Do not use the gear updater

IF you value your old items from times gone, DO NOT USE THE GEAR UPDATER. It will remove your items and then blizzard will send you some copy and paste response and expect you to be ok with it. I had this item in the same spot since wrath and now its gone. SO if you have items that have been removed from the game at anytime, DO NOT USE THEIR GEAR SYSTEM, there is a chance you wont get it back and will instead get a response like this :

Greetings !

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to Blizzard Entertainment.

Game Master Gleduelhun is here. I’ll be the one helping you today with your request.

What I could gather by reading what you wrote us, is that you’re missing your item. Worry not, Will check that for you.

Okay Daniel, so checking from my side I can see that there’s a reason why the item is missing so let me explain why.

Baiscally you’re supposed to submit Dartol’s Rod of Transformation by the end of the quest, so after the gear update the item got removed and all of the quest logs even the one that you didn’t finsih.

You can find more information about this here:

If you need assistance with anything, face any issues, or even have a small question. Feel free to contact us at any time.

Best regards,
GM Gleduelhun.

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The Gear update service clears all your quests. That means any item that is part of a quest is going to be removed too. This is why they have all those warnings about it.

Unfortunately a GM can not restart your quest for you or give you back that quest item.

You can read more about Gear Updates here

I certainly understand the frustration! You probably did not think about that as a quest item when you did your Gear update and approved the quest wipe.


Unfortunately many do not come to the forums to get warnings in advance, though your PSA is appreciated.


Seems this quest is no longer available. Not sure, but seems to have gone with Cataclysm. But comments seem to think you can keep the rod. Sorry, but GM staff are not always able to replace stuff if it is no longer in game. But it is explained that the update as well as boosts, mail back what it can, and will clear the quest logs.

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In this case I gather he lost Dartol’s Rod of Transformation which is part of a quest line

When the quest line is cleared from the char during the gear update it removes any quest related items from your bag. Some people stop the quest chain partly through so that they had the rod still. Clearing that quest removes the rod.

Thats actually not true as the quest hasnt been in my log since it was removed in cata or mop. you could abandon the quest and keep the rod, it was well known knowledge and a good amount of players did it so we got a fun toy. There has never been an issue until now.


It may not be in your log, but it was in your char records. Those quest IDs and related items get wiped during a gear reset. That means associated items are removed too.

That is how I read the GM explanation, and how it seems to work. I wonder if there is a of “if quest item and player no longer has quest PURGE” type function?

I feel bad for the OP because keeping items like that is fun. There is nothing a GM can do about it though.


This makes me not want to play anymore after 20 years. I just want my item back. Many players have items like these, I made a mistake blizard. You can reroll my whole account, i do not care, i just want that 1 item back. Thats it, just that 1 thing.

Sorry to say, but Blizzard doesn’t do rollbacks, much less for a given player. When they do rollbacks, its done by the server, and they don’t want to affect everyone else for one player.


Sadly Zenjy is right. They don’t have a rollback function for WoW. Unless it is the whole server.

Exception sort of - they CAN access a save point for a character if that char went through a char service like a transfer. The system makes a copy of the char before the service. If a service is reverted then it goes back to that save copy.

They don’t have any process though to just grab a save point and roll you back to it - GMs don’t have those tools.


No, that isn’t how that works. They don’t do what someone wants because they point at a special event to display something. The GMs ain’t going to risk their jobs over a player.

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I don’t think they do a save before the update though. That is the issue - this can not be reverted like you are talking about.

There is a process to save before a char transfer. There is no process to save before a gear update.

That is why it warns you so many times that it will wipe quests, will reset you, and that it CAN NOT be undone.

It sucks to lose an item. Everyone here is sympathetic and knows how upsetting it is.

There just is no mechanic that the GMs have to fix this for you within the scope of their tools or policies.


Just to be clear, the update will ask if you want to clear the quest log. You can opt out of it and keep your quest log.

Quite frankly, you’re not going to get it. The item was removed from the game long ago (and for a specific reason), and GM’s cannot recreate it.

Regarding your warning, it’s true that players should consider the impact of using a feature like this, but this is not Blizzard’s fault. You tried to keep an item that is no longer available (in its original form; there’s a toy that’s a lesser replacement). That would fall into the “unsupported” category of this game. One if those things that it’s not against the rules to do, but Blizzard will not (can not, in this instance) intervene if it goes bad.


I am so sorry. I can tell this really really matters to you. While GMs CAN create some items technically they don’t allow them to. If something is no longer in the game I don’t know that they can do that even IF somehow policy was changed.

Looking at the Wowhead comments this was put in place at least 3 years ago. This is a 2021 comment

Note: the delete item, and item restoration that seemingly worked in classic no longer works in classic tbc. I tried it, deleting the item before the last quest and then using item restoration, it never pops up in item restoration. I even tried contacting a GM who confirmed for me this item is no longer eligible for item restoration. So sadly I missed out on furbolg anytime :sob:

Oh, comments have an article link even.

Common Problems

* I turned in Raene’s Cleansing by mistake

  • I want my Rod of Transformation back

Customer Support is unable to assist with restoring the quest item Dartol’s Rod of Transformation after the quest has been turned in. While there is currently no alternative for Classic Era players, there is an option for modern WoW players to purchase a toy that also turns you into a Furbolg, Stave of Fur and Claw. This is available at Exalted Timbermaw reputation from Meilosh in Felwood.

Maybe you can get the stave with the same function? Might not have the same exact memories associated with it, but it will do the same thing I think.


I’ll add that doing the gear upgrade clears out any non account-wide glyphs you had, as well, WITHOUT WARNING like the Quest Log wipeout will.

Did it on a Druid of mine, and it took away my Glyph of Stars, that I had for YEARS! So, had to re-purchase it.

Just wanted to remind us all about it, in case my thread about it (that I made on that Druid) goes unnoticed, but this thread doesn’t:

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I just had this happen to me on this character that I’ve had since classic and I’m incredibly disheartened. I escalated with a GM/Support, got a typical copy-paste response that this was a bug and they couldn’t do anything about it, and was encouraged to post on the support forums/bug report.

I wish I could take the gear update back had I known in advance since I kept this character as alliance in order to keep the rod. It’s strange since there are other abandoned quest items that I kept for some reason from way back(Black Dragonflight Molt was one)

Unfortunately they dont mean here any feedback or bugs wont get reported here.


The bug report forums is this way as Darthwraith pointed:


This particular issue with the Rod isn’t a bug though. If you do a gear update with a quest reset, you will lose access as this is a quest item to a quest you no longer have.


I just submitted another ticket before returning to my thread from August and following your link here. Thank you for this information.

It seems the only way we may ever have access to this item again is if the devs ever reintroduced the Pre-Cata Vanilla zones and with their quests, via Zidormi or another method.

The Dartol’s Rod of Transformation that my original rogue had, still sits in it’s mailbox with 24 days left till expiration. Total bummer that it is about to disappear forever.

We used to clown around with these in raid or while hanging out in Ironforge.