Do Not Shard Players

No Sharding

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Then pservers won’t die off and will be more Blizzlike than Blizz !!

It doesn’t even take very long to get to Westfall. Thats like an hour and a half - two. Then it will be spread out from there.

Yes – sharding, zoning, and all instanced content for that matter, turn the MMORPG into a MORPG. Not quite “exact opposite” as you say, but an important difference.


Depends on how you play. I usually create all my alts, get them to level 5, get professions going and then park them at an inn.

So I do stay quite some time in the 1-10 zones.

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im getting my butt through Westfall onto Redridge onto Duskwood ASAP
Will be doin quite a few DM runs while in Westfall.

So you want to be instanced away from the open world, with a max of 4 other people in your group, to avoid sharding because it’s anti-MMO? :wink:


I never experienced AQ opening. Without sharding, it is going to be high on the epicity scale.
*reference mark kern and john staats classic cast interview

This is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever posted.

It will not be necessary Blizzard.
Let us experience Classic as it was!


The players that want Classic to be sharded will most likely not even roll on Realms that will be so populated that they imagine it will be a nightmare. It won’t be.
Players will be so spread it out, it will not be necessary.

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It will be necessary at only launch, Blizzard.

Classic launch was a disaster.


Most realms at launch will be a nightmare.

Players won’t be spread out at launch.

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As long as there are lots of Realms available for selection it’s not going to be a problem.

It’s only going to happen to a few realms.

Furthermore, it’s literally a part of the experience. It is a funny moment you remember when there are many many people around you at the start. It’s memorable. It’s part of the magic that makes Classic WoW the memory we had of it.

I understand there are a few who don’t want to experience that because they don’t like it for whatever reason. But why do those few people have to kill that experience for the majority of us that want to be a part of that moment?

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BfA and all it’s servers had a terrible launch and this is with sharding, what make your think Classic would be better without it?

The AQ Gate Opening was an epic server crash-fest on my Server, and I was there for about the first dozen crashes before managing to hearth out of there.

Here’s a sercret about the AQ Gate Opening: Aside from the mount and the Scarab Lord Title, you can “witness” the event again later on, all it takes it completing the quest up to that point in order to trigger it yourself, or get somebody who has done the quest to go click on a certain terrain feature to trigger a replay of the event in question.

Without the gigantic cluster of insanity swirling around you.



That is all any of our discussions here on the forums really boil down to. Aside from the few facts Blizzard has given us, everything is speculation.

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Fair enough. We don’t know what Classicℱ launch will be like.

But I er on the side of fewer (read: no) post-vanilla changes.

i believe the server issues had nothing to do with sharding though. Legions was pretty good with it though. smooth i mean,

No. No. No. No sharding. I would rather sit in a long queue. The experience from LVL 1 in classic MATTERS. 1-10 is not a throwaway experience like in retail. Why not make everyone start at lvl 10 and just place them randomly all over Elwynn Forest to “spread them out”? Makes about the same amount of sense. Why can’t the powers that be see that having work shyte out for ourselves is part of what we want? If I have to forgo a certain quest and level my cooking because there are 15 people at the spider cave
 then so be it.


You got 2 options:

  1. No sharding. Everyone lags. No one can finish quests cause you got 1000+ people in the same starting zone trying to kill that boar and logging off quitting and raging and you’d also all be lagging and crashing servers.

  2. Sharding for first few weeks and avoid that.