Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Yeah I’m sorry I don’t mean to demean anything and make it sound like something isn’t hard given how the word is defined. What I mean is obviously some players have trouble doing one thing when another person can do it easily enough.
Not to mention that there are some physical handicaps that are going to make it impossible for somebody to accomplish something which in essence you can define that as hard for them.

What I think I’m getting at is just saying that any thing in this game that isn’t made impossible by the developers that a human being can accomplish is just a matter normally of practicing it.

Obviously if somebody has had a stroke like my nephew it’s not going to be easy for them to do something that I might be able to do.

And I would define better as just being somebody that is practiced more and doesn’t have a disability or say being older and the motor skills have deteriorated that prevents them from being able to do whatever we’re talking about here.

I mean just in general what I’m talking about when I say something isn’t hard I mean that yes a human being can accomplish it if they’re going to sit down and just put their mind to it. Obviously there are qualifiers to that statement in that some people are older and their motor skills are not what they used to be or they might be disabled etc

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I see your replying while you already posted something so I’m just helping you out. Threads often don’t allow a double response. “it says give someone else a chance to speak first” lol

so here ya go!

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Oh I’m sorry I’m responding on my phone right now waiting for my wife to come out I’m sitting in the car. And the phone browser doesn’t always seem to work exactly like the desktop browser so I often screw things up

lol your fine

But in his defense have you seen the posts in here about hogger and classic wow? So you’ll get somebody in here talking about how easy classic was and religiously one of the responses in here will be about how horrifying hogger was in classic. So the original poster here might be right and he may be wrong I’m not going to go and try to evaluate it but I do know that if you say retail now is harder you’ll get classic people attacking that. And if you get someone saying classic was harder you’ll get retail people attacking that LOL

And both sides have their own evidence to support the idea that their version was harder LOL

Brain surgery isn’t hard, just learn what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and practice that.

Which one is more difficult in this example doesn’t matter. It’s such a reductive and meaningless way to think about things…

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Idk i think it works out great as an example, same with building a jet, or becoming an oil tycoon “it is not hard, just do what needs to be done”

Or drawing an owl, in fact I think I have an instructional graphic around here somewhere.

i mean if Stewie Griffen can make an Owl out of Macaroni, ( even if it got spit and stomped on ) then you can too :smiley: I guess being a world leader is “easy” too just got to learn what to do :rofl:

The hardest thing left in WoW is basic communication among players.

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I find Healing hard. the learning curve is steep, either you do good off the bat and the group lives or you fumble around trying to learn as the group dies.

I tried learning in Remix but honestly its the worst place to learn how to heal.
Almost noone needs heals unless you are grouped with undergeared 60-69 players in which case they die before you can even heal them.

As someone that is infinitely better than the OP at everything, no, the game isn’t hard.

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Including having an ego the size of the universe :smiley:

right. knowledge and practice…as I said.
Some in here make it sound like you need to be demi god to play this game lmao.


In case it was not clear i was joking :smiley: as i assumed you were xd.

I don’t have a sense of humor.

Neither do i, does not mean i can’t make terrible jokes XD.

You think pugs are going to compete for world first?


I would venture a guess and say you are FAR better than i am at this game. I dont have any problem admitting such.