Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?


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:popcorn::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: Hardest thing about this game is dealing with all the toxic people.
Fortunately, it’s not the entire playerbase, but it does seem like a larger and larger segment of it with each passing year, sadly.

WoW can be fatiguing, which, imo is worse than being hard. The older I get, the more I am not into dance-dance revolution type encounters. Constantly having DBM yell at me makes me tired also, but I’m pretty brain dead after work, so I need something to help me avoid the ground mechanics.

I’ll admit, I think I’m aging out of this game

Outland Dragonracing Cup. 10 hours to complete all of it. After though, either I got good or Northrend was easy. Only took an hour.

I have not found it hard at all. Let me explain a bit.

Back in 2012, I was totally burned out from 6 days of raiding with 4 different guilds on 3 different realms each week.

It made me sick.

Left the game for 11 years.

Came back 18 months ago. I only do daily quests now. I find them easy.

Rocks are hard like my head.

PvP, I really suck at it, so, for me, it’s hard!

No, but I don’t do mythic raids or mythic 69+

This is by far the easiest game I’ve ever played.

I had just had my amputations on my right hand when Outland Dragon Racing Cup came out. I am still mad I couldn’t get the achievements associated with that because I couldn’t fly level or straight long enough. Some of those courses you would clip even a twig and it was course restart.

Think I spent days just trying to get the basic level course done. So, if that event ever comes back around, I need Advanced and Reverse, but it just won’t be the same completing it now verse back then. The Northrend was easier for me by time it came around because my hand had healed some and I got better at flying with my amputations.

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Daang, Luckily the event will happen again! Outland Races were incredibly tough. I spent 5 hours on A Tempest Keep Sweep Reverse: FIVE! Just to get it down to 70 seconds!

In all honesty, the game is boring.

I believe the only hard part about wow is higher end pvp, you need to know match up knowledge and what your opponents class has access too, and how to counter them, the map for LoS.

Pve you can just keep doing it over and over and do the math to find your chance of success, for raids sit and talk tactics in between pulls etc.

I find many of the mage tower challenges quite hard especially for the specs I don’t really play often.

Mad respect for people with the flying tome mount who did the mt on every spec.

The one where you start above the thorn trees (Razorthorn Rise) literally made me want to quit. The next hardest one is the one where the Skettis Village was. When the circles blend into the territory or trees get in the way of seeing the next marker, I freak out. If it required me to thread the needle, I was not doing too well at the time with my hand.

Even now that my hand is more stable, I still have some issues threading the needle on some courses and why I’ve still not gotten the courses 4 and 5 done on the original dragon racing courses.

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I typically don’t really do mythic plus beyond like +5s, they tend to get somewhat hard for me around then. The main thing I find hard in all honesty is the amount of buttons we have now… Like I’ve always gained Resto druid, but I really want to try out feral; but I’m too overwhelmed to really get used to it. Button bloat is what makes the game hard for me at some points, and it’s a very big reason I’m looking forward to Delves; so i can really make myself learn other specs and classes without hurting anyone’s experience or making them carry me.

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fighting other players

it’s not hard to beat something that’s designed to be beaten it’s a game. players can be unpredictable both good and bad.

I did call it quits with the mage tower. That’s about it. And the green fire boss but dangit I tried really hard with that when it was out.

Yes, as a new-ish player (1 year with like 2 months active), I find mythic +0 very difficult and struggle in normal raids

Yes. Mage tower is hard. M+ can be challenging at higher keys. I do not raid past LFR, which can be hard depending who you are paired with.