Do Not Shard Players


No, as interacting with someone can be done via chat and party invites also. You’re hung up on this “I need to see everyone”, when you don’t. It’s as simple as chatting in the zone general chat to find a group.

Happened plenty for me in the demo. I gave a ton of players MotW. Even chased a mage that gave me AI down so I could buff them in return.

This is what I prefer. And as another poster said earlier… I doubt it will be needed at all after the initial launch rush as login times stagger.

Do I want it everywhere? Not really. Do I care if it is everywhere after launch? I won’t throw a fit, even if I don’t like it.

that’s not the only type of interactions.
for example - exchanging buffs with someone you see.
or for example - when i was leveling in vanilla.
i had a mage trade me some free food.
later i saw the same mage aoe grinding.
i saw a horde hunter kite mobs through his blizzard.
i helped the mage kill the mobs and then the hunter.
he then invited me to his guild.

stuff like that? won’t happen as often with sharding.

but it ain’t going to happen nearly as often with sharding now is it?
also it effects the resources of the server.

you may not. but clearly plenty of us here are ready to quit. sharding is about as anti mmo as you can get. it actively splits up the playerbase. and that is a problem.


Then do so. From what I have seen online, PLENTY of people are going to play Classic whether they shard the starting zones or not. So, the small vocal minority that is stomping their feet because of sharding (which is NOT anti-MMO), won’t make that much of a difference.

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what’s your source? because i’ve been on mmo champion, reddit, and here. and the majority of the people on all 3 agree that sharding is terrible.


Actually, the majority of people believe that sharding for a limited time is fine. On all 3 places.

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funny because from what i’ve seen most don’t want sharding at all. what they are willing to do is compromise and accept sharding in starting zones only, for a very brief period of time only, in exchange for absolutely ZERO SHARDING elsewhere.

if i’m wrong provide me with a list of everyone who actively wants sharding used.

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Usually when that happens it’s because of multi tap nodes, otherwise this only happens with nodes on the edges of shard boundaries. So we’ll have to see what the shard areas are.

Fixed that for you <3


you know what sharding is going to do as well? because of the very nature its going to inflate the number of resources being generated by the game.

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yeah i have yet to see him provide a source that shows the majority WANT sharding.
what i see is the majority accepting that sharding will probably be used at launch. they also want to contain it to launch only. and then be gone. forever.


It was correct before you attempted to fix it.

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then show us your source. because you keep saying the majority wants it on all 3 sites. but right here on these very forums the majority seem to be against it.
the only people actively for using sharding are you and ziryus.
everyone else seems to grudgingly accept using it in the short term to aleviate the tourism issue.


Well theoretically if this only stays in the starting zones it’s a non issue. But either way the number of resources stays relatively the same to the number of players.

not in the slightest.
lets say each zone generates x herbs.
and each zone, when all the shards are factored in, is basically now 3 zones.
you’d end up having 3 times the normal number of herbs.


And you have 3 times as many players gathering and using them. But then that’ll only matter if after the initial rush there’s still too many players , at which point it’ll be interesting to see what blizzard does.

Ok Fallanaa,

Lets take this singular thread were in right now. I’ve counted 20 people who are against shardng and 4 people who are for sharding. So in this singular thread 20% want it, 80% do not want sharding. So yes the vocal MINORITY wants sharding and are making any excuse and half truth in order to fit their narrative as to why sharding is necessary. Now go look at any other anti sharding thread the findings will be consistent with what we saw in this singular thread.

But the simple FACT remains WoW, TBC, and Wrath all survived and FLORISHED without sharding.



LOL. Nah. But, you keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night.

I will, because I want to see tons of players playing the game, lagging the servers, filling the chat, crashing the world server over and over AND OVER AND OVER!

I want to enjoy the utter chaos of so many players grouping into 5 mans, mad dashing about to get that ever so important tag, while 80% of the players don’t even understand the importance of weapon skills or wands.

Because even without allowing sharding, the servers will get better as players filter out slowly. Nobody needs to hit 60 first week, though many will try. You might be surprised how important it is to have as many people in an area as possible when it comes time to doing certain Elite quests. Or to fight off the Horde. Or do just meet strangers and play with another person to get that quest done faster.

And if resource competition is an issue let it be one. Blizzard has shown numerous times they can’t handle balancing a game economy when they meddle and dispense gold rewards (The Garrisons proved that).

Sadly I doubt Blizzard will care about this. They will almost certainly include sharding at lowbie zones for launch. Then they will likely put it into the rest of the zones sans Capitals because of “reasons” and Classic Retail will be dead.


Hopefully so.

No evidence of this. More fearmongering.


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Sharding, no sharding, it doesn’t honestly bother me at all. It’s a very overrated issue imo.