Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Nice one!

I struggle to get much enjoyment out of m+ before it reaches a level where I’m getting challenged but it is fun to do content with people I care about at their level just to see them improve and perform beyond their own expectations.


I feel you. Healer carry burn out is real. Heck, any carry burn out is real.

Kudos on your wife. My partner quit (WoW entirely) after a +2 because a pal and myself were astonished by their DPS. Abysmally low even on an over geared Beastmaster Hunter. We WoW player’d them out of WoW. Feels bad.

Thankfully we’re doing raiding in FF14 together. Game’s a lot easier over there, just requires memory and some mild coordination.

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It’s been really fun seeing her go beyond where she thought she could play and now she’s happy to bring her MW and let me play shadow from time to time as well. Which has been incredibly fun in keys.

It is and DF is my first time healing anything significant. Played a resto sham briefly in BfA but never in keys. I’m just lucky that discipline clicked quickly for me and that I really enjoy the gameplay of the spec.

Awesome, I think my friend is finding her limit around the 7-8 range which while amazing for her does mean I have to somewhat split my time doing keys between the aspect I enjoy and spending time in game with her.

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Pre-patch SWP probably out difficulty’s most raids from then to now, no?

OP, you got kicked from a Mythic Broodkeeper pug because you were floor PoV and grey parsing so…

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you must be a gladiator + cutting edge who got mage tower on the first try without set bonuses, enchants, or gems.

Well you’ve got to start somewhere. Perhaps in the future she will be more comfortable following you into some big boi keys?

Rep grinds.

Personally the hard part is staying invested while I wait for stuff to reset. I’d really just - appreciate the ability to grind rep out in a raid, dungeon, or through mobs. That’d be nice. As it stands the process of doing five world quests and waiting a day is kinda hell.

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I think the OP is really complaining that the game doesn’t make it easy enough to start the hard things.

Please do not say this about the best WoW player that ever lived. He is a god among men when it comes to WoW.

Just trust him

Every spec is easy to master, and everything about WoW is easy.

Has he done anything? No. But that is besides the point.

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+2 Brackenhide Hollow
00:36:36 - OVER TIME BY 01:36

Some people seem to find +2’s hard, OP.

Unlikely :stuck_out_tongue: she’s watched me do 19-20s over my shoulder, it’s a completely different world.

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To be fair, I did dig deeper into their feats list and it seems that at some point they managed to actually get CE on all of the raids and KSM on a different character, but not so much this one.

This is going to sound like a troll response, but I promise it isn’t - because I am a goblin.

I find my goblins toes make sometimes telling if I’m standing in mechanics hard. Does that count? <_<

I am just saying that the person in question is a self described expert on everything. In WoW and IRL. Based on post history.

He can not fathom how any boss, even a mythic raid boss, takes more than a handful of pulls if people are good. Not the hundreds that some not now.

Mythic raiding is difficult (CE level). Don’t really count doing first 2 or 3 mythic bosses as full on mythic raiding as they are usually easier then the AoTC level heroic boss. Mostly mean people who play and raid making it to the last mythic boss. Not easy.

M+ is difficult in the very highest key levels. 19s 20s and so on.

PvP is difficult when getting to the glad level.

It all depends on the level of content. Most WoW players won’t play to that high level as mentioned above. Whether its skill or not enough time to commit to playing that level, it varies from person to person.


Well 'cause I am.

I’ve found the vast majority of people who go “Oh the game is super easy how do you find it hard” haven’t actually done anything competitive (top 100 for example) in their entire wow life.

Wow has been as successful as it is because it is easy for people to pick up, yet has enough depth that hardcore players have the desire to master. Anybody who thinks that every aspect of the game is just a joke clearly hasn’t had to fight against 12 other world class DPS for a raid spot on a top 100 guild, or any one of the other countless activities where that skill gap shines through like the sun. I think it’s completely great that there exists both sides of the spectrum.

Most of the elites I’ve known are intolerable arrogant fotm players with no sense of loyalty. If the game is catered only to people who research their class day in and day out we would lose tons of people who enjoy the game and make it successful because those are the ones playing day in and day out and stay subbed all year round.

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I used to love Disc and then S3 brutalized it for me. Just like how Shadow used to be a chaotic mess and they cut out a few abilities to make it easier. Kudos to the folks who benefited. I lost two things I loved.

Thankfully Pally was there waiting for me to try. My advice? Never play the lowest tier healer. Especially not when it’s in a tier of its own. There’s a reason folks say it’s bad. And it’s not necessarily because it is, it’s bad because it’s the one healer that’s lacking in the clutch department.

(Those pugs need clutches.)

Clutch List:

  1. Druid
  2. Mistweaver (A tool or two behind Druid)
  3. Shaman & Holy Priest
  4. The other healers
    … (Massive gap in between)
  5. Paladin

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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