Do not remove pets from MM hunter (Megathread)

I was also talking about 3’s too.

Noncitizens pay taxes too. They don’t get a SAY about that either, but they have to pay such if only for the sheer privilege of existing in the sovereignty. Which more than less of us do, as it had been argued that the actual core M+, Arena, and Mythic raiding pops are few.

And those of them on the forums say class/specs should change this way or that because they’re actually “doing the content that matters” and how meaningless it is to the more casual garden variety. They’re the ones that say casual opinions don’t matter because every class/spec already has what they need to do all the casual content.

That’s in line of “You get out what you put into it.” The hardcores have argued this forever; why should a casual get what they get without putting in all the effort?

Then you were wrong.

Lmao, the cope

We get to say the same, as long as we have access to official foruns

Cash was telling me he’s going to be hated a lot again when Double Tap comes back…

I don’t mean to say that I’m coping about not being a citizen. It’s only fair because I work two jobs and have other projects besides either Retail or Classic WoW. I know I don’t deserve more than those who are putting in a solid 40+ hour week for this. Just sayin’!

The 11.1 rework wasn’t even really my idea. My idea was to get MM into its own class, which might still happen. Whether the Blues were listening to me or not last year, I don’t know…

One could argue that we all put in the same amount, an equal sub a month that keeps the lights on, so to speak. One could also argue that this is just a quantity of players vs a quantity of time put in. Hardcore players log a greater time played as individuals, sure. But as a collective? Less so. Half the time played, but double the number causal players and you got an equal amount of hours logged, and that is a generous assumption. Still, it is ultimately up to blizz to make these call and everyone else, hardcore or causal, just have to deal.

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Daily Reminder: Don’t remove pets from MM.


Daily reminder: do it. The majority of them don’t use pets anyway and maybe it’ll feel less crap to play


[Citation needed]


I’m certain Blizzard keeps track of all that little guy :wink: if they see the majority of MM hunters are going Lone Wolf, it makes sense to push in that direction.

PTR feedback has been spectacular btw. Get used to it :smiley: the new MM spec is about a month away!

Sure, but did they tell you it was majority? no, they didnt.

that’s rly dumb statement, when there is countless of unused skills and talents that are never picked and they dont get rid of then.

What you are doing is a fallacious premise derived from a conclusion.

Funny, you are the third Alt DK to say that, in less than 24 hours none less

Curious indeed :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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My hunter has been shelved since the beginning of DF and will be getting dusted off ocne this change hits :wink: my main is a shadow priest. This is my forum posting alt. Cope.

And enjoy new MM :smiley: your crying won’t stop it bud.

How surprise, a clueless FOTM player

Im shocked guys, literally shacking with the reveal :face_exhaling:

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I played hunter from Vanilla-Legion as my main. Why you salty about alts in a game that encourages alts? lol that’s a brick-brained take.

:slight_smile: keep crying. Your cope won’t change the MM petless spec coming.

i played hunter as my main since warcraft 3 and dota all stars :rofl:

you want a cookie or a diaper? either would work for you.

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We are talking about a Milton class/spec that never got a piece of the FOTM cake…

h ttps://

You literally dont have an actual reason, you just get off on other people being unhappy. Thats the entire basis for your stance “Hahahaha youre mad and upset and that makes me happy”.

Grow up.


That’s not it at all. I’m telling you guys plainly: it’s a game. Grow up. Was I bummed when they changed SV? Heck yes. Did I whine all day long about it on the forums? No, because adults typically have more important things to worry about and if I was no longer enjoying the game, I unsubbed – which I have done several times vs. whining.

Stop trying to gatekeep what people should do and not do, no one care about you or your advice big boy

Nobody care if you were or not

but you are whining about other people complaining, you are worse

Step away from the discussion if you dont like or dont agree, grow up

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If this is the case and you just dont care because its just a game why are you even here posting in the first place? Are you just here to whine about people whining or?


i wish they would keep the pet as an option. it is not hurting anything.

gonna miss running around and mass pulling 10-20-40-60% of a delve or zone with barrage md’ed onto my pet then slowing, binding shot, volley/salvo and watching everything drop to the ground like wet rags, dead.

i dont know how blizzard does it but this is the 2nd spec they managed to ruin in the hunter class in 8 years.

since melee survival hunter does not exist in the world of any “real” hunter, i guess we can roll bm and barrage md onto pets, but it just dont have that same feel, that thump! so whatever. blizzard has been failing hard so its no surprise anyway.