Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

I find it difficult to play to the level of hall of fame and 0.1% title players. Been in the 1% zone for quite some time, and the difference between the two is quite large. Maybe some day…

This is what I thought when doing Rasz and Smolderon

POV: you watch half the pugs die to raszageth breath in the intermission phase because they apparently do not have their monitor nor their sound on.

Bro you’ve never done any hard content lol

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For me at least its not that. I play with maxed out settings and have a Acer Predator X45.

There are a ton of factors though that influence a persons ability to differentiate hues of the same color.

  • Women have a higher density of cones in their retinas, which enhance their ability to discriminate between colors, especially in the red-orange range.
  • Men may have a higher density of M cones (medium-wavelength cones), which are more sensitive to greens.
  • Hormonal differences between men and women might also play a role in color perception. Estrogen, for example, can influence the processing of visual information in the brain.
  • As people age, the lens of the eye can yellow, leading to changes in color perception, especially for blues and greens. In addition older people tend to see less surface colors.
  • The colors surrounding an object can affect how its color is perceived due to contrast effects and color constancy mechanisms in the brain.
  • A diet lacking essential nutrients (such as vitamin A) can affect color vision.
  • Eye strain and fatigue can impact the ability to distinguish colors accurately.
  • Mood can also influence color perception, with some studies suggesting that stress or distraction may alter how colors are perceived. Stress can lead to decreased cognitive function, which might make it harder to notice subtle differences in colors

There are some fights so bad I started to wonder if the fight designer is a tetrachromat (meaning they have 4 cones and can see 99 million more colors than the average human being.)

I know on Nymue I had to turn on one of the color blind options in order to see the orbs. Even than I had problems. Which is odd as the last time I took a test I was able to distinguish more color variations than the average male.

The problem for me is there is no counter play to this. I can’t get better at seeing the differences so I simply fail the fight. And its such a simple fix, all it would take is changing the colors to more contrasting colors so everyone can see the mechanics.

Not really 99 million more colors, just able to see a little further into the almost UV spectrum.

But as someone whose family all has a fourth cone (myself included), Nym’s abilities are still really close to the color of the floor. It’s just poor design.

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Yeah I just went with what google said I did see its a lot less in other comments. I wish I could experience it and see what its like. I bet the world looks amazing.

There was a neat internet “test” that kinda demonstrated what it was like. It had a bunch of strips of colors, and depending on how color blind you are you see less strips, average is a certain range, and etc.

For people with that extra cone, it was like 50ish more colors. So it went from 80ish to over 100. Most of those colors exist near purple / violet, but they’re kinda spread around a lot. It’s not like drastic color differences, just you can see more subtle hues.

So it really doesn’t look much different, just more very slight shades to colors. Though, for me, I have visual snow syndrome, so things do look a little weird 'cause of it. When I was little I just thought I could see atoms. :stuck_out_tongue:

But also, I’m extremely sensitive to like flickering on a monitor, 'cause my eyes are paying extra attention. So it’s not all good.

So I looked at it and I apparently have 4 cones (if the results are true,) but the distribution is odd.

I see 74 blocks (75 with the white strip on the side ) when looking at it head on, more when I start relaxing and straining my site, and even more when I look with peripheral vision although each of these are different from the colors I see with the others.

I can see a ton of variation in the purple to pinks a good amount in dark blue a ton in light blues into the light greens, yellow is almost a solid block, oranges and browns have quite a few but not as much as the purples and almost none in the red unless I look at it with peripheral vision.

Its kind of crazy because you can tell where the lines should be by the thickness but you just can’t see them.

I also don’t know if the hues are supposed to go from dark to light but they jump a lot with blues in the purples than going to pink than back to blues which makes me wonder if I precieve colors differently than what they are.

So the test says there are only 39 colors but I see 45 highly contrasting blocks not including the thin lines in some of them or counting that the left and right side of each block is clearly different from each other.

I guess I’ll have to find some other tests. Although I’m interested in knowing what you see.

Different colors I see (and not nearly all as paint lines are to thick and I don’t want to go through the whole thing so picked out what looks like single pixel columns) that I don’t think are intended as they are not large blocks but thin strips inside the blocks.

The first line actually has 3 colors in it.

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It’s very difficult to do a battleground without a Hunter or Rogue telling the entire team they suck.

Basically impossible.

I counted a couple times, I counted 83 very distinct total bars, but I don’t think they were all intended, some of them look like compression artifacts. Maybe this thing was hand painted (digitally), and it’s a bit messy, or it’s an old picture.

I see tons of variation in each “main” color though, nothing is a solid block.

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Ok good its not me in the light blue to green it even looks like its a water color with uneven columns but yeah it looks more like compression artifacts now that you mention it.

Not sure what that says about me being able to see that as a guy though. as it supposedly requires 2 X chromosomes.

I’m a guy with it, my 2 brothers have the fourth cone, my dad does, my grandpa did. I donno about other male family members.

My mom doesn’t have it, but my sister does. Grandma does not. Other side grandparents I never knew.

Ah good to know. Out of curiosity do you have extreme light sensitivity as well? I can see better in the dark than anyone I know but I need special UV glasses to be able to see during the day and driving during the winter even with them can cause migraines sometimes.

I remember the harsh changes to a white screen causing me problems when you took a flight path to different zones in SL’s.

I have like anti-sensitivity to light. When my parents are complaining about going blind due to the sun or whatever, I’m totally fine.

I can also see really well in the dark.

I am sensitive to like monitor flickering like I said though, in some games I can see flickering that’s so bad it makes me sick to my stomach, but other people can’t see it even if I point it out.

The only problem I have with monitors is sometimes I see rainbow aruas from them.

Looks like its usually from polarized glasses. But can be caused by stresses from making them with different temps causing parts to expand.

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Seriously? Are you at this again? Do I need to revisit my previous points in the post you deleted?

I mean literally all of that is a personal problem, and not indicative of any game itself.

Adapt or die, really. Im glad you found an alternative. Zero people can control everyones individual hormonal levels, age, and eye shape lmao.

Bliz can do better when it comes to definitive outlines around their mechanics though. The texture / colour on colour thing is one thing but if you’ve got a swirly that has edges that fade away it’d be nice to know where the edge of the thing actually is.

They literally have. If someone cant see the color they cant see the color. You’re not getting dark blue on a tree fight if the tree isnt an arcane tree.

What I dont like, is abilities with radiuses that are literally wider than the animation.

As in, the animation literally ceases to exist, but the actual ability is wider.

Raszegeth’s strafe is a big one. Some bosses frontals are another. If im completely out of the animation, i shouldnt get hit even if im right next to it.

Thats a different issue entirely than just literally have a different eye shape than most people or being an old geezer.