Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

I never played a single rated match. I played a bunch of battleground blitz, which for some reason counted as rating.

Only reason I played it is because I wanted to farm a bunch of marks of honor for a transmog set from Shadowlands (80 marks). Was faster queues than normal BGs.

And, because I don’t care about PvP, I was watching movies while doing so.

Same. A lot of the posts people make actually hurt my brain.

Why are you saying you haven’t played rated games when I can see your arena 2v2 match history for 2014?

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Oh I forgot about that. I donno I just wanted to try arena since people always talk so highly of it, didn’t really like it. Was never a fan of PvP in MMOs, I have games like League or shooters for that.

You say you didn’t like the arena, but you played 620 matches and won 134 of them. Was it because it was difficult?

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Oh its another “WoW was harder when bosses had a single mechanic.” person.

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It’s because this player is genuinely awful at the game, has a massive complex about it, and feels the need to project all over these forums as a very weird and unhealthy coping mechanism.

It’d almost be funny if the OP wasn’t so unlikeable.

Although, that W/L ratio is pretty damn hilarious :joy:. Ima assume that was all played at like a 1,200 mmr too :joy:

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620? I played maybe 20. Armory must be bugged, or you’re looking at the wrong person.

It’s a mmo that tries to appeal to a very large audience I would hope most content in the game isn’t very hard or the game wouldn’t be where it is today. However the “difficulty” of the game comes into high gear once you climb m+, raiding and pvp. Usually if something is hard people either give up or beat their head into the wall until they give up or succeed. Nowadays people are likely to swipe their card so who are we trying to fool here when it comes to difficulty?

I’m looking at the statistics of your profile. Anyone can do that. Your lies are hurting you.

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I looked through my profile, and it’s literally blank. I have no clue what you’re talking about bro.

It’s wild to claim nothing about this game is hard when you haven’t even attempted the hardest content yet.

Firstly, you can go to your profile, select the achievements tab, choose PvP, and see that you have an achievement for 100 wins, which is quite a lot for a 1750 rating.

I decided to find your history and visited several PvP log resources, even used the Wayback Machine. Blizzard and partner resources log statistics for each account from as early as 2008 across all gaming activities.

I have no intention of continuing this dialogue with you your lying is disgusting.


2014 was 10 years ago :skull:

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Show me then, 'cause I never played 620 arena matches. I doubt I even played 20.

More than likely you’re looking at the wrong person.

https : //

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Weird I don’t remember ever doing that. I played a bunch of arena in one day with some random druid iirc, and a few games with a pally. So there’s no way I have 620 games.

'cause I don’t like PvP in WoW or any other MMO (sans WvW in GW2), so I would have no reason to play that many games unless I’m farming for transmog or something.

I see. Blizzard and partner portals shamelessly lie, your statistics aren’t your statistics. Good luck, buddy, I think I’ll go.


I didn’t have this name until DF, so. Whatever third party thing you’re looking at is likely not accurate.

Buddy, did you create this character hoping that your account progress couldn’t be traced through it? I’m afraid I have to disappoint you…

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“Buddy” I hate PvP, and always have. I have no clue what tf you think you’re looking at. Someone hacked my account then.