Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Button Bloat is annoying.

That’s why I don’t play those “hard” classes/specs because I’m old.


Judging by your account bound feats of strength you have never done any hard content.

Can I ask why?


One of the issues is that WoW has “always” been easy and hard to the same degree. It’s just back in Vanilla there were fewer mechanics, for a generation of players who hadn’t done any mechanics before. And as time went on, there was more and more complicated mechanics, or different combinations of mechanics.

Then then newer players come in at different points throughout the history of WoW who probably came from other games (not necessarily MMOs) which had certain levels of mechanics-knowledge that was needed, and they learn more as the WoW gets more complicated.

But one GIANT example of a simple mechanic that is “easy” and “hard” at the same time, is getting a swirly circle around your character. Literally for years that has meant “stack up for a soak or for some reason in general” and at every single raid tier people run away with the swirly circle and die, or wipe the raid.

And every raid tier you have people who will not speak up about not knowing a fight because they fear they will be kicked.

And every raid tier you have people who literally ignore any sort of context for clues as to what to do. Take the 2nd fight in Amirdrassil and the spears. 4 people randomly targeted. If you are lucky, all 4 people will keep the circles up close to the boss to break the spears quickly. And then the very next set of spears, someone gets it and just runs as far away as possible. Completely ignoring what they literally watched happen the first time. And then usually that same idiot gets the circle again, and what happens? They run as far away as possible.

But there will also always be people that do high dps, die to simple mechanics, and then complain people aren’t doing enough dps, which will get people with mechanical knowledge kicked over people actively wiping raids.

Some people are so stupid in the raiding scene that they make the easiest things, very hard for everyone else.


Vanilla it really feels like you were fighting the game design more than the content.


you think the “getting people together” thing is a troll comment waiting to happen but no. its not a troll comment. its just the reality of pvp at 1-2 am. even if you get the group together you have to still wait for another random group around your mmr to also do the same. and if that cant be done quickly the mmr is a miss match where if you are low mmr you are going to get destroyed by full gear full discord. perfect strats and call outs vs your no voice random group with about half of em not even knowing what the difference between Stables and Farm is.

mechanically? no, the games not hard specifically but its also not easy.
the hard part is getting everyone on the same page.

so like on 90% of boss fights people might complain about how no one knows what to do but you get to razzy and everyone just sits there explaining the fight setting markers. treating it like its a progression raid and everyone is new and needs to be told what to expect. what group to be in where to position.

its almost insane how much more effort goes into getting a lfr group through that and people take the time to do it (or leave)

most bosses are piñatas with loot candy. mechanics can be brute forced in many cases. or only a few people need to know what to do.

M+, no its not hard. not now. and much of that is because of how RNG could wipe a group in season 1 where you get the affix over laps. everyone spread but also stack and if you dont do it exactly at the same time you wipe. and if you do do it at the same time you wipe. and if you didnt wipe, well your also stunned, taking heavy damage and will prob soon wipe because your cds are all used up because people dont clear or track the un trackable RNG things to compare with the trackable RNG things. and then everyone quits the game because its too much rng :upside_down_face:

getting specific achivements and getting things to drop is hard.

i got 3 druids farming an appearance off a rare and with a 2% drop chance. i’d be a meribble if it dropped before the next expansion.
but some how the 10% drop chance item has dropped like 60% of the time.
enough RNG on the 10% trinket drop to get one with tri stats on 1-2 of em. thats like RNG rolls on RNG. yet a single 2% RNG roll feels a lot more like a 1/2000 chance roll.
like the odds of flipping a coin and it landing on is edge is about the same odds? :dracthyr_a1:

RNG is hard.
high end pvp is hard.
doing work, sleep and personal projects makes even getting enough time to do all the grind content hard. hard as in, time consuming.

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Don’t you ever get tired of making “the game is easy” posts while also not having completed the highest difficulty of content?


The Mage Tower is hard; rated PvP is hard; mythic raids are hard; high level keys are hard.

Lots of things are hard.


the game of go (wei chi) has essentially three rules.

does that make the game easy?

if all you do is solo content, then the game is very direct.

if you group at all, especially in a pug environment without comms, the game has instantly become difficult because there are now variables that are random. random is never “easy”.

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You’re literally complaining the game on easy mode is too easy. Now if you want to discuss if the game should even have an easy mode, that is another conversation altogether.

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A lot of players were fairly used to working through and around mechanics (outside of younger people that happened to pick up wow at the time) mainly because WoW originally targeted EQ players.
WoW was literally designed to be an easier version of EQ.
just to help highlight your point here.

I raided for the first time since bfa. Dude. Lfr was cake. It felt like a leveling dungeon. I’ve never been in raids this easy before. The mechanics are dialed way back. It was kind of relaxing.

Ended up getting the hearthstone and the cool looking looking fire protodrake customization from my first run, and ilvl increased from fresh 465 to 480. lol.

the greatest difficulty is retention of teammates and players . beat that and you are fine . other than that , who has the stamina at 40yo to raid three nights a week for three hours after work and family

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Oh boy where do I start?

  1. I get lost in every dungeon no matter how many times I’ve ran through

  2. I just cannot rogue

  3. Figuring out all the talents and cooldowns. Maxing rotations

  4. Using my time efficiently rather than wandering off in some ADHD… LOOK!! squirrel need a hug!

  5. Currencies…so many currencies

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:


Progression mythic raiding, title+ level m+ keys. You should try them sometime before you spout this drivel.

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I don’t equate “hard” with “fun”, so there was lots of DF world content I barely touched until I had season 4 gear.

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The only things that are hard in this game are optional things like getting glad or the hall of fame.

What is it with people doing that?
Quite often it would be like saying Jedi Survivor is too easy because they beat Rick, the door technician.

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I’m tired of people saying this game isn’t hard at the hardest levels. Mythic raiding and high-end M+ are nothing to scoff at. Sure, you can coordinate the living poo out of them, but they’re typically one mistake equals death type situations. And we’re human so mistakes are bound to happen.

If you want a real challenge it’s pugging. Even a +10 this season will test every boundary you have. Not challenging enough? Take in under-geared folks. Yeah that’s right: survivals on cooldown every single pull; interrupts maxed out; success practically non-existent unless you’re just that good.

Yes, this game is hard. If it’s not hard enough for you, fighting games are right there. Better yet, RTS are calling your name.

I dont know what you mean by “hard” i feel like you say it as compared to previous eras its easier.

Like do you mean, “is it hard compared to classic” because if it is then, i will say that Raid mehanics and even dungeons mechanics are lot harder on modern wow yes.

Now it depends what you call hard again, but if you mean that modern wow raid and dungeons are not “hard” then they are even easier in classic.

Everyone’s level of skill is different. Everyone is at a different time in their lives, and comes from a different background level of experience.

I’m an open world solo player, for the most part. I find group content to be very unfun and stressful, so I don’t do it.

In Legion, I wanted the Ghost of the Pridemother appearance from the Mage Tower for my feral druid. To me, that was hard. I don’t know how many tries it took me to get through it, but I did finally get it done. It was also very stressful, and I don’t do well with stress and anxiety.

I would love to have the book mount from the Mage Tower challenges, but it’s all very hard and stressful for me.