Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Nononono, toughest boss (highest kill count too!) is elevator boss.

C’mon now.

I find it pretty hard to listen how people nowadays keep trying to find faults where there isn’t.

Game’s hard if you actually play its content.

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Your question implies that classic WoW was hard, which the classic servers have time and time again proven to be false.

Yes, the leveling experience was hard back then, because your character was weak compared with the mobs, but apart from that, most things people consider “hard” from back then are actually inconveniences, not difficulty, like having to walk for minutes to res.

High level M+ and Mythic raids are by far a lot harder than anything classic had to offer.


The timer is my reason. I don’t like feeling rushed…this is made worse with pugs, imo.

Green fire was hard. Took me over 200 tries, continuously gearing up until I finally beat it.

Mage tower is hard.

Raiding is hard. That’s why it takes weeks for guilds to clear them.

I won’t say M+ is hard, but it’s unforgiving. That can make it hard. The detail is that for most players, it’s not necessary to play the “hard” M+, they can get by with the “easier” ones. So, they “never” encounter “hard” content.

That freaking room with the bubbles and mobs that send you back to the start in the Dawn of the Infinite. That room is hard for me. I think I’ve managed to actually get through it once in my many tries. Thankfully, others are much better at it and can open the portal.

Things that are hard for me are easy for others. The game requires skills. There are, absolutely, players who are better at different aspects of this game than other players. Those players may find those aspects easy. But that doesn’t mean it’s not hard, if not impossible, for others.

The game can be as hard as you want to make it. That’s why we have scaled content.

Most don’t want it that hard, so they choose to not play it.


I find PvP hard

I’m not good at it, so I end up being just fodder for the other team. I’m not fast enough to react to what my opponent is doing/has done, and I don’t necessarily know the in-s/out-s of all the other classes to outplay them.

plus I get mad. really, really, really mad. it’s unhealthy.

so I stay away from it.


I’m not sure what you mean by “Hard.” At the end of the day, it’s just video game… it’s not “Hard” to play a video game. In any game, pretty much any task can be broken into things that can be memorized or practiced. WoW is no different mechanically.

That being said, WoW is an MMO, so it’s inherently a social game…

It sounds like for you, the “hard” part of the game is staying a welcome raider in a CE guild.

Having read through your thread, speaking as a Guild and Raid leader - you sound like a chore. It’s easy to help and lead people who are trying to improve and recognise their own limitations and shortcomings. It’s a chore to deal with people who think they are way better than they have proven to be; and who judge everyone else around them.


You are trolling because you are calling content that you cannot complete easy.

I find it hard to log on.

Especially nowadays when every class basically plays the same in PvE where you spread your AoE like a bad Diablo session.

Can we talk about how OP’s highest key is a +2 BH OVER TIME BY 01:36

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Me, when I find a rare mount or mog.

PvP is the only truly hard content in this game, specifically high end arenas. Even then, you can do super well in arenas simply by queuing a lot in a season.

RBGs are honestly rather easy by comparison. I’d argue it’s harder to find a competent RBG group than it is to actually succeed in there.

PvE in WoW is and remains a joke. Beat on the dummy for 5 hours to master a rotation and you can clear all the content in the game once you join a guild.

No, you’re trolling because every day it seems you make a new condescending thread.

Looking at the number of threads about how difficult m0 is, yes, I believe a lot of people think the game is hard.

The “Hardest” part of classic was dealing with the absurd tedium.

Dealing with the average pug player is hard.

I’ve been yelled at for being pixel clipped, seen people accidentally run off the map in +15s, and had tanks leave because “no one is interrupting” when they’re sitting at two as a VDH.

I’d say Arena is pretty darn hard after a bit since it’s designed to make you win 50% of the time.

Considering I barely if ever do them I consider heroic raids hard for me and keys between I guess +7 to +10 as pretty tough. So yeah I genuinely consider that tough I suppose.

It’s right around level 40 imo.

For Horde, at least.

I won’t lie.

If I didn’t have wowhead, there would be a significant amount of more challenge in the game for me. And I don’t HAVE to use it when I can’t figure something out or come across things on my own, but it would take a lot longer to do stuff.