantasy RPG…not Mario Kart…which is another reason why I stopped progressing into harder content when I did.
Between the goofy circus mechanix, the eternal gear grinding and the annoying players, yeah, i’ll just stick to my 95% solo game, lol

You don’t even do hard content, what do you know about it?


Per the title. Dealing with people in this game is far worse than dealing with someone in real life, you cannot punch someone through the internet ( Yet ) .

I’m hard stuck at +11. As a PuG.

When the group breaks down, I break down. So it isn’t at all a trollish response to say "Oh it’s hard to find people for this obscure content or super high key / etc.”

That is my answer. Being a cantankerous introvert in endgame WoW is not easy.


for those WITH working brain cells here…AGAIN…this is NOT MY MAIN ACCOUNT and THIS profile stalking troll is WHY I wouldnt/dont post in it.
THIS joke is what you get when someone like him DOESNT have any actual point to make lmao

I mean, I still die out fighting mobs in the world when I get swarmed on my fire mage. I don’t claim to be a good player, and I’m certainly not elite. I’m older, not as coordinated as I used to be, and my response time is slower than it used to be.

I like a challenge, but I get frustrated and take a break when I keep dying without being able to complete said challenge.

I haven’t had a guild to work through content with in so many years. That was a lot of fun back in the day.

I find all the classes for the most part to be bloated with buttons and too many hybridizations. Druid and shaman are the worst offenders. The talent system is a joke now and was better from MOP to Shadowlands.

We are now getting half-baked specs that rotationally play weird inviting more weak -aura and complexity to play.

You should try WoW Made Easy, they are a discord group that runs M+ and don’t care if you are an Introvert ( they won’t grill you for it ), plenty of relaxed and peaceful runs. :smiley:

ooooh, someone is mad. :open_mouth:


This is the 13th time you say this. lmao.
You can fake everything you want, but you make it more than obvious you do not do any hard content. Mald harder.
Constantly opening hidden posts because you can’t help yourself. :rofl:


lmao…now troll is gonna get upset and spam me for the next 6 months cuz he got called out for trolling and being wrong lmao


You’re so very adorable. You have all these tools, and yet you can’t use them properly, then blame blizz. It’s as easy as not clicking on hidden posts. But you can’t stop yourself, because you love making a scene.


It this thread about how someone doesn’t actually do Mythic raiding yet calls it too easy anyway?

Cause last time thats what the thread was :popcorn:


Basically. People who don’t touch content goes around crying the game is too easy, it’s a repeat theme.