Do people genuinely find anything in modern WoW hard?

Probably not, I haven’t logged into retail since a couple months after DF launched lol.

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I don’t think both sides have nearly the same evidence. A low level elite being overpowered for the level of the player at the time they’re supposed to kill it isn’t even in the same ballpark as, let’s say a mythic raid boss.

It’s not a tie. Not even close.

I understand there’s some frustration with recent Blizzard decisions, I do have my own apprehensions with some of the company’s decisions involving this game in recent expansions, but that shouldn’t make us reach biased conclusions just because we have our disagreements with the current state of the game and our nostalgia gets in the way.

Classic (or Vanilla) was easier than current WoW. It had less player convenience, that’s true. You had to walk a lot without mounts, or with slower ones, you had to meet at the dungeons with people, you had to do a whole walk of shame to recover your body when you died. None of that is difficulty, it’s just inconvenience.

Your character was quite weak compared with the mobs when leveling up. That’s the only harder part of vanilla compared with modern wow. Current WoW has a focus on endgame and the leveling part is just a chore to get there. Even the leveling gameplay itself was easier, as your character usually had to use one or two skills at most to defeat most leveling mobs. Sure, if you pulled two you were in danger, but not because you had to execute a perfect plan to succeed, just because the tuning was against you and maybe you had to either run until losing aggro or use your one cooldown, and that was it.

But, when it comes to endgame content, there was nothing that could be remotely close to the difficulty the modern game can reach. The fact LFR exists doesn’t mean Mythic dissapears, it means there are options for different kind of players.

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I find logging on retail HARD to do i have not been able to accomplish this in a couple years now!!!

You can keep ignoring people, but it doesn’t change the fact that you appear to be talking out your back end when you discuss organized play given your utter lack of achievemnts related to said content.

People who log in once or twice a week find this stuff hard.
People who refuse to read guides or watch youtube vids find this stuff hard.
The game revolves around the toxic casual majority though, and nothing here is difficult for a real gamer.
PvP doesn’t count because that’s not blizzard content- the difficulty is made up by the players in every game. I am top rank in many fighting games cuz I play them long after the best players leave, it’s not because the fighting games are easy or hard.

“This is not my main account, i use an alt battle net account for posting because of stalkers” is their excuse.


It’s narcicism that she assumes anyone here cares enough to try that.

Even people who live and breathe the game seem to struggle.

If the lockout system worked like every other raid difficulty? Maybe. Wouldn’t be surprised.

mythic raiding is hard

mage tower is harder than it was in legion

m+ is hard depending on people you run with

You can dismiss difficulty all you wanted, making it seem like a tie by default, by just the mere fact you are dismissing the very existence of difficulty in games at all.
But, vanilla WoW and modern WoW aren’t the same. Gameplay in particular is objectively more challenging now than then. A “rotation” back then was just using two skills in a certain sequence plus a cooldown. Compare that with modern specs. Bosses mechanics were almost non existent back then, while a mythic raid boss can take hundreds of tries for very experienced people now.

It’s just objectively harder now, even if one could argue that, in the end, it’s all about the player and yada yada.

living and breathing and dying on the hill of shilling for the modern lore does not a good player make.

pvp is extremely hard

m+ is very difficult

mythic raiding is extremely hard

If you’re not challenged by the game you’re not doing content appropriate to your skill level

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starting a basic campfire is really hard.

And the key level. Even with the best people and specs it eventually becomes too hard.

But that is what I like about M+. It can be challenging even in a +5 if that is someone’s current experience/skill cap. And if they want to get better and tackle progressively higher keys until they hit their new ceiling, they can do that too.

Play classes whose optimal rotations takes a lot of work to create the muscle memory for. So that’d be something about the classes I suppose…? But no class has ever been difficult to play, some have just required more muscle memory than others to memorize if one is trying to play them optimally.

In regards to raids … Mythic and new raids when they are released.
In regards to M+ … push higher keys.
In regards to PvP … get better, play better, and versus better players.

So the genuine answer is … yes, obviously.
But it is still a game so there’s nothing that has an inherent difficulty per say because of the paradoxical nature of difficulty in games. But then again, considering who posted this, and have no idea how Mythic raiding works…

No one is surprised that you are asking a question with an obvious answer to it.

idk guys ive really tried to log into retail but i just cant bring myself to play such a toxic version of the game!!!

I would argue even with good players the mythic raids and keys above 15 (old 25) are difficult. I know most players don’t do this content but with the people that do only 0.05 to 0.01% of players are able to achieve it. I have gotten close to CE a couple times but haven’t grasped it yet. I’m in a CE guild now and we still didn’t just walk in and face roll the awakened mythic bosses. It took a few circulations to get the kills. So yeah I’d say difficult content exists if you look for it.

This is REALLY true.

I always hear people talk about how M+ is easy and I’m 90% sure they never did anything higher than a mid-range key, or lower.

The same can be said about Mythic raid. I hear a bunch of people whine that it’s easy, yet if you look, they’ve only cleared heroic (no judgement, I don’t mythic raid - I don’t want that stress LOL)

The world first mythic Fyrakk guild Echo might find something a bit difficult.
Considering it took them 344 tries before they killed him.

The only thing I find difficult in current World of Warcraft, is doing achievements. Yes, you can out level the content to do some of them, but some of them require a group of people to do them and even if it’s a time walking week not everyone is on board to do them. Player verse Player achievements are just a no-go for most of the queue content is non-existent, especially things like Altec Valley for example.