Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Disc is definitely lacking that “oh crap” button that everyone else seems to come with for sure.

Had a few moments with the tank croaking and then asking me “Do you have any big healing CDs?” and I’m like, “Well, uh, not really…”

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“Getting twenty people together to do something” is not vague and yes it is hard sometimes just like the content that needs twenty people to clear.

Because many of them suck hard. Calling them “elite” is disingenuous at best.

They then have an attitude like they’re good because they do content that’s locked behind an asinine, out dated lockout model. If mythic was puggable like heroic was, a LOT more people would have CE – and I’m not just talking about losers buying it either.

Because they try to force it into some dumb holy priest cosplay build, and it doesn’t work well. Hpal might not have a lot of big cooldowns like some other healers do, but it’s VERY consistent, and basically always has healing going.

And things like BoP, LoH and BoS are super good too.

Haha, I played a variety of healer alts in s3 (all except pali) and remember just how bad Disc was at some points. You’re group kills mobs in Everbloom on bursting weeks with Mass Dispell on CD…gg party.

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Coming from a guy who quit raiding after burning out on weeks of Heroic Anub attempts and led a guild through Ulduar hardmodes…

And a guy who also fought hard to conquer the “I guess we’ll have to pug the last few spots for tonight’s Eye/SSC run” Endgame boss for months on end…

I haven’t done anything Mythic whatsoever, so I’m not in a position to say “Ugh, game so ezmode lol.” When I was playing from the end of Wrath all the way until Korthia in SL, I stuck to the open world because that’s all I had the mental bandwidth to do.

This is why healer affixes are dumb. The affix itself was dumb but it was especially dumb that it made “Mass Dispel” healer/Priest DPS mandatory that week. Might as well bring a party of all Priest.

Any affix that requires specific classes is dumb. No idea how they’d fix that but Warriors sitting out constantly is just lame.

Not having affix-solving buttons alone is hard mode. Hard mode to get into a dang group.

Classes are not hard. High level content is hard.

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LOL wow.

This shows a fundamental misunderstanding on like.



No, that’s just reality bro, sorry.

If mythic had the same lockout system as every other difficulty, it would be done by far more people.

I would absolutely love to see pug progression on Tindral.


I bet there’d be people on like week 2 or 3 pugging CE.

I’m definitely goinna be trying in TWW now that it’s cross-realm. Makes it infinitely easier to pug.

lol no

you honestly believe that there are hundreds of the best raiders in the world just not joining guilds to raid?


Speaking as someone who was part of a cross server mythic raid group chat channel that was fairly well moderated. While it can happen you won’t really see more then the first 3 bosses give or take one.

Usually its after the first few nerf waves and when upgrades have been unlocked that you see people push past some of the road blocks. Even with a very filtered pool its very rare to see more then one group pugging CE.

Last season their greatest pug group killed mythic Smold and that was already really pushing it.

There are people like me, who can do the content, but don’t want to treat the game like a job and don’t live and breathe WoW. We don’t get along with mythic guilds, even not counting my unique issues.

Mythic guilds are usually a bunch of freaks who worship the “meta” and can only do what Liquid or Echo or whoever tells them to do. There is no fun allowed.

Mythic isn’t cross-realm yet, it’s being added in TWW. And I pugged heroics back in MoP before mythic was added to the game (it’s just renamed heroic), and did it just fine. Extended lockouts sometimes to try for like Garrosh or something, but generally worked out.

I have no reason to think you are a person that can do the content.

And clearing CE in 2-3 weeks would require playing WoW like a job.

Clearing CE in 2-3 weeks from launch requires following the meta.

Clearing CE in 2-3 weeks, while not treating WoW as a job, and not following the “meta” would make you better than Liquid, Echo, etc in game skill.

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I wanna disagree as I have seen weekend only guilds or two night guilds get CE. That said I have noticed a lot more " Parse bros" using nonsense to try and figure out bosses. I was in a guild that legit was trying to use their 30s wipe parses to figure out who the weak players were.


Edit: all they figured out was that Arcane mages really over performed.

Yes, anything above regular dungeons is hard. If I’m in anything higher, everyone else is off and running before I can look around and see who is there. Then they run past mobs so I get overwhelmed and resurrect back in the beginning. I never make it to the real fight. Then I get kicked.

I no longer bother with anything over simple dungeons and sometimes even then the tank just speed runs.

For me it’s follower dungeons. Maybe delves will work out, I hope so.

making friends

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There are 3 factors that go into success in raids. Time, Skill, and Gear.

You need a combined amount of all 3, and a minimum amount of each one, but more of one helps substitute for less of the others as long as you stay above that minimum.

No, it just requires you to be minimum competence, and not blazed out of your mind. Not really hard to do.

No it doesn’t, that’s just a mental crutch people use.

Now that IS challenging, you’re right.