Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Nah there’s still tonnes that don’t all over the game. The shape language is pretty universal, but giving swirlies defined edges still hasn’t happened.

Getting high rating in pvp is hard.

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Wrong. The edges are defined. The problem you are talking about is the ability itself doing damage in spots where, following the animation, it shoild be physically impossible to be hitting.

Making it brighter, dimmer, or a different color isnt going to stop a mechanic from literally being bigger than the animation for it.

But putting a circle where the damage actually stops would remove ambiguity around brightness / dimness and where the mechanic actually ends.

Regardless we’re splitting hairs. It’d just be nice to be able to see where I stop taking damage and where I start.

i’m in the game to escape the world…

Thing is, that already exists in the game.

The more we talk, the more it looks like you just want to be handheld through every mechanic.

You shouldnt need a 10 second telegraph on every single ability that comes out at you, funny enough, you get about half that for modt abilities. Rashok doesnt immediately jump, neltharion doesnt immediately explode, every dragon ever doesnt immediately breathe when they turn, ragnaros doesnt open his hands and blast you with fire, the old gods dont just immediately mind control you, arthas doesnt immediately kill you.

It appears not to be a personal problem though. If anything I can apparently see more colors than most people and yet I have an issue with it as did about 90% of my raid group. The other posts were just finding someone who can see a lot of what I can which does seem rare.

The rest of the first post was not saying people should somehow gain control over those issues but rather highlighting that color distinction its a very complicated issue. While you can try to skirt the boundaries to make it doable by varying hues of the same color, the easy fix that would solve the issue for all players is to use contrasting colors.

I don’t know if you watch many streams but this is something that is complained about time and time again.

For example
With the screen paused its easy to tell which is the cutter lines and what is a line from the floor. In a fight however with them being the same color and your attention on your rotation, other mechanics, looking for a bush to stand in etc it becomes much difficult as you can’t rely on color you need to rely on movement of the beams only and have the ability for intersecting lines of the same color not get lost (a common optical illusion the brain falls for.)

Note the top comment suggest playing with color blind mode on and has 152 likes.

1.4K players agree with the general sentiment that difficulty of a mechanics shouldn’t come from not being able to see it.

There are a ton more but clearly its not just a me problem.

I wouldn’t say that, I get HoF 50% of the time with my guild and play for title most seasons in M+. It’s less about making it easier / handholding and more about minimising frustration.

Most swirlies are 3, most targeted abilities are about 5, and everything has timers anyway for the most part. The point isn’t “I need more time to get out of the way” it’s “I want to know when I am out of the way and I want when I’m not to be clear and consistent.”

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The game has never been hard outside mythic level. The old wow had slower more tedious combat but that doesn’t make it hard. And newer wow is much more fast paced.

Cutter lines for me were never a problem because they always spawned in one of two patterns, but when blizzard “Scale up” swirlie effects like those which get dimmer towards the edges it’d just be nice if there was a hard line circle around the thing indicating where the damage stops.

I think it’d easier to just put a comparison using Tindral.
Fire beams have a ‘circle of death’ where if you end up in the circle, you take bonkers damage.
It also has swirlies, the extent to which where the swirly ends into safe territory is mostly just a rough estimate where part of the graphic actually doesn’t do damage .

Me when a weapon I want drops.

I find it very difficult in a new expansion to replace the raid epics I worked so hard for with quest greens. I am not trying to be funny. It makes me hold on to my items for as long as I can. Thankfully in TWW I will not replace anything until about level 78. But I can also get there in a day if not 80. So yes, the regearing process for me is the hard part.

In fact going back to this for a moment I have a general tip for mechanics like this one that might help.

It’s not about dodging, it’s about finding the free space. Reframing area denial mechanics like cutter beams and and shriekwing circles like this helps a tonne with recognising where / what you should be looking out for and planning your movement. The goal isn’t to get “Out of the way” it’s to assess the safest location and move there until it’s time to reassess.

Probably getting a guild that isn’t full of those who are only there for self progression and not help their guild.

Or finding a guild where it’s not all discord but a mixture of that and guild chat. I hate going into guilds where NOBODY uses guild chat.

Once I realized to focus on the balls I could track them but before that I’m pretty sure we wiped at least a dozen times (more than any boss including frank on normal) because as a team we couldn’t see them. It took looking it up after raid night to see how others were dealing with it.

But its only 1 of several types of fights throughout wow’s history that has caused problems. You can see here where I messed up shrooms, because I’m watching for red rings instead of the mushroom itself (learned to do that later at least in phase 3.) I was pretty sure we missed a seed that night in the fire as well but I can’t find a time stamp for that.

I will agree however that ill defined edges are another thing that really needs work, the edge of every attack mechanic needs a hard border like the red rings around the mushrooms so you know when you are safe.

What we did for mythic was quickly work out that the cutter beams only spawn in two alternating patterns and that the safe place where one ends and the next begins is pretty much always the same, just it might be reversed.

You camp at the intersection until a ball comes, sidestep, sidestep back, repeat.

You can see it in the dratnos video you linked, he plays the whole fight in the same 10x10 yard square (Just on different sides).

Well hell I never noticed that. Would have been nice to know months ago :rofl:

Thankfully it’s a skill you can apply to every mechanic almost, seeing patterns and focusing on the free space instead of the mechanic itself helps enormously.

Looking at your achievements, you’re a heroic raider. So no, I’m sure nothing you do is hard.