Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

If your pushing for harder content (Higher levels of M+ and mythic raiding), yes it is hard.

Almost every complaint like this can be solved by just turning the graphics up. Not all of them just the one that controls projected texures. Getting a better monitor wouldnt hurt. I always imagine the people that have this complaint just have outdated monitors/computer and either cant, or wont, get better ones.

Are you asking this as a general question or because you claim nothing is hard for you.

I cant tell because, if it the latter, either you arent posting on a character you play, or you dont play the game at all and literally cant make that statement. I wanna give you the benefit of the doubt but with that character i simply dont believe you.

Logging in.

Not trying to be mean, but if youre serious,wiith that level of mediocrity you would be better off playing fetch with your dog. Itll be easier to follow.

You would benefit from looking at a class guide. You are likely pressing buttons you dont need to press or are worrying about things you wouldnt worry about.

No hack, in the history of ever, can remove achievements or actual content completion flags. Even if every single character was deleted and you had to make a new one, you would still have the achievements because they are shared.

The only possible way youve done content your armory proves you didnt do is if the account itself that your posting on hasnt done them. If youre doing something as disengenuous as that, then who cares what you have to say lol.

I meant someone stole my account and played a bunch of PvP, bro. Learn to read.

Starting at the first boss would be s good start. kekw

You played a warrior. Alone. In vanilla.

And likely because its in vanilla and you likely didnt play when weapon skills were a thing, you didnt level any weapon skill or specialize in any weapon talent, or if you did, you leveled one or two weapon skills but then played with a weapon not of those 1/2 skills.

Warrior rage gen also sucked until like…mid 40s, especially so if you miss/parry/block 2/3rds of all your hits per fight.

That was your prob.

I think getting 20 reliable ppl on a particular day at a particular time consistently who are willing to shove their egos and learn over a season is quite hard to do alone , forget the raids

WoW stopped being hard in WLK. LK is when everything changed to be easier.

I dont know. I really dont try that hard.

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This is the key to happiness

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Errr… this was in Classic.

And Quite honestly If I have to wait until I’m in my 40’s, struggling and paupering all the way to that point over the course of weeks then my point stands: it was a miserable expierience who’s gameplay was made challenging not by innovative gameplay but because of raw tedium.

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Thats what i said.

All classic was, was vanilla frozen at 1.12.1, with gearing, itemization, and raid releases being done in phases to feign a patch rollout without actually changing the patches to make you feel like you were progressing theough the content. Blizzard kept it as close as possible to original 1.12.1 because of the #nochanges crowd up to and including putting stupid stuff like the debuff limit and spell batching back into the game to simulate both outdated blizzard tech, and to make you feel like you were playing dial up again.

In hardcore, intentionally reverting aggro radius changes, making leash mechanics last nearly forever as long as you kept damaging them, server stability, and map errors to make it artifically harder.

You still played a 1.12.1 vanilla warrior, which regrettably is a very tedious and unfun class to play in vanilla if you are doing it alone as they are HEAVILY more gear dependant than any other class even during the naxx patch. You would have HATED 1.1-1.6 warrior if blizzard let us actually play the patches. All classes during those patches were night and day worse than their 1.12 counterparts.

Not leveling your weapon skills just makes it worse because you cant heal, you cant really cc, and beyond cleave and WW you have no aoe, which wouldnt matter anyway because with you missing 2/3rds all of your hits you arent generating rage anyway, you certainly can’t run away because you dont have two charges, cant heroic leap, and if im remembering correctly you cant even charge in combat so you cant charge something else and slow it to get away.

I like how you ignored my first post just to lie like this and potentially tell on yourself.

HAHAHAHAHAH. No one hacked your account to complete content FOR you.

Hacked accounts take your materials, sell everything for gold, and send it to their gold bank character. They dont complete content for you.

The literal only way you had content completed for you is if you bought access to that content or had someone play your account for you, either through just letting them play, or, where its required on third party sites back in the day, you handing your account details over to them and not log in until they were done as they needed access to your account. Both of these scenarios are against the TOS and can get you banned.

If you did that, the statistics wouldnt be that laughably bad, because you arent paying for someone to suck at whatever part of the game youre paying them to do for you.

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It just goes with my easy to learn difficult to master perspective of the game.

I play AROUND the difficult parts or find other means. As in I don’t tank hardly ever. Rogue is not my style. Currencies are superfluous and obsolete by the time I’ve acquired enough.

Mastering any part of this game is exceptionally hard, dynamically changing, and requires constant improvement and evolution of skill. That’s what I was referencing

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

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Gotcha! Totally get that, then, for sure.

2 kills, eat, drink. Repeat.

I also found it not very immersive. YOu get real good at working out detection radii.

X feet out. No aggro. Are they a walker? No, they stand still.

Cool. Whip out the food and water. A relaxing picnic as you watch the satyr at 30 feet. When a player has to eat, they have to eat!

People said wrath killed this. Tol barad in cata has it back. I can have many picnics in the daily underground prison quest areas.

The dungeons have that ambience that really adds to a meal.

Reasons someone might have to steal your account:

It’s blank because nothing about your account is worth stealing

no its not. it has additional mechanics.

Then I did arena in my sleep I guess.