Do Not Shard Players

This is pure nonsense Fallanaa. MMO clearly entails more than “many people playing at once”. Most video games have many people playing… By your definition Battlefield V is the newest hottest MMO


Also the reasoning behind the changes that made the game the way it is today.

You’re right. Your response is pure nonsense, and a strawman at that.

Battlefield V isn’t a persistent world. :slight_smile: But keep believing you MUST interact with everyone on a server all the time for it to be a MMO, if that helps you sleep at night.

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It’s the experience that was Classic WoW. Seeing everyone that’s on your server.


Actually, from reading between the lines… Classic WoW will have sharding at least at launch. Vanilla did not have sharding, however it also didn’t have the tech for sharding, so that point has no relevance on Classic.

No Sharding! I understand Blizz wants cut the lag/DC’s, but sharding is the wrong solution. Keep Classic classy yall.


It’s only a strawman if you start arguing about whether or not battlefield v is an MMO. My point was your perception of what an MMO is seems to be drastically different than most people’s. Again, YOU said MMO just means there are lots of players playing at the same time. I seriously disagree with that notion, and I think most people would likely agree. Interaction with other players, in particular the ability for natural/organic interaction with other people through gameplay, is an inherent part of an MMO.

People are worried that sharding diminishes those opportunities. You’ve clearly stated you disagree, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong.


Perhaps not. However some posters seem to be insinuating that it isn’t a MMO if you aren’t forced into interacting with everyone on the server all the time. Which is not the case.

But you aren’t actually forced to interact. Sharding might take away the opportunities for interaction for other people, who actually want that part of the game. Having no sharding just makes things crowded. You clearly don’t like the crowding, because for you other people aren’t a part of the game you’re interested in, but those crowds are an inherent part of the game. It’s okay to not like playing in over crowded settings, so pick a low pop server, wait 2 weeks to start your character, go grind boars instead of questing in Northshire Abbey, whatever, but don’t advocate for fundamental changes to the game. World of Warcraft is crowded. It just is.


Sharding does not remove crowding though. But we’ll have to see how sharding is tuned in classic I guess. All I can say is in expansions with sharding I’ve seen plenty of big crowds.

Don’t shard me bro.


Failana just wants the single player wow experience on old content, report and move on. They haven’t said anything new in how long? Just repeatedly spamming the same tauren feces. A troll is a troll, stop feeding it.

Returning to the topic: I’ll restate what I said before. Once it’s allowed in the game ANYWHERE, it will infect the entire game, and there’s no arguing that. We know blizzard. We know how they operate. They pick a play and, until it costs them a significant amount, they don’t care what we say.

My list of people wanting to join my guild was at 68 battletags waiting on classic launch. It’s now at 14. Most said sharding was the reason for no longer wanting to play.

There’s some sample data for ya blizz. 54 people quit because you sharted in classic and a few other choice mistakes.


Yeah I don’t care one way or another if it’s there. I’ll be honest, been there for every new xpac, and I hated how many people were in the same zone competing for kills to get quests done and move on. Especially if it was a named mob. Some of you people need to move on. You stated your points. Your repeated attempts to one up others doesn’t make you look good. Makes you sound entitled.

What happened to your stance of “only the starting zones at launch” and any other sharding is unacceptable?

It seems that you can’t even hold yourself to that limitation.



Don’t you mean “obstacles”?

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Oh goodie! Another harassment troll to flag. I love when they attack me directly so that I get to flag their post (and get them actioned more times than not).

On topic. Sharding during the launch event is better than any alternative presented so far. Blizzard, just do it!

I don’t like being right about this, but already we see the implications of putting sharding in at any capacity. Players will come to expect it, and demand it to continue in more and more circumstances.

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This is why it is far better if Blizzard does not even get that first toe in the door regarding sharding.

Classic should NOT be about convenience, IMO. Players should learn to deal with obstacles, even if those obstacles are other players.

Players should adapt to Classic, not expect Blizzard to adapt Classic to suit them and their instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratification, convenience oriented mindsets.


The issue is how many servers do you think blizzard will release? What will the server cap actually be if it’s like vanilla at 2500 then we estimate 1.5 million people play at launch. You would need an insane amount of servers. And I really don’t think they are going to release that many servers for a game that is basically free in the end (free as in how many people are going to play just for classic).

I’m not a fan of sharding either but it it comes down to sharding or increased spawn rate I’ll take sharding.

This answer alone is the reason why sharding exists.
The majority of the Classic community enjoyed the struggles of no sharding and loved it becuase of the memories it created those were good times in the game, becuase of the sheer number of people online. Feels good to be playing with 100s by your side.

Again i will say. If there are so many servers, the servers with the coolest names will be the ones to suffer the fate of being overcrowded, it doesn’t take long to get out of starting zones though. I think it will be fine without sharding, as long as there is increased spawn and drop rate in the starting zone alone to move people along and not crowd the area for long. This will only happen to the servers with the coolest names for the first few days. It wont be so bad. The game will survive at launch without sharding. Do not do it.