Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Most players don’t raid any higher than LFR. Many players on the forum complain that classes are too complex with too many buttons. Many players isn’t capable of even getting KSM.

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What level of content do you do to make this claim?

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Define hard. For me I hate questing, I find it hard when I have to force myself to do it.

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The Lucid Nightmare maze was kind of difficult / time consuming, if that counts.

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Even though you said to not say “other people” im ganna say other people. Everything can become easy if you outgear it but if your at “normal gear” lev for a dug or raid and a few of your team have a -10 iq then your doomed.

Hell, i have been tryin to do a h fyrakk all week and OH BOY were there some morrons and peope wantting to be carried floating around. Sure screwing up ones or twice is fine. But after being told what to do and still putting the fire ON THE ROOTS or NOT MOVING in p1 is just pure stupid. Also making the fire line (the thing h adds to the fight) hit the healing adds… no dude. And then they get mad when they get kicked…lol

I did a run today. First 2-3 groups didnt get past p3. My last run for the night tho…Holly molly it was it good. people knew what to do and the ones that didnt asked questions before the pull. We one shot it. Helped that we had a shammy that could solo the healing adds and was purely there to help. We even screwed up the seeds 1-2 times but due to the dk tank being broken as all hell and being able to solo the last few % we won (like really, tank death knight is broken)

So yer, the people are what makes this game earlier or way harder then it should be

That gave me bfa flash backs. Its purple on purple stuff really hurt me and my partly colourblind eyes

Plz devs, never do same colour on same colour stuff ever again. you got a whole colour wheel to play with


This person understands the full meaning of “game”. :slight_smile:

I haven’t tried Mythic raiding but I assume that is the apex of difficulty in the game.

I mean there is plenty of content in wow that is very difficult, and the hardest is in retail. This post makes me think of those classic andies who say classic is harder because the levelling in classic is harder then retail.

I’m not sure I follow. Are we all not playing for our own enjoyment and getting that from the content we choose to engage with regardless of its difficulty?

Even top level pet battles can be extremely hard. If you think nothing in this game is hard, you really aren’t playing the game. I personally choose chill, which is why there are lots of hard things I don’t do.


I’m happy to admit that I’m bad but yes, I can find things that challenge me in WoW. My priest is a tad over 2100 rating and the highest keys I’ve run are 8s because I don’t want to try to force myself on groups higher than that.

I don’t touch mythic raids because heroics are where I feel comfortable and, once again, I don’t want to try to force myself on groups above that and be a liability for them.

Perhaps in the future I’ll push myself to go further than what I currently do but as it stands I find a good mixture of fun and challenge in the content that I’m engaging with.


You say this but as far as I can tell you haven’t actually attempted any of Top tier content; I’m seeing no Mythic raid or KSH achievments under your belt.

Figuring out the Celestial Tournament without a guide seemed hard. Also I’m not finished yet, think I need one more pet’s worth of coins.


This is embarrassing but I’ll admit what’s hard for me:

Underwater swimming/navigation/combat. My depth perception for video games when underwater just absolutely tanks and I don’t know why lol.


You’re throwing all the difficulty on the class when the game is designed with layered difficulties via scaling content, gear, and player participation. The question isn’t a fair one.

A class shouldn’t be hard in a vacuum, because you have all these other things to toggle difficulty. If it all boiled down to class, you’d have the equivalent to a reaction time game on a VR headset or cell phone.

I’d argue if anyone is finding the game to be too easy, they aren’t playing it at an appropriate level. The upper tiers of play are thousands of players out of millions of subscriptions…it’s a very small group that can operate at that level.

You just need 525 and +9/10 will be a sinch :smirk:

Jokes aside, I did it as a Holy Pally with 519. Even then it was a long ride. Pretty much all of my runs were 1-chest and only because we had one or two big-geared DPS.

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I mean wife and I 2 chested an 8 last night so I’m pretty sure I could be above where I am. It’s just a matter of wanting to do it for me I guess.

This is her first season even doing mythics and I managed to force her to KSM on her lock. So I’m proud of her.

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Reading the tiny quest text without my reading glasses is stupidly hard.


I just want to know, you are framing this as a modern wow thing, but what are you comparing it to, classic? If that is the case I can assure as someone who just did all content from vanilla to Wrath, the hardest raids in each of those expansions does not even come close to I would even say a heroic raid in todays game. Now if you are comparing it to other modern MMORPG’s I have no comment, as the only one I have played would be ff14, and that was just for story, as well as Swtor which was again only for story.